Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
I had to look up who she was. She seems… bad.
She's a bargain basement rent-a-quote ragebaiter version of Katie Hopkins (if you've heard of her). Hatred-Spewer gained a degree of infamy by stanning for Andrew Tate in a now deleted xeet after Greta Thunberg depantsed him online but shortly before he was arrested for human trafficking, so she's no stranger to taking the L.

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She's a bargain basement rent-a-quote ragebaiter version of Katie Hopkins (if you've heard of her). Hatred-Spewer gained a degree of infamy by stanning for Andrew Tate in a now deleted xeet after Greta Thunberg depantsed him online but shortly before he was arrested for human trafficking, so she's no stranger to taking the L.

View attachment 1344520
What an ableist See-Ya-Next-Tuesday.
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Fake news, if it was real Trump would be staring directly at the sun.
That shape reminds me more of a helmet than a person it should resemble in relation to the post.
Anyway I dont understand what the meaning of this picture shall be?
A cold and useless entity created by waste material that serves no productive purpose other than to stir things up globally?

Sounds about right to me.
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Did this really happen?
I mean I see no new movie announced, so ...

And I guess, it cant get any worse.
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@Meythia you ought to put that image behind a spoiler with a language warning or edit the image to conceal visible profanity and repost.



"Bodycount" discourse is a deranged fetish which is steeped in misogyny and has pervaded MRA/MGTOW inceldom predictably.
@Meythia you ought to put that image behind a spoiler with a language warning or edit the image to conceal visible profanity and repost.



"Bodycount" discourse is a deranged fetish which is steeped in misogyny and has pervaded MRA/MGTOW inceldom predictably.
Father of 3 girls here. I'm gonna rephrase slightly.

Would I want my daughters to:

A) date one man a decade older with a large financial disparity and a desire and interest in "caring for" a partner much younger than him and thinks he knows "what woman want"?


B) Be promiscuous in college?

It's B. Every time it's B. Lots of experience and interaction with people is good and healthy and leads to better decision making. This is not a close call.
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I want to know where the "trauma" comes from. What is the impulse for these incels to think that having sexual partners is traumatic? Do women often report this about them?

It is as though they think that women are incapable of consent, and so every partner is nonconsensual and therefore traumatic. Or maybe they think that the consent comes from a prostitution-like interaction in which the man provides financial compensation. Somehow that's less traumatic for a girl than if she freely and consensually hooks up with many guys she's actually genuinely interested in?

Bonkers. I'd like to see him consider this in reverse. Which would be less traumatic for him - freely consensually having many partners, or being paid to have one older partner that he's less interested in.
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I want to know where the "trauma" comes from. What is the impulse for these incels to think that having sexual partners is traumatic? Do women often report this about them?
Not traumatic for the woman. Traumatic for them, since they can't stop thinking about her other partners and whether they "measure up" or not.
Not traumatic for the woman. Traumatic for them, since they can't stop thinking about her other partners and whether they "measure up" or not.

Gotcha. Small penis energy. So the issues is that they desperately want women to have only one partner so that they have no frame of reference - they figure this is their only chance of satisfying a woman. If that's true, it's so sad.

I wonder if it would be comforting or devastating to them to find out that women don't require the presence of male genitalia AT ALL to have a good time.
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Bonkers. I'd like to see him consider this in reverse. Which would be less traumatic for him - freely consensually having many partners, or being paid to have one older partner that he's less interested in.
The first. That's "Alpha Male" ideology, being a male that's desirable by many women. The latter is a woman he deems unable to bear him children or submit, i.e any woman over 30.
Gotcha. Small penis energy. So the issues is that they desperately want women to have only one partner so that they have no frame of reference - they figure this is their only chance of satisfying a woman. If that's true, it's so sad.
I don't think satisfying her is part of the goal. It's just back to submissiveness; a woman with many partners is likely liberated beyond sexually. She knows what she likes & what she desires. So she's not going to settle with someone like that who probably just wants her as a maid & child bearer.
I wonder if it would be comforting or devastating to them to find out that women don't require the presence of male genitalia AT ALL to have a good time.
Devastating b/c women should be focused on making sure men have a good time first, in whatever scenario.

That's how these weirdos operate. Women are basically toys that feed them, clean their homes, and raise their kids. Sexual satisfaction? Feeling empowered? Being praised? Yucky.
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I want to know where the "trauma" comes from. What is the impulse for these incels to think that having sexual partners is traumatic? Do women often report this about them?
I'm not really interested in what they purport is traumatic about such an experience if consent is respected because it's not likely to be rational. I'm much more interested in what trauma made this type this way because I have no personal frame of reference, and I've pondered such elsewhere.
Maybe he had a domineering female parental figure that he resents, or an otherwise inappropriate relationship with a female parental figure. Perhaps histrionic personality disorder presented in his youth and it went unchecked, or his dad vented at him suspicions that his mom was unfaithful, which then skewed his perception of women as a whole.
I've doubtlessly missed factors, but I think it's worthwhile to question the roots of inceldom.
I want to know where the "trauma" comes from. What is the impulse for these incels to think that having sexual partners is traumatic? Do women often report this about them?

It is as though they think that women are incapable of consent, and so every partner is nonconsensual and therefore traumatic. Or maybe they think that the consent comes from a prostitution-like interaction in which the man provides financial compensation. Somehow that's less traumatic for a girl than if she freely and consensually hooks up with many guys she's actually genuinely interested in?

Bonkers. I'd like to see him consider this in reverse. Which would be less traumatic for him - freely consensually having many partners, or being paid to have one older partner that he's less interested in.
I can basically guarantee that this sentiment arrives out of jealousy of the imaginary "30-50" dudes...but rather than do the tough thing - acknowledge and face their own inadequacy in their ability to pursue females - it's much easier to say that women just shouldn't be promiscuous. If nobody is getting down, then they don't feel like they're missing out.
I want to know where the "trauma" comes from. What is the impulse for these incels to think that having sexual partners is traumatic? Do women often report this about them?
While I'm guessing it's not what incels are on about, there are studies that link multiple sexual partners to depression and anxiety, which I guess makes sense.

I think a lot of it has to do with the quality of your partners rather than the number, though. If you're shagging people who are more or less normal, you're probably not going to have many ill effects from it as long as you're doing it safely. If you're constantly hooking up with people who are abusive, stalkerish, or just plain crazy, then you're probably going to have some baggage because of it. It's less about the actual act of sex though and more about all the other crap that comes with being around toxic individuals.

Sexual attraction is a pretty interesting subject because I'm sure we all know someone who can't help but be constantly drawn to the absolute worst kinds of people. I know I know several people, both male and female, who have pretty much exclusively hooked up with awful people since high school, and they're always complaining about how depressed they are because they can't have a meaningful relationship. It's always like, of course, you're not going to find a meaningful relationship when all you gravitate towards are people who are a walking red flag.
While I'm guessing it's not what incels are on about, there are studies that link multiple sexual partners to depression and anxiety, which I guess makes sense.
Yea, I can definitely see why depression and anxiety would cause one to seek many partners. Not sure about it going the other way around though.

In my life, I've known exactly one person who was emotionally and mentally devastated by their situation with sexual partners, and he's an incel.
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