The Logitech Driving Force Pro Thread.

  • Thread starter Darin
There is no doubt that this wheel adds a new dimension to GTP.

I was having a bit of a hassle getting a decent time in one of the slalom tests with the pad, but with the wheel, I beat my previous time by over .75 of a sec within two attempts which was a huge margin for me.

Winding on opposite lock is a snap with the DFP usually leaving me with a huge grin.
Please help me out on this,....I'm gonna get the new wheel, no doubt. But I also want to build one of them racing type of seat things for it...I dont know the name of it or what's it called. I was gonna make a new thread but instead of wasting time and space I will ask here. Anywhere I can find plans to build one and links to sites where they sell racing seats???? thanx ahead of time :)
buy or build, don't really long as you can put yourself in the same driving position every time you play!

If you've thought about 'buying', I've got a pretty long list of possibilities that I've recently put together that I could send you....would help save you time looking on the well as maybe give you some ideas for your own setup!

do you think it would be possible for you to put that list here?? ....pleeeease!?? :)
I can't get rid of the feeling that there's something wrong with my DFP :ill:

Yesterday I had visitors driving GT4P, and one woman kept swinging from left to right on the track (in real life she does not drive like that :) ). I could understand why she did so : she took the +/- 10° without force feedback as "play" on the steering system.

I'd love to have some feedback from other owners of the wheel. Untill now the only reaction came from GTXLR, but I wouldn't be surprised if his wheel has the same problem as mine ...

Can't be they modelled the FF to the example of a 60's Land Rover :indiff:
Hey guys. Im new to the forums and a huge gt enthusist. I recently bought the Logitech Driving force pro for the long awaited gt4. Now im lookin into one of those game racing frames. I have my eye on the BRD racing frame for 220. It looks pretty good but has no seat but its no biggy. I would appreciate thoughts on it and anything else u guys recommend on the racing frames. I want to keep it under 300 if possible for the frame. Im looking to have the best racing expirence for gt4 .

Turbo s15
turbo s15
Hey guys. Im new to the forums and a huge gt enthusist. I recently bought the Logitech Driving force pro for the long awaited gt4. Now im lookin into one of those game racing frames. I have my eye on the BRD racing frame for 220. It looks pretty good but has no seat but its no biggy. I would appreciate thoughts on it and anything else u guys recommend on the racing frames. I want to keep it under 300 if possible for the frame. Im looking to have the best racing expirence for gt4 .

Turbo s15

If you have the time to make a home built can see what we can do with a little bit of material like I did :)
Buggy Boy
I finally bought a DFP yesterday.

Something strange happens with the force feedback : there is a "dead angle" between 10° to the left, and 10° to the right, where the FF doesn't work. The front wheels however do turn, but there's no FF. Beyond that "dead" angle, the FF starts to work.

It also seems sometimes as if there's a belt loosing grip inside, and suddenly it starts having grip again with a shock.

I can only compare with my Momo Force, which is definitely more solid, but this seems not right, even for a less solid wheel.

Are these effects normal, especially the "play" on the wheel?

Thanks for reactions!


Delete the File "YOUR_SYSTEMCONFIGURATION" on Your MC , or start the Game without Memory Card.

Thereafter change the Force Feedback to strong ( On the Wheel )

Good Luck

Hi Werner!
Thank you very much for the reply.
I've started and run GT4P without MC now, but leider the 'problem' persists. Adjusting FF changes FF very well, but doesn't change the 'play' without FF in the neutral zone.
OK. I've had the dfp for two weeks now and have been playing GT3 with it: 200deg. simulation setting, full FF, and I was wondering if it's ok because of the many complaints. Buggy Boy's problem is understandable, the FF should not come on in the first 10deg. or so. But I want to know if the rest of you has the same 'problem' as I have. On my wheel there IS a bit of play before the wheels in the elec. motor 'grip' (1-2 deg.). This causes the wheel to give the steering wheel to the FF engine back and forth if you let go of the wheel. It starts to go from left to right once you let go of the wheel even when standing still. It also causes the wheel to rattle over curbs instead of just 'shudder'.I actually hope there is something wrong with it and that this is not just a 'build quality problem'. Because a wheel like this does add a lot to the game. Replies please. :scared: :guilty:
Buggy Boy's problem is understandable, the FF should not come on in the first 10deg. or so.
Yes ... but it should build up gradually, especially on street tyres. It remains "zero FF" for too long, and at +/- 10°, it suddenly takes the correct value.

On my wheel there IS a bit of play before the wheels in the elec. motor 'grip' (1-2 deg.).
I remarked that the DFP has in fact more play then the Momo Force. The wheel going left/right depends from the tyres imo. I believe it is more pronounced on slicks, as on these tyres the FF starts to work more quickly.

Further on, the effect that you describe is about the same on my wheel ...

It also causes the wheel to rattle over curbs instead of just 'shudder'. I actually hope there is something wrong with it and that this is not just a 'build quality problem'.
... and me too, I hope there is something wrong with it, so that we still can get a "good" wheel.
I agree! I've even thought about cracking it open! Please more replies, how does it work for you? Btw this is my friends computer. My own ID I've just created is 'Falconair'.Replies!
Guys, I think you got crappy wheels. I have had the DFP for about 6 months now and I've played GT3 and Toca 2 with it - no problems. If I let go of the steering wheel while going straight, the FF works against itself and starts shaking the wheel left and right, but as long as you have a hand on the wheel it works great and has force feedback at 1 degree left or right turn. I would say you should exchange it now before GT4 hits stores and everyone decides to buy a DFP.
John: It's not reverse compatible with PS1 games, as it's a USB device. PS1 games don't read from that port. But it's an awesome wheel, second to none.

@Buggy Boy: As I think the trembling of the wheel is caused by the same engine as the force feedback, just drive straight over some kerbs, neutral wheel. If that feels good, it can't really be faulty.
I never noticed anything wrong with my DFP, but to be honest I never looked into it with the detail that buggy boy did.

However, I can understand that you start analysing it in the way he did, when you have the feeling that there is something wrong...
On my wheel there IS a bit of play before the wheels in the elec. motor 'grip' (1-2 deg.). This causes the wheel to give the steering wheel to the FF engine back and forth if you let go of the wheel. It starts to go from left to right once you let go of the wheel even when standing still.
I've tried some cars for this : the Xanavi GTR, the Focus and the RX-7. The RX-7 starts 'shaking' if you let the wheel go from 150 km/hr and higher. The Focus Rally car is a little more sensible to it, and the Xanavi GTR even more. But below 100 km/hr no shaking here ... and certainly not when standing still :scared:
You could try the same cars at different speeds and compare.

@Buggy Boy: As I think the trembling of the wheel is caused by the same engine as the force feedback, just drive straight over some kerbs, neutral wheel. If that feels good, it can't really be faulty.
Thanks for replying Arwin! Driving straight over cerbs feels OK, it's only the combination of turning and cerbs that provides the rattling, and I guess this is the way the DFP handles it.

The main problem is the FF-less zone however. I took an angle-meter to measure how many degrees this neutral zone really is.
It varies between +2.5/-2.5 and +7.5/-7.5, and that depends of :
- tyres : smaller angle with slicks (seems logical)
- speed : smaller angle with higher speed (seems logical)
- force applied : I mean, if you apply a sudden force, the wheel turns over a bigger angle before the FF has the time to start working. I guess it's just a drawback typical to FF-devices.

So I think I figured some things out :

Why didn't I have this problem with the Momo Force?
The answer is probably that the Momo Force has a bigger turning resistance, even without electrical power. So I didn't notice the difference between no FF (with bigger resistance), and FF.

