your christmas tree

High ceilings? I'll show you a high ceiling. That's a 12 foot tree right there. That's not even the tall part. It's about 14 feet at it's highest.


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Yeah, but I meant that all of the ceilings are heigh. You probably have one room with a cathedral ceiling that goes to the room and our ceilings are the same height in all of the rooms on multiple floors.
I guess you have me beat there. I've only got 2 floors. 👍

I guess I'll show our outside lights too. Sorry about the blurryness, the wind was blowing 35-40 mph gusts.


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Grave dig is best dig!


I've gone for full fabulous this year to compliment the 400 Twinkly lights that give every colour of the rainbow.

I've got snowmen, balls, croissants, melon, eggplant, stars, a slice of pizza, grilled cheese, unicorn, a lollipop, cupcake, different vegetables hanging in the tree.

I need more different coloured ornaments and those strings to make it even more fab. And I'm waiting for the star that goes on top.
Mines going up soon. I still can’t decide if inside or outside is the best place.

Maybe I’ll put it up this weekend if I can decide on a location. The cat loves to use the bristles as a back scratcher so it accumulates tons of fluff.

If outside I have to arrange new parking for my motorcycle. Inside I have to arrange a new location for a corner table. I’ll let the kiddo decide.
Our tree this year is delayed, we're moving into a new place on the 20th so no sense deploying it until then...
We've almost finished ours. A bit of red tissue paper in the base and some fairy lights and it's done.


It's more of a Xmas stick though, but better than nothing... just :P
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