Zero Cup

  • Thread starter WarriusZero
Doesn't that get classed by the game as being tuned?
I had a go at Nordschleife with the blinkenlights and the magic oil and
it's true, the lights fall in under the 'tuning category'.

My Great Capture Screenshot 2016-10-10 12-34-16.jpg
My Great Capture Screenshot 2016-10-10 12-37-10.jpg
My Great Capture Screenshot 2016-10-10 12-38-42.jpg
My Great Capture Screenshot 2016-10-10 12-40-17.jpg
My Great Capture Screenshot 2016-10-10 12-41-39.jpg

It's a fun car though, great response & feeling and a magnificent top speed (300+ km/h stock).
If that is the case, i'll lift the tuning restriction in the room.
Yeah, it's either prohibit the blinkenlights or gentlemen's agreement
to keep the car stock. And since we're all gentlemen I don't see a problem.
I don't think everybody wants to use them, some might want to go without it
but I will surely use them. Not every day you get to use blinkenlights.
Great fun at apricot hill.

Thanks tarn. Look forward to next week.
Too bad you missed Daytona. It was fun there too, I'll see if I can capture that race replay some time this week so you can catch a glimpse of what you missed.

Mine and tarns photo finish at Apricot : D

Our SSR5 photo finish was even closer I think. Mine and tarns cars seem to have magnets on them. We always end up together towards the end of the races.
We always end up together towards the end of the races.
I usually end up crashing towards the end of the race. :ouch:
Managed to keep it together for race 3.

Cheers Tarn it was good fun in the dark. Although every time I looked behind me I had to fight the urge to pull over what with all flashing lights following me. Me speeding officer, never.
Bildschirmfoto 2016-10-16 um 18.20.18.png

Good fun with the pace car, exciting oval race and great battles with @JockeP22, thanks for the car recommendation! :D:tup:Hope you liked it as much as me! :cheers: Sorry for being lazy with results posting, i blame autumn lethargy paired with a busy week at work. :indiff:

I'll be away on my next event slot, so if nobody steps in hosting there will be no racing the week after the next. Hope to be back in shape after that, maybe with a nice car idea too, but if you have any ideas don't hesitate to post them here. :)👍

I'll be away on my next event slot, so if nobody steps in hosting there will be no racing the week after the next. Hope to be back in shape after that, maybe with a nice car idea too, but if you have any ideas don't hesitate to post them here. :)👍[/QUOTE]

I'll cover for you. :gtpflag:
24th October 20:00BST

Nissan R390 GT1 Road Car
Tires: Sports Hard
1. Trial Mountain
2. Midfield Raceway
3. Laguna Seca

"They say don't drive under the influence of alcohol" good thing i got my instructor to re-book my lesson.
Attended a party last night (Polish Party) let's just say i got wasted with them and ended up puking brutally... :yuck:
Here's your treat for tonight

As for halloween i won't be able to participate so @tarnheld would you do the honours if you can? :cheers: