What kind of digital camera do you use?

  • Thread starter Blackbird.


United States
Bay Area
I use a HP Photosmart 935. What do you use. This especially is for the ones that participate in the Photography Competition.;)
I think this has been done, before, but oh well. I use a brand new 3.2 MP Canon Powershot A400. It's not bad, not great, either... I just bought a 256MB SD card. I can take 350 seconds of video with sound in 640x480 resolution! I like that feature.
I have a Canon S45 4.0 megapixels.

If you want a camera that's more advanced than an amateur point-and-shoot, but don't want to be fiddling with bulky add-on lenses, this is a great camera to have.
Some ****ty Nikon D100. Seriously, it's ****.

Can't be as crappy as my old Polaroid PDC700. 0.81 Megapixels! That's 810 Kilopixels! That was a big POS. We bought it for $20 new...
That Nikon D100 sure is a ****ty camera. I don't know why anyone would use it.

I like the 5.0MP Sony Cybershot. That thing is awesome. Probably costs a fortune.(to a 13 year old)
Casio QV-R40 ~ 4.0 MP, 3X Optical and Digital Zoom. 256MB SD Card. Best of all only $299.99.




:) 👍
A very old Nikon CoolPix 950... 2 Mega Pixels but it takes some pretty good pictures..

BUT - I've been playing around with a Canon 1D lately.... Serious IWOOT item... It's only 4 Mega Pixels but it'll do 8.5 shots pr. second at maximum quality... Simply an amazing camera...
I have a Sony Cybershot 5.1 MP DSC-W1 w/ 2.5" LCD screen! It takes really great pictures and got it for a great deal, $399 with a free 128mb memory stick pro. :) 👍
Last summer I bought my own, a 1.2 MP Canon powershot A30. I'm content with the quality and it can take more than enough pictures with a 128 MB memory card.

Just too bad that the movie mode doesn't have sound..
My dad has a Nikon Coolpix 2500. We don't use it for anything special, just the usual special occasions (b-days etc) and holidays. The rotating lense protection is handy when you have kids to take care of at the same time.
Sony Cybershot DSC-P100
3x optical
5 megapixel ccd
Lots of features for more advanced usage (shutter, aperture, film type, etc) and it's auto mode is relatively intelligent and will take decent shots

Accessories I have for it:
256 meg memory stick
6 inch tripod - legs extend to 12 inches
Standard size tripod

Sample shots (most have been shrunken to 1000x pixels in width) are available Here
I have an Olympus C-750UZ. 4MP, 10x Optical Zoom. Has lots of features for people beyond point-and-shoot, and is generally very good. Only problem for me is that the aperture range is somewhat limited, and it won't do more than 1.5s exposure times, so it's not fantastic for night-time shots. I get about 70 shots at high quality on a 256MB card.

My Video Camera can also do digital stills with 1MP, which it records onto Memory Stick.
Pentax Optio S4

4 Megapixels, 3X optical zoom, with nice image quality and extra features. Nothing exceptional, but it fits in an Altoids box :D.


βlackbird, you should also have a look at this one if you want something very small, or the Canon SD110, which looks pretty decent.
The Sony P100 is actually making me think twice, even if I really do want the T1. But it's overpriced and way to expensive. I think I'll stick with the Photosmart 935 untill I get some money built up.
I've posted this before, but I just purchased a Minolta Dimage Z2 for $350 and a 512 card for $40.

600X800 video (which fills up a 512 card in just under 8 minutes btw)
10X optical, 4X digital
up to 30 second exposures
burst mode - 1.3MP images @ 10 fps until internal memory is full
and it looks pretty sweet :)

Downside is it doesn't fit in you pocket, but I think i can live with that.
Canon S1 IS or something to that effect. It's about $399 and works out great for me. I've taken some very nice shots with it, and I have no experience with cameras.
I just picked up a Canon PowerShot S1. Got a good deal at Black's Photography when they had it on sale for $449.99 CDN since the S2 is coming out to replace it. Before I went away to Montreal in June for the Canadian Grand Prix, I picked up a SanDisk Extreme III 1.0 GB CompactFlash card, so I didn't want that to go to waste, of course.
I haven't really used the S1 much yet, but I really like it. It's 3.2 MP, 10X optical zoom, and true MovieMode. I can even get a additional lens which bumps it to 20x optical, which is really nice.