You still do not have to spend a single penny. As I said, I have not spent a single penny on World of Tanks or Neverwinter.
World of Tanks has a trueskill matchmaking. So even if someone did P2W (pay to win) one of the higher level tanks, instead of playing to win that tank, they would most likely be crushed. Just because someone has the money to buy a higher level tank, does not mean they have the experience or knowledge to use it. That's just like if someone bought the best car in a racing game, doesn't mean they can actually drive it. Luckily the matchmaking works very well in this game. One of the best matchmaking systems next to the Halo series.
P2W means little to nothing at all in Neverwinter. That game is 99% based on co-op dungeons, co-op campaign, co-op dragon battle raids, and co-op skirmishes. Very few people actually play the vs multiplayer in Neverwinter. It is only maybe 1% of the game. Those that do pay for the micro transactions and play the co-op, help everyone a LOT.
Similar argument happened with the ME3 co-op. The mp dlc was 100% free and was 100% co-op. So anyone that did purchase micro transactions actually helped everyone complete the co-op levels faster. I never spent a single penny on the mp dlc.
On topic. I need to throw in F4, F5, and FH2 and start buying cars and playing more so I am ready for F6. I have not claimed my Forza rewards in a long time.