Zombie Apocalypse! Get to the Shelter!

  • Thread starter a6m5
You'd have to anchor far off-shore... and you'd have to do it in a body of water that's relatively calm. Rough seas while you sleep? Goodbye provisions... hello dunking...


If it's an H3... objection retracted. Still not that great, interior space is terrible compared to other vehicles based on that chassis, but it's a good working chassis and a work-a-day engine.
I think I chose the armored transport truck in Danoff's zombie vehicle thread. If I could pick any vehicle, I think I'd combine that with either a dirt bike, or mountain bike or something. :lol:

Edit: I found my "10 Zombie Apocalypse Items" list from my Survival Thread. I don't have the Glock anymore, replace with 1911. 👍
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A bank van would have more than enough armor for zombies, yet still be small enough and light enough to drive most anywhere (except off-road)... And it would have a big enough rear compartment to sleep in.

Although in reality I probably would die trying to get to the car, because I don't know how to handle firearms, and if I do make it to the car, I can't drive. I don't have a license because of my age, and that means I probably would crash the car in the nearest obstacle, causing me to die. If I escape the car and head into the wilderness, paranoia and loneliness would cause me to go insane, thus causing me to give myself up and die.

So basically, I'd die either way.
A bank van would have more than enough armor for zombies, yet still be small enough and light enough to drive most anywhere (except off-road)... And it would have a big enough rear compartment to sleep in.
My post from Danoff's Zombie Vehicle thread.
So basically, I'd die either way.
No, you don't. Just go ninja. Run, scavenge, hide, and all that good stuff. At least until you find a gang group of survivors to join. ;)
My primary would actually be the crossbow having never owned a gun and not knowing much, I've only fired several guns on occasion. Plus the crossbow has a scope irradiating the need for binoculars.

Melee for me would have to be the Katana, though, the machete is tempting but I can imagine being attacked while trying to wrench it out of a corpse that it has got stuck in.

Since not having Primary weapon I'll be naughty and say I'd take the Swiss Army Knife and the torch/ flash-light. That's fair, right?

As for a vehicle, well, they all require fuel but the bike seems the best choice to me, however, I'd prefer a mountain bike which requires no fuel but that what is in my belly.
A bike would actually be a nice and quiet way to get from town to town... as long as there are no marathon running zombies along the route... :D

My post from Danoff's Zombie Vehicle thread.

No, you don't. Just go ninja. Run, scavenge, hide, and all that good stuff. At least until you find a gang group of survivors to join. ;)

don't recall what I put there myself... but my plan of action on initial outbreak was always going to be to find myself a bank van for transport. Even better, all the local bank vans run on ancient diesel motors.


If you're joining a gang, best to convince them you're a good shot and a good addition.
No, you don't. Just go ninja. Run, scavenge, hide, and all that good stuff. At least until you find a gang group of survivors to join. ;)

I can run, I can scavenge, but hiding from insane cannibals will literally scare the living 🤬 out of me. Most of my nightmares are about zombies, and in most of them I'm usually frightened of hiding. The expectation/wait of eventually getting found is scary enough.

Finding a group? I'm sure most groups would rather prefer a Bear Grylls or a Rambo, than some kid that's obviously going to bog them down. ;)
Well, you better start watching Survivorman & Bear Grylls episodes then! If you don't own guns, start playing Call of Duty or something!? :P
Since not having Primary weapon I'll be naughty and say I'd take the Swiss Army Knife and the torch/ flash-light. That's fair, right?
No. But I did go back to the Zombie Survival Guide, and it says that you forfeit all weapons, and instead, you get everything from "4. Your Gadget" and the rubber boat + one oar. Good luck with that. :P
A bike would actually be a nice and quiet way to get from town to town... as long as there are no marathon running zombies along the route... :D
That's when the chainsaw comes in!
My plan would be grab some sort of quick getaway car (Ford Mustang?). Drive down to Alameda county, and setup shop on the USS Hornet.

Yeah. Thats right. I'd go to a Museum/Aircraft carrier. It allegedly has diesel fuel in it, and plenty of room to store survivors. Shut the flight deck up at night, and noone could board.
Gradually, I'd find bank vans and that sort of thing to scavenge enough supplies to live for prolonged periods on a 60's era Carrier.

Weapon? Ill take an MP5, with all the goodies; Flashlight, Lasersight, ACOG sight, bayonet, forward grip. 9mm ammo should be fairly easy to find. Sure, I'll be screwed at long range, but really... a zombie cant kill you from long range.
Perhaps a .45 caliber pistol, just in case. But that would be a backup weapon.

