WRS Driver List By Division

  • Thread starter boombexus
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No prob hotrod. ;)


Welcome our newest div 3 racer, heero 12.

He is a total newb to the planet, but seems enthusiastic and ready to learn.

Welcome heero, enjoy your time with us, hope you learn what you can and I'm sure you will improve over time just like everyone else who sticks with it. 👍

Enjoy your stay, and enjoy your competition in division 3.

Btw, if you wonder where you placed, your name is placed in the list of registered drivers according to your qualification time vs all the others.

Good luck, have fun, go ahead and start whenever you wish.


We've got a new one.
Only 1 post on the gtp. :rolleyes:
So he must be here only for the series.

angelx is the newest div 1 racer.

Say hello and welcome him to the series as you all do with everyone else.
Later. :D
New Racer:
Division 2.

:D ;)

No for real, "flat-out" is the newest div 2 runner.
Looks like he's actually gonna submit with us, so welcome him.
GTXLR is now the newest division 2 driver.
Dima is now the newest division 3 driver.

Have fun with us fellas, and all you vets welcome them accordingly. ;)
Later. :D
Im finally back again,

been missing in action for about a year, no computer, buying houses, car rebuilding, the list goes on, then of all things i forgot this website....

But im back ready to get back into the racing...... Might wanna put me in the lowest class, the old ps2 has some dust on it..

hey wassup wsssp,
where bouts in melbourne u from?
ive seen quite a few people from melb on the boards latly, i might try an get an ilink going
Hey boom,,,, yeh dood, its been awhile mate... but all settled now ready to get back into the ps2, more importantly GT3.....

Boone, Im in Croydon mate...... been wanting to do the ilink for awhile......

PjotrStroganov is our newest div 1 driver.

Welcome and enjoy your time with us!

To all other racers, he asked if I wanted a xport replay, so he must be for real, and that is always a good thing. 👍

Also, there was a racer that I registered last week when I couldn't use my computer due to phone line problems ( I think it was a div 2 driver).

If that driver could come forward and remind me of who they are and their division, I will add their name to the official list.
I ran into trouble with that since I couldn't use my computer.

Sorry about that, and if it doesn't matter to the racer, that's cool too... I am just offering the chance to get their name on the opening list of this thread.

No problem if they don't come forward, and if they do, all the better for them.

Anyway, say hello to Pjotrstroganov and welcome him/ her to our series.

I think I figured it out...

MR2fast4you is the newest div 2 driver.

Welcome him as you have all the other drivers.
He barely sqeezed into div 2, so we will see how this works out. ;)

Good luck, and have fun with the races mr2.

Bye. :D
Alright, lots of stuff going on today, so a new post is in order... :D

Darin is now the newest div 3 racer.
Please welcome him just like everyone else.

Now since this makes the third member to be put down today, I am going to recap the new drivers.

Div 1: PjotrStroganov
Div 2: MR2fast4you
Div 3: Darin

I hope all of you have an enjoyable time with us in the weekly, and may you find the success or experience you are searching for.

Till next time, later.
Division 2:

Say hello and welcome to our newest div 2 racer, pinkertonpunk.

Hope you have fun with us, div 2 is highly competitive and plenty of fun. Good luck and remember to keep it clean.

Division 3:

Welcome him to the series, let's hope he comes and competes. :D :mischievous:

Have fun out there on the track. 👍

Later. :D

Update: edit: new driver.
theman631 has been added to the registered drivers list.

He has 0 post and qualified .002 behind the first place div 3 driver. I have no clue about his intentions or where he will be placed due to his time on the cusp of divisions.

theman631, if you are reading this, I will assign you a division after you complete a race with us.

Please welcome this racer as you have for all the others.

Enjoy your stay and have fun racing.
truenodrifter is new in div 3

queez is new in div 2

Chriskory might also show up for some runs as well.

All of these guys are either newbies or total newbies with 0 or 1 post.

If any of you show up, congrats.
If you don't show up and race, thanks for wasting my time. ;)

Still waiting to see about all the various newbs that register. :tapsfoot:

But there is a new racer on the block.

xport included. :D

tuff240, Welcome to division 1.

Start racing when ever you wish. :D
Hello everyone!

I'd like a copy of the times for the registration race whenever you get a moment. PM or email is fine.

Thanks and see you on the track!
I don't think you can ask for that. All I know Gokents does for the registration's is that he ranges a time and whatever time you get and its in that range of class, is the class your in.
At the end of the first post it says we can ask for the list if we are registered. If not, that's okay too. I just like to see how I compared to everyone else. I noticed I was ahead of a lot of people I'm usually not. :confused:
Welcome to

Terrible Tigers in div 1
AmsevenCrx in div ?

He remembers. :lol:
Think div 2.

Terrible tiger offered replay verification. 👍

Hope you guys have fun in the series.

I can hit you with the qualifier times... soon enough, be patient. :D
Tell me if that pm got to you... I just sent one and internet explorer timed out the new page after I submitted the message...
So if it didn't get to you, just ask for the times again. :D
Welcome to
Terrible Tigers in div 1
Terrible tiger offered replay verification. 👍
Hope you guys have fun in the series.

Thanks GK.
Ermm... which division? Your PM said div 2, this message says 1 :dopey:
💡 I'll assume the worst and go div 2 👍

Nice to be here guys n gals, gonna try and throw #69 around before deadline (and before my holiday starts on Monday -- YAY!)

I can hit you with the qualifier times... soon enough, be patient. :D
Tell me if that pm got to you... I just sent one and internet explorer timed out the new page after I submitted the message...
So if it didn't get to you, just ask for the times again. :D

Nope, didn't get it.
Please send again whenever you have a chance.

Patrick "Tuff240"
Welcome to all the new racers in the WRS :)

Kent you're doing an awesome job with the weekly ( better than Boom even, dare I say! :P no, that's just mean Boom you da best! ;) ) Kent you'll have to make do with 2nd best

argh! lets just call it a tie instead

keep up the good work Kent 👍 I'll be back for some more weekly's soon also :mischievous:
Welcome to all the new racers in the WRS :)

Kent you're doing an awesome job with the weekly ( better than Boom even, dare I say! :P no, that's just mean Boom you da best! ;) ) Kent you'll have to make do with 2nd best

argh! lets just call it a tie instead

keep up the good work Kent 👍 I'll be back for some more weekly's soon also :mischievous:

:lol: :lol: :lol: 👍

Can't tell you how much of a chuckle this was when I saw it!

Welcome to all the new racers in the WRS :)

Kent you're doing an awesome job with the weekly ( better than Boom even, dare I say! :P no, that's just mean Boom you da best! ;) ) Kent you'll have to make do with 2nd best

argh! lets just call it a tie instead

keep up the good work Kent 👍 I'll be back for some more weekly's soon also :mischievous:


Sneaking that in on me huh.

Guess I missed it at some point but thanks Mrs P. ;)

Much appreciated. :D

Btw, tuff240,
I will get those times to you soon enough.

It's odd to see anything in this thread other than my usual updates on the racer list.
That's probably why I missed all the stuff above... I just don't come here unless I have a new racer to sign up. :dopey:

But thanks again, all of those comments mean a lot to me. :sly:

Later :D
New racers have been registered throughout week 70.

Smallhorses has been registered and qualified as a division 2 racer. However, due to the qualifying time, he may be moved to division 1 on his first week completing a race.

wellyrn has also registered with us and qualified as a mid-pack division 3 racer.

Good luck to both of you, I am hope you can enjoy yourselves in our series. ;)

Please don't hesitate to use the suggestions box and try to get a week dedicated to your favorite car/ track combo. 👍

Till next time,

Eagle has been registered to division 2

Welcome him and wish him luck. :D
New Racers

New racers this week...
(week 72)

icemanshooter23 has been registered to division 3
tc66tc has been registered to division 3

Please have fun and enjoy your time with us.
Remember to keep your racing clean and include your division with your final time submissions.

Hope you 2 can have fun and improve your skills, which I am sure you will do over your time with us.

Good luck and have fun,
cya on the track,
Terrible Tigers

My name is still on the list for div 2 !!

Well, I don't exactly remember what conversations we have had in the past... however, I do remember that for week 71 you pulled a perfect mid-pack division 2 placing.

If you ask me, that is far more important than what you might have done in your initial qualifying run.

Btw, what exactly would you like me to do?

Move you to div 1?
Move you to div 3?

To me it looks like div 2 suits you well... however, feel free to pm me with your thoughts... I'm always open to anything. :D
Well, I don't exactly remember what conversations we have had in the past... however, I do remember that for week 71 you pulled a perfect mid-pack division 2 placing.

If you ask me, that is far more important than what you might have done in your initial qualifying run.

Btw, what exactly would you like me to do?

Move you to div 1?
Move you to div 3?

To me it looks like div 2 suits you well... however, feel free to pm me with your thoughts... I'm always open to anything. :D

I am such a :dunce: -- Should read: My name is still not on the list for division 2.
Names updated.

Hope things are better now.
Hit me if there are more problems. :)

New racers:

Event Horizon registered and qualified in the top half of division 3.

TS020 registered and qualified in the middle of division 3.

And last but not least,

Johnny Blaze registered and qualified in the lower half of division 3.

All of these racers seem interested and excited to be running with us. Treat them well and give them the respect you would give to any other racers.

Good luck fellas and have fun. :D

Oh yeah...

Remember to keep your laps clean, play by the rules, and always submit your division with your final time submission.

till next time,

Oh, all of you have been added to the big list. 👍


Omero has been added to division 3.

Welcome and please try to enjoy our racing. :D
Hey Go Kents! My name is not on the list My reg was noted and verified.Please put me on the list or mail me if something is wrong! See you at the tracks!!
Hey Go Kents! My name is not on the list My reg was noted and verified.Please put me on the list or mail me if something is wrong! See you at the tracks!!

Sorry bud.

Didn't see your name on the list either.

I will send you a pm soon.
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