WRS New Drivers and Promotions

  • Thread starter Tedehur
Welcome aboard kingof1982.

kingof1982 has been placed into Division 3 :cheers:
We have two new members,
actually one,

Former GT3 WRS div. 2 racer ,markprichard,again placed in div.2 👍

and boostpower,placed in div.3 👍

Welcome aboard guys.

Been elsewhere in the meantime racing GT4 - but that has dried up due to a forum collapse.
The rules of racing are slightly different here, but hoping to get up to speed quickly enough.
Been elsewhere in the meantime racing GT4 - but that has dried up due to a forum collapse.
The rules of racing are slightly different here, but hoping to get up to speed quickly enough.

Welcome mark!!! :cheers: I am be prejudiced, but I think you will enjoy returning to WRS. It's been the best racing site I 've ever found.👍👍
Been elsewhere in the meantime racing GT4 - but that has dried up due to a forum collapse.
The rules of racing are slightly different here, but hoping to get up to speed quickly enough.
welcome back mark. what steering device are you using? we need that information for the weekly leaderboard. just ds2 or wheel will suffice, thanks!
Welcome gigiumba to the WRS.:)

gigiumba will be racing in division 2.
RACECAR will be racing in Division 2.


Have a nice stay here.
Please welcome racingfreak01 to the WRS.

racingfreak01 will be racing in Division 2. 👍
Welcome to our new Div.3 racer CobraMustang.

CobraMustang,take a seat and we see you on the track.👍
Please welcome allshonogo in the WRS as racer in division 3.

See you on the track 👍
Welcome aboard Dawber.

Dawber has been placed into Division 3 👍
a true welcome from me too.
to make an observation in all frank- and boldness :scared:: of all the new wrs guys i see admitted by wrs stewards, only so few appear on a weekly basis in the wrs charts. hopefully this'll change with the new blood that's being announced 👍
Please welcome 01gtp to the WRS. :cheers:

01gtp has been placed into Division 3. 👍
Welcome, welcome and welcome again, especially to all of the new Div III drivers. :cheers:

Hope all of you enjoy yourselves. See you on the track.
thanks for taking the time to welcome me in
the wrs is a great way to race the world:cheers:
Welcome aboard mtbiker157.

mtbiker157 has been placed into Division 3 :cheers:
Please welcome our newest WRS member, danielluke.

danielluke has qualified into division 3. 👍

moaibob has himself qualified for division 2.

Roberto, welcome to the WRS. :cheers:
Welcome to the WRS ,SouthBankJimmy.:)

SouthBankJimmy will be racing in div.3

Welcome welcome welcome everyone! Always glad to have some more competition each week... :)
A new member in div.2,J-PaP👍

J-PaP enjoy your stay here.
welcome to the new racers in the wrs
mtbiker157 for kicking my 🤬 last week w/ div 3 win
moaibob in div2
J-PaP also div2
danielluke div3
SouthBankJimmy div3
lets see some T times so we know who we are racing this week
Please welcome Green_Flag to the WRS.

Green_Flag has been placed in div.3