And second thing : why seemed the problem not to exist with GT3C?
The answer here lies in the fact that in GT3C, the software seems to provide a FF, even when the car stands still. This makes the transfer to speed-related FF less sudden, hence no "FF-less zone".

Now this could clear things a bit up for me, but I wonder why noone seems to question this like I do? Is it like k2racer says, because you guys didn't bother about details, or is there still something wrong with my wheel? :confused:

@ Minnesota : are you sure you get FF from the 1st degree??

Thanks for more reactions!
OK I've been using the wheel with GT3 so no Xanavi etc. I've used it with several types of cars now and it keeps throwing itself back and forth, even when standing still(Starting to get worried). The other thing is I forgot to mention, wich might indicate a problem, is that when coming out of autodrive, the wheel gives a big jerk to the left (or right). Now, am I being a big whine or does the rest of you have the same problem? If not, I'm calling Logitech. I can manage with the wheel quite well, but I just want to know if it's OK. I'd hate to find out after a while I've wasted my money... :ouch:
Buggy Boy
I've tried some cars for this : the Xanavi GTR, the Focus and the RX-7. The RX-7 starts 'shaking' if you let the wheel go from 150 km/hr and higher. The Focus Rally car is a little more sensible to it, and the Xanavi GTR even more. But below 100 km/hr no shaking here ... and certainly not when standing still :scared:
You could try the same cars at different speeds and compare.

Thanks for replying Arwin! Driving straight over cerbs feels OK, it's only the combination of turning and cerbs that provides the rattling, and I guess this is the way the DFP handles it.

The main problem is the FF-less zone however. I took an angle-meter to measure how many degrees this neutral zone really is.
It varies between +2.5/-2.5 and +7.5/-7.5, and that depends of :
- tyres : smaller angle with slicks (seems logical)
- speed : smaller angle with higher speed (seems logical)
- force applied : I mean, if you apply a sudden force, the wheel turns over a bigger angle before the FF has the time to start working. I guess it's just a drawback typical to FF-devices.

So I think I figured some things out :

Why didn't I have this problem with the Momo Force?
The answer is probably that the Momo Force has a bigger turning resistance, even without electrical power. So I didn't notice the difference between no FF (with bigger resistance), and FF.

And second thing : why seemed the problem not to exist with GT3C?
The answer here lies in the fact that in GT3C, the software seems to provide a FF, even when the car stands still. This makes the transfer to speed-related FF less sudden, hence no "FF-less zone".

Now this could clear things a bit up for me, but I wonder why noone seems to question this like I do? Is it like k2racer says, because you guys didn't bother about details, or is there still something wrong with my wheel? :confused:

@ Minnesota : are you sure you get FF from the 1st degree??

Thanks for more reactions!

Im still not really sure the problems you think are in the DFP are really problems.

The FF in Prologue simulates grip, and weight transfer.
I dont think i have anything other than maybe a Degree or so of play in the steering, You would expect this even in real life, through steering coloumn linkage.
Beyond that is where resistance comes into play, factors that affect the FF resistance depends on a number of factors, such as speed and turn.
When the car is gripping in the game the FF tightens up, until such time as the cars grip is gone where resistance then falls away, until you come to a point where your car starts losing control and the FF starts to simulate the movement of the car (i.e the back end coming round) and the physics engine and FF atempts to alters the angle of the wheel.

The only time i ever experience virually no resistance when the car gets light, Try citta D aria, and through the twisty lanes before the long straight, you can get almost airbourne over the crest, and as you do so the steering becomes very light indeed.

Try this out and tell me if this is how light your wheel feels, or if that makes the resistance lighter.
Hi GTXLR, thanks for clearing this further out :)
The "light feeling" when the forces on the tyres fall away is OK, I don't have to try that out, as I don't feel a problem there.

You say you have 1° play in the steering. I have the same, perhaps even zero degree, but then we talk about the steering itself. That is fine, it can be tested without power connected to the wheel.

The "play" I talk about is in the FF. In fact it is just a zone without FF.
I accept the technical difficulty in creating a realistic transfer from "zero FF" trough "FF tightening up" to "high FF" (and beyond, to FF being reduced by the tyres loosing grip). After having a Momo Force as my first steering wheel, and after all the positive comments about this wheel, I had expected better. Now I doubt whether my wheel is OK, or whether it has a technical problem which could be the FF-engine not being powered well at low power levels.

I think the only way to find out is to test another wheel ... I've asked Logitec for this ... curious for their reply ... :)
@ Falconair,

I've tested my wheel with GT3 because of your post, and goy the same effects : wheel shaking, even when standing still, and "big jerk" :) to one side when coming out of autodrive.
The last effect seems certainly normal, as at that moment the wheel is activated while you're in a turn.

Not that I'm in the postition of saying that my wheel is the example of the perfect wheel :) , but I'd wait for GT4 or GT4P if I was you before you judge. It's quite different.
i have just got a dfp and have a quick question

as soon as i press the brake pedal the car breaks but when i press the accelerator
pedal i have to press it a fair bit before anything hapens is this normal
Well i just got mine... I could test it with the Toyota Demo and man does it do a difference in Of course that demo is nothing like what GT4 will be, but i'm already impressed!

Its hard to play a long time with the toyota demo, considering the week cars and rather abrut 2 mins time limit. But i can say i played close to 1 hour total, and i haven't had any problems with the DFP so far. The Wheel responces very well to commands both in 900' and 200'.

Hope this helps. I wish i could try out the BMW demo, but i'm NTSC :(
Buggy Boy
Hi GTXLR, thanks for clearing this further out :)
The "light feeling" when the forces on the tyres fall away is OK, I don't have to try that out, as I don't feel a problem there.

You say you have 1° play in the steering. I have the same, perhaps even zero degree, but then we talk about the steering itself. That is fine, it can be tested without power connected to the wheel.

The "play" I talk about is in the FF. In fact it is just a zone without FF.
I accept the technical difficulty in creating a realistic transfer from "zero FF" trough "FF tightening up" to "high FF" (and beyond, to FF being reduced by the tyres loosing grip). After having a Momo Force as my first steering wheel, and after all the positive comments about this wheel, I had expected better. Now I doubt whether my wheel is OK, or whether it has a technical problem which could be the FF-engine not being powered well at low power levels.

I think the only way to find out is to test another wheel ... I've asked Logitec for this ... curious for their reply ... :)

If you weave from left to right to left, is the zero resitance zone still prevelant when you go through the central position?

Im feeling that there is something wrong with your wheel, I went back and tested out the wheel again today, and can only report that through all my different test manouvers, different levels of resistance are felt at different times right across the central zone, except during loss of grip, the resistance is different dependant on circumstances but is prevelant non the less to some degree.

Have you tried a feint motion into a turn, is the feed back resistance there through the central zone as you move the wheel as you make the turn?
Falconair feels more assured. Thanks for testing with GT3 buggy boy. I'll test mine with prologue in a week or so... I just wanted to make sure my wheel is ok. I guess it is... Still, I think the world needs a FF-wheel with a real industrial strength to it. Prefferally built by Germans. 💡 Or me! 👍
Hi there all

I recentley purchased the Logitech driving force pro. I have to say it was money well spent. However some concerns have arisen over it. Firstly the brake pedal has lost its feel and no longer is as strong and the wheel itself seems slightley loser. I know this is usual wear and tear but i have only had the wheel for two weeks and was wondering if people had encounterd these problems and how long is the wheel durable for. Also would it be wise for me to put a small songe or squash ball underneath the brake pedal?

By the way i came across the BMW Demo disc so if you want to ask me anythink on it feel free.

Thank you for your help
i thought this was gunna be a lot more realistic. It unwinds the at the same pace no matter what speed even when stopped.

im hoping gt4 is much better for it. How is it with the bmw demo?

and how did u guys get the "paddles" to work?