Zero Cup

  • Thread starter WarriusZero
Are you sure you want to turn the HUD back on? You were going like a blitz in that race -- Sparks and Jocke were catching up in the end but you kept it together! :eek::dopey:đź‘Ť

Thanks Tarn! Ascari is one of those tracks that I love to race on and have memorised... thankfully I started in 2nd position, and had a really good launch as well!

As for the missing HUD etc., it was just so strange not having any info... not knowing how you're doing in a mini endurance race is really really disconcerting! I guess I'm just dependent on all the on screen info... not having the map or the rear view mirror or any time display was really the scary part. :nervous: I'm just glad I didn't cause any troubles behind me! (or at least I hope I didn't)

Hey thanks for letting me race! It was good fun. Willow spring was the only track that I knew half decent - but I still haven't figured out how to be consistently fast there though, that last corner is tricky! I had some good battles in that race.

I realized in ss5 race that I should be conservative to try to keep my tires in shape for the end of the race. Which I think helped me fend off baron? on the last lap as his tires were shredded. Fun race but I think my lack of experience in that track showed when I plowed into someone's door on the hairpin on the first lap.

I had only been able to bronze the S class license test on ascari before cause I had to learn the track and the car. During the zero cup I spun out pretty early, so after that I just concentrated on trying to learn the track better. Well after the zero cup I went back to the S class test and got gold after about 4 laps!

I'm looking forward to next weeks races, hopefully I know the tracks a bit better, but if not I'll aim to practise a bit more beforehand (with the tire wear on!).
Bildschirmfoto 2016-04-27 um 19.13.21.png

Congratulations to @Sparkz_360 for another overall win, even if @Baron Blitz Red snatched away the win at Ascari! Still amazed the car handled that good given it's weight, must have a really low center of gravity and great balance. I forgot to check the engine rebuild and the added HP from that -- guess the game has still some dark corners. ;) Glad you liked it @pretend racer! :)đź‘Ť Thanks all for coming! :cheers:

I'm looking forward to next weeks races
Me too, but we race every second week, so next event is May, 9th. Featured cars are the VW Vision GT Roadster and Coupé -- tracks are still to be announced. 👍
I had a go at driving around Fuji and Deep Forest on the test tracks and in single player arcade mode, it's a fun car to drive especially around Fuji - delicate inputs required! But I haven't figured out what mode to play in so I can have tire wear on and based on how it drives with full rubber I'll need practise with worn out tires. How do I turn on tire wear?
Ahh ok, that's the reason I couldn't find the option to turn tire wear on, thanks.
It's stupid that you can't have tyre wear off line in a arcade race, but that's PD for you.
(Actually you could in GT5!)

What you could do to get an idea of tyre wear is to run the car on comfort soft or even medium. While not exactly "right" it'll give you a feel of a more slippery tyre.
And when you switch back to SH's you'll be even better. ;)
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@ tarn, Is it possible for me to join you all at tonights races?

Sure, just join the Zero Cup club, it is public! :)đź‘Ť See you there! :cheers:

EDIT: Mind the Gentleman's Yellow Flag rule: if you are leading the race, you can call GYF at any time: just waive and slow down and type gyf. This allows the field to regather without overtaking, race starts again at the next crossing of the start finish line or at the next sector when the field has regathered on longer tracks.
Consistency is a must
Don't go getting any faster!

If you @Sparkz_360 & @pretend racer (and indeed anyone else) are interested and free you'll find most of us also race on a Tuesday HERE. Again fun untuned events which you can join at anytime.

On a Wednesday you can find some of us racing the classic Mini HERE. It's run by Goofy now so if you skip to the end of the thread it'll make more sense. It's tuned but there are set ups available. Always close racing with the specs of the Mini.

Also on a Wednesday there is THIS which again you can find some of us in. Untuned Cobras

On a Thursday - well there was something but now it's a day off at the moment!

Friday has THIS (untuned Rockets) which is run by the same chap who does the Wednesday Cobras. And also later in the evening there is THIS which a few of us late nighters take part in.

Tarn himself hosts the Makeshift Shuffle club on certain days - he can give you information on that.

All hosts would I'm sure be glad to see you.

Anyway great racing again tonight Tarn. đź‘Ť Although I think Fuji had iced over judging by the lack of grip I had. :)
@tarnheld i need your consent for request.
Zero cup is on every two weeks on Monday, i'm i allowed to host events on the Monday's we have no races scheduled?
(Consistency is a must :lol:)

You're welcome to join me in hosting! :)đź‘Ť And all of you can open practice rooms in our club lobby at any time. The room settings we use for the races are detailed in the rule book.
Don't go getting any faster!
Ill try my best :lol:

If you @Sparkz_360 & @pretend racer (and indeed anyone else) are interested and free you'll find most of us also race on a Tuesday HERE. Again fun untuned events which you can join at anytime.

On a Wednesday you can find some of us racing the classic Mini HERE. It's run by Goofy now so if you skip to the end of the thread it'll make more sense. It's tuned but there are set ups available. Always close racing with the specs of the Mini.

Also on a Wednesday there is THIS which again you can find some of us in. Untuned Cobras

On a Thursday - well there was something but now it's a day off at the moment!

Friday has THIS (untuned Rockets) which is run by the same chap who does the Wednesday Cobras. And also later in the evening there is THIS which a few of us late nighters take part in.

Tarn himself hosts the Makeshift Shuffle club on certain days - he can give you information on that.

All hosts would I'm sure be glad to see you.

Anyway great racing again tonight Tarn. đź‘Ť Although I think Fuji had iced over judging by the lack of grip I had. :)
Looks like i got an event sorted out already for next Monday!

16th May 20:00BST- RUF RGT
Tires: Sports Hard

1. SilverStone Grand Prix Circuit
2. Daytona Road Course
3. Trail Mountain Reverse

Is a great car to drive, especially for a car which has its engine at the back! :D
Only heard of RUF because of Gran Turismo 3, anyone else?
Let me know if you can make it racers!
P.S @tarnheld getting the hang of the spreadsheet you sent me :cheers:

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I'll actually have to practice, I'm sooo bad with all of the RUFs.

Anyway, great racing yesterday, fun car. Sparkz had his usual second or so per lap on me, so grabbing second place was about the maximum I could achieve. :D Especially at Fuji, where I figured it was all over after spinning like a n00b at the first corner-- and then almost crashing again a lap later. :lol:

And how about that braking w/o abs into T1 at Fuji from 170mph? That took some of the most delicate threshold braking I've ever managed to do, to avoid locking it when trailing into the apex. :x I can still feel it in my left calf!
Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-11 um 21.00.52.png

Thanks all for coming, enjoyed the sights and sounds of the Roadsters and Supersports! Congrats to @Sparkz_360 for the hattrick! đź‘Ť Sorry @pretend racer for the visibility problems, you seem to lag too judging from the replays -- try to make sure you are connected with an ethernet cable. Hope you can get it fixed, maybe someone from the other fellow racers has some tips for a stable wifi connection?

Thanks to @Sparkz_360 we have next week covered, stay tuned for the schedule the week after that. :)
Unfortunately, I have a terrible satellite internet connection (2-3mbs downloads speed). I am wired into my router. In August/September I should be able to upgrade when they finish the new infrastructure then I should get LTE speeds (whatever that is).

It was still fun racing just not as fun as last week for me. I'm still eager for more racing. However, I might need to get new potentiometers for my pedals as the brake seems to drag after release - kills my exit speed. I just noticed this the other day. Gonna get some contact spray and try cleaning first.