I've played only Colin McRae Rally 2 on the PC, then a lesser title (but still good), Mobil 1 Rally Challenge. I honestly cannot say that I know real rally racing when I see it. I Cannot race real rally racing. So how am I to know what's acceptable for a rally racing game? Since I don't know, I can't suggest.
One thing I do know is that the rallying mode is there for those who wish to race life on the edge of a knife. While past iterations of the Gran Turismo franchise hasn't really been designed like typical point-to-point stages, it is still satisfying to swing your car into opposite lock, tackling a hairpin on a like a true professional. Rally cars have been around since GT1, but never really emphasized until GT2. Do you remember the Subaru Impreza Rally Car in GT1? While it was quick, you really needed to modify the gear ratios to give it a good top speed. Since then, courses have been mostly rally cross. I also disliked the 5 Second Penalty. Sometimes, I use the penalty to get even with someone. A 5-second penalty is more of a plus or maybe a "time out." You'll need to rear-end the leading car in Tsukuba Wet (Hard) to win, so you win however you can.
* Do I want rallying in GT5 even if under some specialized conditions? Yes, and here's why. Just because it's a rally car doesn't mean it can also be a race car. For me, the rally cars are low-powered racing machines you can use to win races in lower-level competition. As far as rally courses go, I do want a little challenge in the courses I race, but no challenge too impossible to where I'm mad as hell. I don't think PD should just center to circuit racing. Instead, try to cover as many bases as possible because the life blood of Gran Turismo is racing. I don't see people complain about Codemasters having to stick to touring car racing while there are other types of cars and race series (ex. ToCA Race Driver 2, and its upcoming sequel), so why PD? Why Gran Turismo? Rallying in Gran Turismo isn't the best, but it isn't the worst either. The WRC had a tragedy take place this past weekend (my thoughts and prayers to Michael Park, I believe his name is), do you want to crash into a tree or have your car damn near explode? * Everyone also makes a big deal about damage. Though it happens in rally, I don't care much about it as long as the look and feel of rally remains intact. And a few times, I kind of imagine my car getting all dirtied up, and that's something I wouldn't mind. Only thing is that PD finds some way to cover the car with in places or around the whole car. My answer- yes. Keep rallying and give GT fans a chance to explore other forms of racing.