Hi, I normally confinew myself to the Photo galleries, but I was browsing this sub-forum, and thought I'd respond to this. I have varied music tastes, but there are some albums that I think are awesome, and that are rarely (if ever) far from my ear. I can't put my finger on one song and say that I have listened to that xxx times, instead I can say that two albums I own have been played regularly for decades.
The first album is 'Whats Going On' by Marvin Gaye. I first discoverd this album almost 15 years ago, since then I have played it religeously at least once a day, and with some days it being the only album I listen to. I reackon that each song has been played in excess of 7,000 or 8,000 times, maybe as high as 10,000 times with the album itself being played an equal length of time. I have gone through one cassette, and three CD's since I first brought the album.
Another album by the Carpenters entitled 'Yesterday Once More' has been played for even longer. I first bought it In 1984 when I was just 12 years old. Back then I didn't know who the Carpenters were, and being a child, I liked it anyway. Over the course of the next 22 years, that album was played almost as frequently as Marvin Gaye's 'Whats Goin On', and I reackon that I have played the whole double tape (yes its still on tape!) in excess of 10,000 times, probably closer to 15,000 times. I've played it so many times now, that I have had to retire the cassette from active service as it is slowly loosing the quality of its sound, instead I now listen to a downloaded replica.
Is this excessive?