Zero Cup

  • Thread starter WarriusZero
I got disconnected but I could reconnect to the PSN. However I get errors from within GT6... Clearing the cache didn't help. @kHamcio , what files did you clear to fix the issue? (no, you didn't miss a message, he sent me a PM on the PSN)
My problems got solved right after cleaning the network temporary files in the GT6 options - Network tab - menu (I'm not sure if the tab is named "Network", because I use a polish version of GT6, where "Network" is "Sieć" ;D)

I was getting some kind of code network error, after launching GT6 and trying to join a Lobby, but everything is working for me after cleaning files.

We managed to do all 3 races. :)
Well done @kHamcio and we have another good recruit: @hainuinimic

Hi j:):)

Any chance of there being a space open this eveniNg? Im always on the lookout for stock lobbies online but tharen't normally many to choose from. Would be interested in the first two races, probably not third. Thanks