Your thoughts on AI

Maybe its just me...but the AI in the last 4 games hasnt seemed to have changed. Buying, modifying, and driving the cars is wonderful. But taking part in the races seems a bit NULL.

Every time I watch a Super GT or GT2 race on tv....I get pumped up and excited. It makes me want to play GT4. But then I go to play it....and the AI is just...blegh. There is no AI.

In my opinion....being a veteran of all four games.....the AI has not changed in a noticable manner ever.

Given the powers of the PS3, I hope, instead of JUST making a car collecting game, PD actually improves the AI to atleast come somewhat close to matching that of a real LMP race or SCCA style.


What are your thoughts on AI?
Well, in a recent interview, Kaz said that they're getting pretty far in terms of looks with GT5 on PS3, like there's not much to come in the future regarding realism. The AI is something he doesn't seem to consider as finished, so I guess they'll work on it for future GTs.

the Interceptor
As passionate about competitive racing as he seems to would assume he would impliment more than just upgraded graphics this time.

I mean either way Im getting a PS3 almost primarilly for GT5. But aside from new weather effects, changing times of day, more competitive cars and some other minor issues....AI is my biggest concern. Having life-like rival cars is what will make the series truly great.

I respect their discretion though.
This is the first Playstation which has come with more power than most computers. Those SPEs are being used for all sorts of routines in other games. Having an SPE devoted to A.I. would mean a 3ghz processor just to manage the bot driver behavior! I expect that whatever Polyphony implements will be a drastic improvement.
It makes me laugh that I read so many people say "I've played every version of GT etc etc" "and the AI's been rubbish on each version"........if that was the case, why on Earth did you carry on buying the games if the AI had always been rubbish?
It makes me laugh that I read so many people say "I've played every version of GT etc etc" "and the AI's been rubbish on each version"........if that was the case, why on Earth did you carry on buying the games if the AI had always been rubbish?

Because driving against time is so much fun in GT.

Its also fun to watch and win the cars and drive them to the limit.👍
Taking it to tha LIMIT!!!!!!!!! I but the games for the cars and seeing what kinds of times I pull w/ different settings. Oh yeah, the A.I. has always sucked. They're more of a nuisence (sp?) than anything. They give me serious road rage.
Oh yeah, the A.I. has always sucked. They're more of a nuisence (sp?) than anything. They give me serious road rage.


I actually knew that the AI sucks before I bought GT4, but I didnt got it to race against AI or to race in some series. I just bougth it to drool at the beautiful made race cars and new physics engine. The Nordschleife and the DFP did the rest. :drool:

I never cared much about the AI since GT1, I just won the races to get new cars and drive against my friends.

However, It would be AWESOME to have intelligent AI in GT5/GTHD/GT classic.
Because driving against time is so much fun in GT.

Its also fun to watch and win the cars and drive them to the limit.👍

Fair enough. I must admit I got more enjoyment from winning cars, than I did racing. However I think people have made a rod for their own back. By always buying the GT games, they have snowballed it's popularity, so now PD think they are the bee's knees. When in truth, they games lack any real challenge. I'm no GT "Driving God", yet I've won race after race on my first attempt, just because the AI wasn't up to much.

Shame really, as having the near endless choice of cars to drive really does appeal to me, but PD do need to sort out the lack luster AI.
With damage it has to be better. The ai should be more scared to crash than I am. Today the AI was just totalling me because i'm not an expert at LMP or motegi. I restarted the race twice because I was actually forced off the road during my first lap.
People complaining that Gran Turismo is too easy baffle me. When I got good at Gran Turismo 2, I would enter races with a car that was way under spec in order to make it a challenge, and the same for the rest of the series. 120-200 point races in GT4. Is this like a revelation to some of you guys?
GT should be challenging with the same race car class, like real races.💡

I have to agree. I shouldn't need to spend hours hunting for a good car/oppenents combo to test my skills.

In real racing, normally the closest racing is that from a one make series. Think Clio Cup, or any single seater series where all the cars are the same.
The AI shouldn't be a problem now since GT HD (and i mean HD cos its what we will get for now and that's lots of info about it). Like the AI will be upgradable.
- How? And when? You say!
First AI update will be at Jan2007 and e second at the Q2 of 2007.

See you m8s.
The AI shouldn't be a problem now since GT HD (and i mean HD cos its what we will get for now and that's lots of info about it). Like the AI will be upgradable.
- How? And when? You say!
First AI update will be at Jan2007 and e second at the Q2 of 2007.

