Xenn's GT3 Research Topic (Might not be 56k friendly)

  • Thread starter Xenn
Interesting... Wanna see eight cars on track! :)

It doesn't seem to be possible to get 8 cars on the track. But there is some proof that 8 cars were going to be in at once.

In Trial Mountain, setting the starting position below 6th places the car in what seems to be a 7th place position, same with 8th. Some other courses have this aswell while others place you in a random spot.
Here are some photos of early development.








Most of these images see to be from the OPSM2 demo.
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That's really weird. I always figured that the Stratos was dropped at the last minute. Wonder what happened regarding that.
Here are some photos of early development.

Most of these images see to be from the OPSM2 demo.

The first two pictures seem to be from the OPSM2 demo, but the others are from a later build as the Stratos does not work in the OPSM2 demo.
-> ...


^ I love this foggy backdrop on Seattle '90s. As if, if ever Seattle returns (in '10s guise), the weather (or time) option on that course would be stupid awesome!
^I thought it looked like London too.

Also, I believe that pd was told they could have the hf rally car, but didn't ask for the 2 stratoses, and when lancia looked at the game (just before release) probably said they didn't ask so now they don't get them at all. (but changed their mind for gt4)
The graphics look very good,nice video. Man,I miss the old Rome! I miss that short straight before the front straight. That curb drop off...

Look! the 156 racer is in there!
edit: about 2 o'clock. It has a big yellow splitter on the front though, but it is definitely a 156 and it is definitely not a standard one. by the way, this pic is on the gtp gtpsp car list, i don't have the game so i don't know anything about the shot.
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I read through this thread and I must thank you, Xenn, for doing all this research. 👍 I've been playing GT3 for a long time and, well, this thread brought back great memories and provided some great findings, too! The racing version of that Alfa 156 looks great and, in my opinion, it was a good idea to use it on a tuned 156 - worked like a charm. I must add that I really miss Rome Circuit; it's a shame my PS2 won't read my GT3 disk anymore.

You're quite welcome :)


Found a GT2000 logo inside the GT3 demo.


Not sure where this would've fit in.
Hm, seems like GT3 was planned as "GT2000" ... nice find! Always thought GT2000 was only a tech demo, but like it seems, it should have been the successor to GT2 and this, what we know as GT3.
But I'm still asking myself why this is still on the disc ... I think PD likes to keep old stuff on their game discs. :lol:
The painstaking task of narrowing down the games internal database is almost complete. Then i'll soon see if the hidden cars I found have their own values.

Thought i'd report on the progress of finding the values for the cars.
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Found a GT2000 logo inside the GT3 demo.


Not sure where this would've fit in.

Looks like a savegame cube texture to me. 💡

BTW, can anyone resize that to "Standard users" avatar size, sans black borders? :)

Look! the 156 racer is in there!
edit: about 2 o'clock. It has a big yellow splitter on the front though, but it is definitely a 156 and it is definitely not a standard one. by the way, this pic is on the gtp gtpsp car list, i don't have the game so i don't know anything about the shot.

In your image, the top car on the 12 0'clock line that's some sort of racer. What is it??
Thanks for all the updates ! Gutted that I can't play GT3 on my PC, it's probably not powerful enough and very slow... Have to stick to GT2 :(
Nice finds 👍
All these secrets in the GT games has lead me to believe that when PD makes a GT game, they simply build off the previous game and they leave stuff behind as unimplemented or leave it there to not interfere with other game code.

Keep it up Xenn and where did that picture with the 156 racer come from? Was that hidden in GT3 as well?