Zero Cup

  • Thread starter WarriusZero
Bildschirmfoto 2016-04-04 um 19.13.09.png

Nice win at Sierra @gkgamer
Nice win at Nord @amarynceos
Thanks @JockeP22 for making and sharing these race videos, feels great to relive the moment!

Dont' forget, today is F40 day:

Today, 11th April 20:00BST - Ferrari F40 '92
Tires: Sports Hard

1. Silverstone National
2. Apricot Hill
3. Spa Francorchamps

If you have problems keeping the F40 on track, it's allowed and i recommend putting CS tires on front. This pulls the teeth of the beast at the expense of being a little slower around corners. Speaking of tires, just look at this video to see how perfectly reasonable it is to put on snow tires on a Ferrari: :dopey:

PD, make it happen! :D:tup:
It's such a beautiful car the F40, one of the finest automotive designs of all time.

Spa was the most enjoyable race for me. Perfect time progression setting by tarnheld and great action through Eau Rouge and down the Kemmel straight. And as always no contact and fair play. 👍
First venture into the zero cup room. Had to be the F40, hard enough to drive when you can tune it!

Really enjoyed it though. Shame I missed the first 2 races but had some truly epic battles with jocke and tarn. Great racing guys . I'm not often free on a Monday, but anytime I am, I'll look you up
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Hello guys, just discovered this club when searching for clubs on GT6, and I would be really interested in taking part in the next races! Do I have to sign up on something here or is it just about showing up when the race lobby is on? Thanks in advance!
Here is the schedule for next Monday: 👍

25th April 20:00BST - Fisker Karma EcoSport '12
Tires: Comfort Soft
  1. Willow Springs: Big Willow
  2. Special Stage Route 5
  3. Ascari
Here the obligatory mouth watering video featuring the car made by the BMW Z8 designer:

Do I have to sign up on something here or is it just about showing up when the race lobby is on?

You're welcome! Take a look at the rule book, especially the Gentleman's Yellow Flag rule. Make sure you have a decent network connection, but there are no sign ups, just join the club room on Monday.

See you there! :cheers:

BTW, next up car will be the

9th May 20:00BST - 2014 VW GTI Roadster Vision GT
Thanks @IfAndOr, couldn't have said it better! It's zero tuning, zero practice needed (and in my case taken ;)). Welcome @pretend racer, make sure to look at the rule book, especially Gentleman's Yellow Flag rule. See you on Monday! 👍

Great! This sounds exactly what I was looking for. I found the club, and joined! I have read the rule book and GYF rule, I have a question - In room settings it says that mechanical damage is light, but visible damage is off, why is that?
I have a question - In room settings it says that mechanical damage is light, but visible damage is off, why is that?

That's because the rendering of the bumps make online racing a bit more unstable -- the damage has to be distributed to all racers. And the race pics look a bit better if the cars are unharmed. ;) Light damage slows you down a bit if you hit something, but you don't have to pit. We do like clean racing though so try to not hit anyone, but in the heat of the battle a little paint can be traded here and there, but if you gained a position by hitting someone and slow him down you are expected to give the position back. Please check the OLR for further info. 👍
BTW @tarnheld, you're a legend for picking the mighty golf :dopey: one question though. Can we use the coupe as well as the roadster because if I'm not mistaken I think they have the same specs. Just want to clarify.

Yes, i think we can have the choice between Roaster and Coupé. 👍 The specs look the same, and i guess they perform equal, but i'll check if they are comparable this week just to be sure. :)

See you tonight! :cheers:
First off, just wanted to say thanks to all for the great racing!

Secondly, I wanted to say sorry about the race at Ascari... I honestly lost all on screen info. No mirror, no lap times, no map, no HUD, no sector times, no lap count, no race line... NOTHING. It was quite possibly the most scary race I've ever done.

If there was a chance to call a GYF, I honestly didn't know. I've never experienced that before. To make matters worse, I went to the Seasonals afterwards, and still nothing! Is my disc screwed???

Again I apologise, and thank you all for a great day of racing!

It did handle pretty well for such a big and heavy car. 👍 :)
I'd not practised with the tyre wear on though. 👎 :grumpy:

Thanks Tarn. Much like the colour of my car, silence is indeed golden.

@Baron Blitz Red - I've had the HUD disappear before but it usually reappears afterwards. There is an option to switch the HUD off. Perhaps this has been activated somehow.
I've just tried it and yes it does. A completely clear screen - great for the interior view.

It's in the pause menu and it's called race info display. Might be worth switching it on and off. Or off and on as the case maybe. :)

Cool, thank you very much! Now just to figure out how I managed to turn it off after the race started... I certainly don't want that happening again!