See you m8s.

If thats the truth, than this is one of the biggest impertinences PD ever made! They sell a new ''GT'' which is almost GT4 in every way and they say if you want a new game with new features spill extra money at us. :grumpy:

They want us to buy GT4 again to buy features they make. They're prodcing a bad mistake.

Buy to buy, haha what a great concept. :yuck:
I won't hold my breath for better A.I. in GT HD. The law of probability states that no GT will ever have a decent A.I.

Still, online racing means we get to race opponents of all skill levels. After going to the last 2 UKGTP LAN meetings i can tell you that playing GT against other humanoids beats racing against the A.I. by far.

Every time I watch a Super GT or GT2 race on tv....I get pumped up and excited.

I'd hardly call Super GT 'exciting' - i can't ever remember seing any overtaking, they always look like they are on the parade lap!
If thats the truth, than this is one of the biggest impertinences PD ever made! They sell a new ''GT'' which is almost GT4 in every way and they say if you want a new game with new features spill extra money at us. :grumpy:

They want us to buy GT4 again to buy features they make. They're prodcing a bad mistake.

Buy to buy, haha what a great concept. :yuck:

Hi there, there is a thing you need to know:

Gran Turismo HD Premium, will be a prologue of GT5 in every way. with lot less cars and tracks. (Since everything was made from the ground-zero to fit over the ps3 hw)


Gran Turismo HD Classic, will be forged under the GT4 and will (to my knowledge) have the same or more numbers of tracks and cars. Thou the cars and tracks will have more polygons then over GT4.

So, as you see they are not joking with us.
If you want to see how GT5 will look like buy Premium
If you want lots of cars and tracks from the start buy Classic
Hi there.


Gran Turismo HD Classic, will be forged under the GT4 and will (to my knowledge) have the same or more numbers of tracks and cars. Thou the cars and tracks will have more polygons then over GT4.

So, as you see they are not joking with us.
If you want to see how GT5 will look like buy Premium
If you want lots of cars and tracks from the start buy Classic

I have to agree, but there is just one problem:
GT HD Classic = GT4 with HD + 750 downloadable cars(? ) + a lot of downloadable tracks and features.
Afaik GT HD premium only has 30 cars + a small number of tracks + 30 additional cars to download. + GT5 graphics. Thats way to few cars and tracks to keep me alive, but GT HD classic is only a GT4 with bad excuses like higher polygons and 50 more cars and tracks.:indiff: I dont want to mention my love to microtransactions.:yuck:

So I have to choose between the experimental GT4 with microntransactions and same content like GT4 and the GT4.5 with neat graphics and no content.

Both ways are a bad choice. I will skip both ways.

I think PD had enough time to make a GT with GT5 graphics (which is not that great if you look at the PS3 datas) plus a load full of new cars (not just 50 more) -maybe downloadable- and tracks.
But maybe PD had no time because they had to discuss their neat marketing strategy.:sly:

(Iam not a naysayer, Iam just a fallen GT enthusiast.)
Back to the point of this Thread.
The AI would be great if each car has its own personality.
EG. say 5 AI in a race
Car 1- Hard grip driving
Car 2- Cuts corners a little, and slides alot
Car 3- takes care of its tires
Car 4..... and So On...

When Playing GT games, you know you are racing a computer; would be nice to see a AI car going into a braking challenge with me during a race. Or have the AI take a few more risks, rather then just Push themselves into you as the love to do on the straights in GT4

(Though I still believe GT4 died cause of too many high power car races)
I usually ,like a lot of people i'm sure, play gt4 like a solo driving sim because the ai not only sucks, but they actually to try ram you and cut you off.
They're so damn dirty......... :grumpy: sometimes I lose it and ram them back with as much speed as possible :mad:

I think its important for pd to improve this, and I don't think there is an excuse not to anymore. But that being said once online play is in effect and your racing with a group of skilled drivers, I really don't think its going to matter much anymore.👍
the ai is the biggest draw back i really hate it when they ram you all the time because you drive a little different, and talking about roadrage try burning up you're tyre till it explodes, oow wait GT doesn't go that far you just loose grip :( . Blow up your engine isn't possible to oo well back to drifting.

ps If online is possible you really have some realistic ai :D
I would rather see pd perfect online play and other things like realistic physics
than them waste their time coming up with the ultimate computer ai. However i wouldn't want to race gt4-like opponents if not online though.
I'm with Polyphony, I'll be doing far more offline racing than online racing, the AI is very important for me.