Zombies! Pick a Car for the Apocalypse

  • Thread starter Danoff
In I Am Legend we see a strange type of zombie. At first they're unable to be in light because they'll burn up, and we see booby traps set to take advantage of that. We also see that they are extremely aggressive and active at night time, to the point where the main character has built an intensely fortified and defended hideout. The problem with these monsters is that they eventually develop some intelligence and find a way to shield themselves from the sun via a hoodie. Apparently they built their own booby trap, or used an existing one to grab the main character. We learn once again that these monsters will follow you, and that they actually have feelings and intelligence. Ultimately the fortification failed and the characters had to flee to a safe zone.
I feel the need to quickly correct some misconceptions about "I Am Legend." Having read/seen all iterations of this story it is very clear that the Will Smith version did not intend them to be zombies. In all production notes and scripts they are referred to as night walkers. They took the vampire concept from the novel (caused by Transylvanian fleas caught in an upper atmosphere dust storm that settled over the US) and turned it into something less mythical.

The creatures in I Am Legend are still humans. They are infected with a virus that drives them insane with rage and an extreme light sensitivity. They were capable of independent thought and emotional response. And when necessary, they are capable of putting forth the mental effort to control their rage to focus on a goal, as seen when the "mate" of the female Will Smith captures conceives of a plan, and takes a leadership role in their group, to find her and take revenge on Will Smith's character. We also saw them content to eat a deer and never once, if I recall correctly, see them eat human flesh. If any cannibalism happened it may be safe to say it was purely the result of a survival instinct, as the amount of time they were able to hunt for food was severely limited.

I think that if we factor I Am Legend into this (and I personally don't) then your best strategy is to leave them alone when possible. Kidnapping one of them to perform scientific experiments on is what led to their concerted efforts to break into his home. Up to that point he was merely defending against uncontrolled and undirected rage.
I want to include weapons in the new thread. Is this a good idea? Let me know(via PM).

How about just a general zombie survival plan, including where you'd hold up, what you'd drive, how you'd get there, what you'd use for protection, etc.?
I'll just jump into my trusty EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle... :)



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I feel the need to quickly correct some misconceptions about "I Am Legend." Having read/seen all iterations of this story it is very clear that the Will Smith version did not intend them to be zombies. In all production notes and scripts they are referred to as night walkers. They took the vampire concept from the novel (caused by Transylvanian fleas caught in an upper atmosphere dust storm that settled over the US) and turned it into something less mythical.

Despite the vampire origins, the movie version falls loosely within the same bounds as post-zombie-apocalypse movies... with the same viral source of the monsters as in modern zombie movies, that's why I originally brought it up for consideration.
Despite the vampire origins, the movie version falls loosely within the same bounds as post-zombie-apocalypse movies... with the same viral source of the monsters as in modern zombie movies, that's why I originally brought it up for consideration.
It was intended to have that feel, and the novel probably originated the concept, but the "creatures" themselves had less in common with any iteration of zombies than Twilight has with vampires and werewolves. It was more a case of widespread crazy in the way it was represented. If I had to deal with a post-apocalyptic world where everyone was bloodlust crazy or everyone was a smart, strong, and agile zombie I would probably just put a bullet in my head. There is no refuge I could take that they couldn't eventually find, no trick that they couldn't figure out. If I am going to go, I am going on my terms.
This should suffice...It didn't seem real at first, but it definitely is

For good measure, here is an entertaining clip of this truck (zombie killer?)...moving

I'll have one of them arctics, please:

^ Totally agree! Even the stock L/C 70 is more than capable!



Difficult question. The choice of vehicle would depend greatly on what kind of zombies we're looking at.

Are we looking at Class A: Night of the Living Dead Zombies that shamble around and pathetically try to press their way through open windows and doors?

Or are we looking at Class B: Dawn of the Dead Zombies who run?

Or... worst of all, are we looking at Class Omega: I Am Legend virus-mutated humans with super-fast metabolisms, ungodly strength and speed, and the intelligence to actually turn doorknobs and train attack dogs?

If we're looking at Class Omega, I'd have to go for an armored van as the first vehicle of choice, with a power generator stolen from a hardware store running in the back to power banks of bright UV-rich flood lights.

But since we're likely talking a traditional zombie apocalypse, that gives us a wider choice of vehicles.

First off... if it's a zombie apocalypse, there's no safer place than living off-shore. Zombies don't breathe... so they don't float. And either way, the fish would eat them.

