Perfect Balance's Gallery (Update: LIME GREEN Lowrider Dodge Ram /Please look.)

Thanks for the comments poeple, I dont know when I'll be making a update, but i'm pretty sure it will be sometime today or tommorow, probably some kind of supercar special. I don't get why a lot of people like my carbon set, I thought that was the worst one. :odd: maybe I should start taking pics that I hate and everyone will like them. :dopey:
Not a supercar special, but this ones fast enough.
I couldn't get very good pics with this car for some reason, either the track of the car or something, but here goes.(leave a comment.)

Just playing around with stuff

Leave a comment, good or bad.
Tips are highly appreciated. 👍
love 'em, i would sure like to spend more time putting pics on my gallery like yours, but the current dial-up won't allow me to upload as much as i would like to in less than a decade('bout to switch to dsl). Anyway, I think you really captured the good points of that car. Hong-kong was great. Keep em coming.
Overall very nice photos 👍
In particular the 3rd one in the 1st row. It has a very unique and strong charakter. Although the reddish tints in the upper left corner slightly spoils it.
Overall very nice photos 👍
In particular the 3rd one in the 1st row. It has a very unique and strong charakter. Although the reddish tints in the upper left corner slightly spoils it.

Thanks, I didn't even notice the red tint in the corner, I think it was a letter that got blurred. :indiff:
Thanks for the comments, I like seeing that people like my work. 👍
Ok, heres the next update.

Ok the last two were pics that I posted in kenny's carbon fiber shop, Those are the before and after pics. 👍

Also, I think I put the contrast or saturation too high in some of the pics, causing some pics to have green stuff coming from all the red stuff.(like the one pic from above.)
Well, tell me what you think :)
Very nice Hommel pics 👍
And the lancer ones were also cool except for the on torwards the bottom in the left column that had too much contrast.
The one with the carbon hood is my fav out of the lancers, everything matches wit the surroundings.
I only complain of one thing: why is it so hard to write Tommi Mäkinen (or Makinen as you don't have scandinavian keyboard) as that's his name? Otherwise good work :cheers:

P.S. This isn't personal, you're not the only one to make this mistake :)
I only complain of one thing: why is it so hard to write Tommi Mäkinen (or Makinen as you don't have scandinavian keyboard) as that's his name? Otherwise good work :cheers:

P.S. This isn't personal, you're not the only one to make this mistake :)
Wow, I didn't know that was how to spell his name. I make sure not to make that mistake again. Crap, I feel stupid. :grumpy:
You don't need to feel so stupid as your native language obviously isn't Finnish. 👍

(BTW, it says Tommi Makinen in the licence plate ;))
Hey people, little request here, if one of you leaves a comment on here and you recently updated you gallery, leave me a note like check my gallery out or put something in your sig so I won't miss any of your guys updates. Kind of lazy on my part but that way I won't miss anything and you'll get more comments. Thanks
The Lancer update is probably your best stuff to date: good variety and some more unique angles and shot choice. Now you have to work on making your shots look so good that I say "I wish I could do that/or thought of that first."

Another tip: I know you are enthusiastic, but updating less can be more beneficial than updating every 2 days.

Less is more.

Think about it.

If you made love with a beautiful woman every hour every day you would get bored after 2 weeks because it wouldn't be special anymore. But if you had to wait a week each time, it would be all the more special and meaningful.
Your Lancer pics are all great! I don't think there is a bad one in the bunch. I need to start taking pictures of Lancers and soon.
Coming some time tomorrow because I'm using kenny's advice on not updating so much. This ones going to be a ff special.

In the meantime, keep the comments coming, tell me if you updated and I'll do my best to check it out. 👍
I'll make an update tomorrow morning, expect some small BMWs. (You wanted to know, so I'll let you know :))
I'll make an update tomorrow morning, expect some small BMWs. (You wanted to know, so I'll let you know :))
Thanks,exept thats tommorow for you, my tommorow is in like 8 hours. and then it's like 12:00 a.m. I'll just keep checking up on yours.
(your the only one who seems to be updating, according to this thread, at least so far.)

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