GT has always been a car collector/tuner game, disguised as a racing game. thats why the ai has never been improved because it was never high on PD's list of things to do. thats one of the reasons i wish GT would go more towards the race sim route where you dont have to do races to get all the cars you can just buy them. people say "just go play GTR" well gtr isnt anything like GT. there isnt anything out there like GT, atleast not what kaz would really like for GT to be. a game where you buy cars for the sake of collecting them, modding them or just driving them, and the racing is just a side aspect, a way to earn the money to get the cars you want to buy. what every car guy would do in real life if we could. it is "the real driving simulator" afterall. personaly, thats what i would like to see GT become as well. but people want a game with structure and depth to keep them interested, and thats what faults the formula. in the first games the ai wasnt really a problem, but with the physics getting better and now damage being included the ai definately definatly has to make a huge leap forward or GT5 will be the hands down, most frustrating game ever. especialy for guys like me who would outright hate it, seing as how we dont even want to be racing anyway, we just want to hotlap our cars, but we gotta complete the game to get a hold of all the cars we want to hotlap. *sigh* [endrant]