If you can't do that and actually have to live on land, my stable of vehicles would consist of:


An armored van. Plentiful where I live. Easy to find, easy to maintain. They all basically use medium-displacement old-tech Japanese diesels that will be fuel efficient and will easily run on fryer grease (bust into an abandoned McDonald's outlet and drain the fryers for a quick refill) and parts will be easy to scrounge up. Worst case scenario, you're over-run with zombies and the engine conks out. Chuck a grenade out the top hatch or through a gun-slit, blow them up, burrow your way out of the mound of twice-dead, rotting flesh, and find another armored van.

Once we've got all the supplies we need, we need to create our fort. If the fort is going to be inside the city (say, a boarded up condominium or government building with steel-shuttered entrances), we can go with one of these:


MB 300Ds run forever. They can comfortably cruise at over 100 mph, and they'll run on biofuel. Hey... gotta have at least one car with class, right? The question is whether any of the local armoring services will have one of these in the garage that's been given at least Level 1 armoring... and furthermore, I'd have to be the first to go after it.

If we pick a fortification out in the mountains or out in the country, some place with rugged terrain, far away from any possible zombies, I'd need one of these:

Easy to find them fully-kitted out for off-roading, old-school diesel (still) and tough as nails. If I'm lucky, said armoring service will be doing one of these. I'd pick an even more rugged BJ40 or LC70, but the LC80 gives you both creature comforts and off-roadability. The long and wide wheelbase will make it less prone to tipping over under the weight of a zombie attack.

If I couldn't get one, I'd be looking for a Patrol, but preferably an older one... the newer Patrols have that nasty direct injection diesel engine that conks out at the merest sniff of water in the fuel tank.

I'd love to do a big truck, but let's be realistic here... that truck would get you to your fort, but you'd go crazy trying to fuel it afterwards. Stay light, mobile, and keep a supply of diesel and lubricant (rescued from the local hardware) under your fort. As time goes on, you can squeeze fuel out of the food you eat. Vegetable oil from your... errh... vegetables (since I live on a tropical island, I can always harvest coconuts) and oil boiled out of animal fats to use for lighting torches.


As it is, I'm only halfway prepared for the zombie apocalypse. I do have a fortified house, I have three diesel trucks that will run on anything (and they're naturally aspirated timing-gear equipped Isuzus, to boot... almost completely maintenance free... my Dad ran one of them up to 100,000 miles without looking at the oil in the crankcase... :lol: ), one quick car, and a nearby hardware store and armory I can stock up on. Only problem is I don't know how many shotgun shells I can hoard, and our deep well pump is electric... I'll need to hook up a generator to run the water.
^ I'd go with you on that one pare! :)

-> Oh wait! I already have one! 💡



:dopey: :sly:
What is that? Some kind of Land Cruiser?
How about just a general zombie survival plan, including where you'd hold up, what you'd drive, how you'd get there, what you'd use for protection, etc.?
I said "PM" Joey, "PM"! You even quoted it! Great idea though! :D:tup:

The new zombie thread is planned for release this weekend! Please guys, if you have any suggestions, ideas for zombie shelter/survival thread, PM me.


The Zombies will laugh at me so hard they'll run out of breath and die except for the blind ones who can't see it then start chasing me even though they can't see me and I run to a gun store to buy a gun with a billion-to-the-power-of-infinity-plus-seven magazines which is too heavy to carry so I have to stay in one spot and then the zombies all go behind me coincidentally (coincidentally because they're blind) and start biting me but I carried a handy-dandy bottle of Zombie Off! and ended up killing all the zombies and mating with a woman who flashed herself to all the zombies by means of saving herself and now i can remake the world.

The above paragraph is one sentence long...
I'd just get a huge ship, in the middle of the ocean, loaded with food, a water purifier, fuel, and weapons to fight off any zombies that get close. I don't see any flaws here.
Dude, i'm only 13.

EDIT: Well, if the whole world was taken over by zombies, there wouldn't be any rules to break, as the law enforcers would be zombies, so, maybe i'll take along a couple cans...........or crates.
I'd just get a huge ship, in the middle of the ocean, loaded with food, a water purifier, fuel, and weapons to fight off any zombies that get close. I don't see any flaws here.

Pick a Car for the Apocalypse.
Then again...
this thread looks to me like a carmouflaged "war industry poll thread" LOL...
but anyhow...my contribution:


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Wel since the thread says cars, i'll get the most fuel efficient SUV on the market, so I don't have to stop for gas too much, and equip it with bullet proof galss and body. Then i'll place a machine gun on top of it, so i'll be shooting zombies while my fellow apocalypse survivor drives to the safe house.

Continues in "Zombie Shelter" thread in Rumble Strip.