Your three biggest fears.

-1 Heights/vertigo..i have always had a fear for heights..i cant even climb to the top rung of a medium sized ladder!

-2 Terrorist attacks..started after 9/11, which scared the holy hell out of me!, after that i got convinced that it would happen in a place where me and my family were present

-3 Alien invasion..this is me just watching too many movies!, but i fear that something is out the and various governments are covering it up..

-4 My current social situtation..i got made redundant last year after the company that i worked for went out of business and all the friends i worked there with quickly moved on and found new jobs, i still havnt found work almost a year on, i dont see or hear from my friends very often as they work long hours and dont have time, so im on my own with no job, no money and no girlfriend, im 25 years old and whenever i look on facebook i see pics of my friends having a good scared im being left behind!

-5 My this is my biggest fear of all, my mum and dad got divorced when mum was pregnant with me so she raised me and my sister up on her own, her life has been a struggle and it taken its toll on her, shes always not well, she hasnt got a terminal illness like cancer but she take loads of pills every day and works long hours in a stressfull job to support fear is that i would wake up in one morning and find that she had died in her sleep....
1) Dying a slow, painful death. I don't need to explain why.

2) The apocalypse. In whatever way it comes, I hope I'm dead before it happens.

3) Being cut-off from the world around me. Not just internet and whatnot, I mean EVERYTHING. Not knowing stuff makes me feel stupid.
-2 Terrorist attacks..started after 9/11, which scared the holy hell out of me!, after that i got convinced that it would happen in a place where me and my family were present
I can share with this. I have family in Londonderry... don't want to think about reading their names in a victims list. Thankfully most of the recent attacks haven't injured nor killed, but they're still part of reality.
1. Large cockroaches/wasps/centipedes.

No idea why, I often don't even bother to kill them and just wait in a room until they go (especially with wasps) :ouch:

2. Not being able to import a Honda CBX1000 (dream bike of mine)

Import regulations state that you officially cannot import any vehicle older than 5 years old. However, there is a loophole which allows you to import them simply by removing the engine and the body. I sincerely hope that loophole is never closed :scared:

3. Dying a slow, painful death.
Again, no need for explanation...
I am not afraid of clowns, and it frankly baffles me as to why any sane person would be afraid of them. I've been told it's because of an old horror movie featuring clowns.

Google: "It" :nervous:


1) Heights - to a degree. I like being high up so I can see for miles, but I can't be at the top of say, a sky scraper, and look straight down.

2) Spiders - Yep, no thanks.

3) Women. :P
1. Becoming a vegtable.
That would be a terrible life. Not being able to move and having everyone feed and wash me. But the worst part is the dirt. My entire life I would live underground, just to be killed and eaten.

2. The Apache Helicopter.
Thing is a death machine.

3. Clown scrotum.
I know right? :(
At least I go back on the 30th.

I couldn't 👍 this post enough.

Spiders: Hate them.
Heights: Hate them.
Gooey Stuff: Hate it.
I have three more fears that I would like to mention.

1. Not becoming a NASCAR driver: I've always wanted to be a NASCAR driver, but I never had the funds to start a racing career. And thanks to my family's bad habit of procrastination, I feel that it will never happen.

2. Meeting People: Years ago, I had no problems with meeting people. Now, I am too afraid to meet new people, even though I want to meet new people.

3. Temptation: This has to take the cake as my biggest fear (other than insects). An example would be when I see somebody, I want to know what would happen if I punched them in the face, but I resist doing so despite the temptation. The major problem is that bad temptations stay in my mind no matter the situation, though I do not act upon my temptations. The thing is, if these temptations stick to my head long enough, it might lead to me acting upon them.
Three more for myself too.

1. Crowds

I hate doing anything (besides sports) with a crowd watching me. It gives me a sick feeling to my stomach, and I feel embarrassed.

2. Masks

Mostly that damn scream face. Slenderman too.

3. Epidemics

Just, no...
Injections - If I watch a needle being inserted into me I pass out, without fail. Imagining the same situation doesn't make me feel faint, so I guess it's a true phobia.

Anticipation of being in unbearable pain - I've been in quite a few accidents and had a few nasty medical conditions throughout my life, most resulting in large amounts of pain. I can deal with the pain itself, the blood, etc, but I feel pure terror sweep over me when I realise that pain is on its way and there is nothing I can do about it.

Emergency phonecalls - When I get a phonecall from friends, family or a medical professional to tell me that somebody I care for has had an accident. The tiny pause between "XX has been in an accident and has been taken to hospital" and "but you don't need to worry, they're fine" sends a shiver down my spine.

Why can't people tell me that everyone is fine first? Are they trying to freak me out!?
Hm there's quite a few things that spring to mind but I think I can narrow it down.

Wasps/hornets- I don't know why but I cannot stand them. I always avoid them if I can.

Being alone- This ties in with my last one.

Being a failure- I don't wanna turn out to be a failure with no job, no girlfriend, no money, etc. That's why I'm already working and a cheap bastard. :P

One that is pretty close to being on there would be burning to death. I think that's the worst way you could possibly die.
Hm there's quite a few things that spring to mind but I think I can narrow it down.

Wasps/hornets- I don't know why but I cannot stand them. I always avoid them if I can.

Being alone- This ties in with my last one.

Being a failure- I don't wanna turn out to be a failure with no job, no girlfriend, no money, etc. That's why I'm already working and a cheap bastard. :P

One that is pretty close to being on there would be burning to death. I think that's the worst way you could possibly die.

I think these are my newest top 3 fears except being alone... I'd hate burning to death too 👎 .
Here is some that spring to my mind:

Acrophobia - Basically a fear for heights. But case is extreme.

Some one in my family getting hurt/Dyeing (Spelled?) - Would be one of the worst things to see that family members got hurt/died.

Tachophobia - Again , an advanced word being the fear of high speeds. Weirdly, it does not happen if i'm enclosed in an area (E.G. A car). But, if in like a rollercoaster, then it just gets worse and worse.
I think another one of my fears is failiure... most of my friends, including my boyfriend, are very intelligent. I'm not saying I'm not intelligent, but I'm not as smart as I used to be, and I feel like I'm slowly getting worse at subjects that matter, such as maths and science. English isn't a problem for me - I've always been pretty good at that subject since junior school. I just feel like my intelligence is slowly fading away. I'm beginning to envy those who have the highest levels all the time, but why should I? I don't need to have the brain of a rocket scientist to be a mechanic, do I? I don't need an A-Level in everything to become a rally/rallycross driver, do I? So why am I worrying? Part of me does that, and questions why I'm worrying - but the other part of me is worrying that I won't get into college, that I won't get an apprenticeship, that I won't get any qualifications. I used to think I could just join the army if things took a turn for the worst, and for a large period of time I wanted to be a mechanic in the army, but with my eyesight and asthma, they'd never let me past selection.

Another is suddenly losing someone close. I've mentioned our Mondeo before, but I'm also scared of losing family all of a sudden. I'm so close to my mum, the stuff we say to each other is like we're best friends, and I hate it when other people say they hate their mothers. Me and my mum just lock together - we have the same humour, interests, everything. We even have the same musical tastes - yep, my mum loves dubstep! But I don't feel embarrassed around her. I feel like I'm with a best friend. Of course, I'm close to my dad as well, we have a few negative times and sometimes I feel he doesn't understand me, but we have more good times than bad, and I still don't want to lose any family. I'm a big baby really - I get homesick so easily, too. If I stay longer than a night somewhere without my family, I usually get homesick - unless I'm with some close friends.
I don't need an A-Level in everything to become a rally/rallycross driver, do I?
Me and my mum just lock together - we have the same humour, interests, everything. We even have the same musical tastes - yep, my mum loves dubstep!

Do you want to be a rally driver? Maybe you can be the next female Collin McRae 👍 .

And your mum likes dubstep :odd: ? That's strange...
1. Spiders.
This doesn't count certain tarantulas though as the main thing I hate is fast moving spiders, such as the ones I normally find in my house. I think a few childhood experiences played a part in my fear of them.

2. Blood/drinking blood.
Now I don't mind gore much, but the idea of someone drinking blood in any way possible makes me physically sick. I remember watching Daybreakers with friends a few years ago and I actually had to leave the cinema after 20 minutes when I started feeling light-headed. I almost fainted that night as well as throw up, but I managed to watch the rest of the movie... just.

3. Failure.
I don't deal with failure well at all. Sometimes it can lead to depression, and/or loss of confidence. I'm highly competitive as well, so coming up short of the mark is something I find hard to deal with. It covers a wide spectrum though.