I'd keep my Mustang fully fueled at all times, with 20 Gallons of fuel in the boot.

My plan would eventually be to have enough diesel fuel to leave the port, and have a massive garden/Cow pasture on the deck. Set sail, hopefully meet up with the real Navy. Go raid oil rigs, and then their refineries. Then live like it's Battlestar Galactica.
I'll give this a try....

Shelter: I would normally stay home, but I live in the most densely populated area in the country, wedged in between 3 large cities, so other humans maybe a larger problem than any actual zombies. Otherwise, I have very few choices.

Defense: I would need some kind of barricade for any entrances to my house. Chain link fence possibly? As for weapons, multiple knifes, a machete, flammable objects,

Food: Whatever food I can get my hands on. Most food will last a while before I would have to resort to non-perishables. I still needs to find a reliable, long term food source though.

Plan: Find whatever surviving friends or family I can (there is a better chance of surviving as a group, and I won't go insane from being alone.). Steal whatever food and supplies I can from local stores. Stay at home and kill anything that tries to get in. Sleep in shifts. Ration my food. Try not to die.

Getting the hell out: Take what I can carry and make a run for it. Take a car if possible.

Verdict: I'm screwed.
I think most people go about the initial outbreak in the completely wrong way.

For example. You all want to be with your families and loved ones. You all want food and water and shelter and medical provisions and guns and ammunition and cars and weapons. You can't just go about collecting stuff and finding people and driving about from place to place gathering your supplies in the hope that you'll be able to get a good enough place to lay low with a big enough supply of necessities all while the worlds turned into a living hell. It simply just wouldn't be that simple.

Think about it, you're in work - and all of your stuff is at home. Infection begins.

Just like you, everyone around you wants to find their loved ones and make it back home. How? In the panic, telephone signal out, communication becomes nearly impossible and obviously the people you're looking for would have had the same idea. Try looking. But then where do you find them amidst the chaos?

You get to you car, great. But you need food and water, where you do go? The supermarket? No way. In the time it's taken you to reach your car, make your way safely to the supermarket and avoid becoming infected, how many people had the same idea? How many people tried going to the supermarket, only to find that it's completely empty, looted to the very last bag of sugar - or, full of people who are infected. Supermarkets are busy places, in the sheer volume of people there, at least someone would have turned. Then everyone else gets it.

Guns. How many people do you think leave guns lying around, for the passer by to pick up and use for themselves. Unless the owner of the gun has died and dropped it, you would either need to have had your own guns in the first place, (and hope that no one's nicked them all from your place), or be in a position of work where guns are easy access. For example, the police, or the armed forces. It's not like a game where you can simply wander in to a house and find stock piles of things to use and get away with it all unscathed.

If a zombie apocalypse had broken out, the first thing on my priority list would be to not get eaten. Above all else, survive the Outbreak. Then the real struggle begins.
Good tip on the crowded supermarkets. Guns are totally do-able in the U.S. though. Police, National Guard, sporting stores, countless neighbors..... just from the dead neighbors though. Live neighbor would shoot you dead for breaking into his home, probably. :dopey:
You can't just go about collecting stuff and finding people and driving about from place to place gathering your supplies in the hope that you'll be able to get a good enough place to lay low with a big enough supply of necessities all while the worlds turned into a living hell. It simply just wouldn't be that simple.


Why not? :D


But truth, you need a place to bunker down. And it's better to actually sit tight first before going out for additional supplies. The longer you wait before going out, the fewer (hopefully) zombies and competing scavengers there will be. On the first few days, zombies will group up around places like hospitals and supermarkets, because of the concentration of survivors and scavengers looking for supplies. Given them a few days or weeks to thin out first, before venturing out.
Love that movie. :lol: And if any of you younger zombie fans haven't seen the "Return of the Living Dead", which I posted a pic of in the OP, do rent it. Oldie, but goodie.

As for sitting tight during the first few days, I'm banking on the 28 Days Later zombies, which just starved off & went away. :lol:

Edit: I think this is the whole movie on youtube: Return of the Living Dead
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Man, I'd hate it to be the zombies like out of 28 Days Later. Their speed and aggressiveness would be so overwhelming, especially if there happened to be masses of them during an encounter. Unless you were fit enough and fast enough to constantly outrun and evade them or strong enough to hold them off during an escape, you'd be in real trouble!

"Pako! Get the door!" :lol: