Zero Cup

  • Thread starter WarriusZero
Hope you are ready for some Miata action tonight!

15 February 20:00 UTC
- Mazda Roadster Touring Car '00

Comfort Soft
  1. Eigernordwand Short
  2. Matterhorn Riffelsee
  3. Autumn Ring Reverse

Here is a little piece to get you in the right mood. Apparently the copilot has a problem distinguishing left and right, i have that problem too. Good to see that it doesn't prevent being a co-pilot as there is always a technical solution, just mark it on the dashboard! (LINKS=left RECHTS=right).:D:tup:
, i have that problem too
Me too, it's never instant there's always a slight delay while my brain processes it! It never helps when a game says "press L1 now" - I usually end up dead.
There's an idea I'll have to stick some lables on my monitor. ;)

See you later, Sony servers permitting! I believe it's a national holiday in north america so there might be more net traffic than usual.
Despite the network gremlins it was good fun. Thanks Tarn, a great little car choice.

Sorry to anyone for any taps during the second race. My instruments had completely disappeared so it took a few laps to get used to it. I didn't want to touch anything in case I disappeared too.

couldn't help but notice @JockeP22 had his windshield wipers on
Oh that's normal for Jocke. He's always prepared for rain. :)

I wonder what it takes to have a reliable stable connection for racing... and fresh bread.
A internet server in a bakery?

Not exactly racing but if you get a PS4...
Great racing, tons of fun. Love that little car, and it was great to see @WarriusZero back on track again. Pity about all the network gremlins, but we got some good racing in anyway. Some nice duels; I particularly enjoyed trying to run down @JockeP22 at Eiger. It would have been hard to getcha without that bobble, Jocke -- really good pace you had, hard to match was it.

I'd love to run in a series with that car.

Hey, that makes me think, there's a racing version of the Cappucino as well. Maybe we should run that at some point down the line. :)
couldn't help but notice @JockeP22 had his windshield wipers on
He's always prepared for rain.
Who me?

Some nice duels; I particularly enjoyed trying to run down @JockeP22 at Eiger. It would have been hard to getcha without that bobble, Jocke -- really good pace you had, hard to match was it.
It's not often I'm leading the pack and it felt okay for a while until
I buckled under your pressure. You took a great well deserved win, amar.

I really enjoyed that evening, it was everything a Zero Cup evening should be. The fun and banter, as well as the connections frustrations and the perfect track/car combinations. Well done, @tarnheld , for putting this all together.
Sorry if I ever raised eyebrows here and there, I'm a bit rusty (since May, I played about 30min on GT6)... I know from looking at it afterwards that I cut across once in front of @JockeP22 (or @IfAndOr , not sure) without leaving the due piece of tarmac, sorry for that! :guilty:

It was great to see the old guard as well as the new guys! 👍

Still a bit gutted that I couldn't hunt down @watermelon punch in the 2nd race, though!! :D
Thanks for the kind words everybody, Zero Cup would be long gone without the great bunch of people making it fun every time! :bowdown: Yesterday was awesome, even the network gremlins couldn't keep us down! 👍 Thanks for the phantastic video @JockeP22, you even captured the synchro jump of me with @John Wells, good job! :D:tup:
Results will follow soon...

I wonder what it takes to have a reliable stable connection for racing... and fresh bread. :indiff:

I think the connection issues lie at Sony/PD, i'm afraid there is nothing we can do but to wait for them fixing the instability spikes, it even got better after the second race... :odd: As for the bread:

A internet server in a bakery?

Not exactly racing but if you get a PS4...

Yay, finally an excuse to get a PS4! :sly: Can you play online with other breads?
We a have a famous character named Bernd the Bread in german kids TV program:

Wonder when he gets his first PS4 game? :D

Hey, that makes me think, there's a racing version of the Cappucino as well. Maybe we should run that at some point down the line. :)

Noted! 👍 But i have something in mind for next Zero Cup, hint is in the avatar... ;)
Can you play online with other breads?
You have to defend the bakery against attacks from those new fangled croissants while trying not to get toasted. :P

I think the connection issues lie at Sony/PD
Invisible cars aside (PD), I think the current problems lie with the overloading of the Sony servers. I suppose the only saving grace is that we aren't paying for it. It would be really annoying if money was involved.

But i have something in mind for next Zero Cup, hint is in the avatar...
We are all fighting each other with pitchforks! :eek:

It was great to see the old guard as well as the new guys!
It was good to see the creator. :)
Prehistoric monkeys throwing bowler hats though giant monolithic standing stones. And pitchforks.

Yes, that's exactly what i had in mind! Seems my hints were too easy. :ouch:
You access that monkey-hat-stone mode doing one full lap around the Nordschleife in the coffee break eco challenge #1. But please be careful with the pitchforks, it might sting a little.
Bildschirmfoto 2016-02-17 um 18.21.36.png

This car is so great i wonder why we didn't raced it earlier! Congrats to overall winner @amarynceos, who seems to have -- gasp -- practiced this time! :sly: Hey this is Zero Cup, so zero practice allowed! ;) And good job @WarriusZero, not rusty at all. 👍

You may have seen the signs, for next race we worship this cult:

29 February 20:00 UTC - Daihatsu Midget II D(emonic) type '98
Comfort Hard
  1. Tsukuba
  2. Streets of Willow
  3. Silverstone Stowe

We had the Midget at Tsukuba already at Makeshift Shuffle, let's see how it fares over 20min... :D
I wish we could have the flags in the video as addon in the game. :dopey:

Hopefully the servers will not choke because leap day... See you there! :cheers: