Zero Punctuation Game Reviews

  • Thread starter icelt

Should I keep adding links to post #1?

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Link added.

Yeah he does a good job of making one interested dudn't he. Checking gamerankings the title even has an 82% avg. Not bad.

I actually found an XBox copy for $3.99. I might buy it. I mean it does have a gun that shooks shuriken and lightning.

I also found it odd how he managed to take a game he liked and still make an extremely funny review.
Funny review - he's completely right. :lol: The card thing and guns are definitely something I want to see again in another FPS.

Painkiller is probably the FPS I've played offline the most. I completed it several times, and a couple of times on the hardest mode (with a bonus Forest level). I really was expecting the game to be average, but it wasn't. It really should be average since it's just a brute force, classic, no major story game, but it's incredibly fun and the reviews are unexpectedly high! It uses the Half Life 2 physics engine so the graphics and physics are still okay today.

The next expansion pack was pretty good, but the lastest one something doesn't seem quite right...

Do buy it on PC though - it doesn't need a crash-hot PC to play it (my 5 year old Dell could play it mid-high settings) as the controls and framerate are quite a bit better.
The level design in Painkiller is pretty hawt. I remember staring off into the distance more in the game rather than playing the game.
The level design in Painkiller is pretty hawt. I remember staring off into the distance more in the game rather than playing the game.
If more than a minute passes without a dude and a murder you aren't playing it right.
This week, Yahtzee tempts fate and risks insanity by reviewing a JRPG!

"Now, I have to go play a FPS before my body finishes absorbing my testicles."

That's what happens when you play any game on a recent Nintendo system.
Great review, I originally bought the first MGS due to the sheer popularity and played it through. Didn't like it.

I have almost been sucked into buying MGS4 now due to all the rave about it, even though the videos I have seen don't impress me much, this review (even though as always is harsh) seals the deal. I just know I wont like it.
Metal Gear is for Metal Gear fans. I doubt any Metal Gear game will convince the naysayers.

This is a game where the fans will never give up their copy and will tell you how awesome the game is, but when someone else says they don't like it they typically do not get into a fanboy rant, because it is understood that it is extremely different from most games, and the things that make it different are exactly why fans love it and non-fans hate it.
the things that make it different are exactly why fans love it and non-fans hate it.

I don't hate it, or think anyone is crazy for liking it. Just after finishing the first game I stopped and thought "I didn't really enjoy that" and checking out footage of the new one didn't interest me. (Except the AI tipping over the drum the player was hiding in, that was cool)
Webcomics :odd: review link posted
Go to his Website and you will see he has a huge rant about them that has been ongoing for a while.

Possibly it may have to do with the fact that he had one for a couple of years.
LEGO Indy review link posted

Ok I must admit I'm not a fan of the new generic screeching guitar review intro and outro. Hopefully it's only a one time thing, but I'm getting a sneaky suspicion that it is here to stay (at least for awhile).

Also if you hang on through the end credits you'll be treated to Yahtzee's review of "The Crystal Skull" movie.