The Logitech Driving Force Pro Thread.

  • Thread starter Darin
This might be a little off topic, but I'm wondering wich rally game has the best feeling with the DFP (Colin 2005, Richard Burns or WRC4)? I was saving for GT4, but since it has been delayed until april 2035, I can spend some money...

Ok, off topic for the sake of the DFP:

I own both RBR & WRC4, and the winner is:


But for the DFP handling as you asked, you feel when the wheels are gripping, you feel them lifting, slipping , everything. WRC4 is overall winner on graphics and course layout. The DFP on WRC4 is a bit shaky, you do not feel resistance as in RBR, but more a kind of rattling (kind of the old GT force's force feedback being made of little steps)

If only, it had the realistic handling of RBR, the perfect (rally) game would have seen the light.......
Just tried the DFP myself with 900 degree mode with RBR on PC and WRC4 on PS2.

The steering (900 degree mode) with WRC4 is way too slow. Steering sensitivity was set to the max ==> "fast".

With RBR on PC (900 degree mode and without that program darin talked about), is just perfect.

RBR has the best feeling with the DFP in 900dgree mode.

Darin, Thanks for the code!!!!
Hmm. I just read through this thread and have been thinking about picking a DFP wheel up in anticipation of GT4.

I want to buy from, but I'm in Canada. Including shipping, duties, etc., it will cost me about 130 CDN, which is still way cheaper than the 200 CDN + Tax quoted by Logitech.

Only problem is that overstock says there will be no returns on this item and it's a refurb. What if I get a lemon? I will be screwed out of 130 bucks.

Those of you who bought from, how were your experiences?

Will Logitech honour any warranties on such an item?

Any advice will be appereciated.
There are some pictures early in this thread of a set up with a steering wheel, an actual gated gearshift, and a pedal set with clutch, brake, and accelerator. This leads to my two questions: Does this work with PS2 (specifically GT3 and GT4) and if so, does the clutch and gated gearshift really work like the real thing? (I ask this because I see the keyboard, which makes me think that this is a PC only setup) Second, How was this accomplished/How can I recreate this? I drive stick in real life, and would really, really, really, like to see somebody finally comeup with a realistic clutch pedal and gated shifter set up with actual clutch and shifter feedback (maybe I want too much, I don't know).
I have MOMO Force with moded pedals. I put clutch on it, and it works great. The pedal was connected parallel to one white button on MOMO, since there is no game, that simulates clutch slipping. SO button-like operation works just fine. I also have Act Labs USB Shifter but it doesn't work in GT3 or GT4P. I use it on PC. With that moded MOMO it works great. But for ultimate sim for me - I use those MOMO pedals and DFP with this Shifter.
I also have Act Labs USB Shifter but it doesn't work in GT3 or GT4P...

Than you should seriously consider checking out a company called Frex and their line of products if you're looking for some serious upgrades to your current DFP wheel and still want to race GT3 and/or any other game for that matter on your PS2!

They offer some really cool <Yet Expensive> upgrades for the Logitech DFP...Things like:

1. A sequential shifter
2. Handrake
Both of which can be seen here
NOTE: While most of you would probably never even think of doing this, I can assure you, these two additions are well worth their price...every they're easy to install as well!
3. Pedals
NOTE: While the 3 pedal system can't be used on any console game, you can definitely get the impression that these things will never break!
4. Racing Cockpit, which can be seen here and here
5. Real Momo or Sparco racing wheels

Matter of fact, you could go overboard and wind up having something like this to spend all those hours and hours racing GT4!
Note: A second pic can been seen here as well!
Oh man, that looks very nice! I would love to get me one of them MOMO wheels! :dopey:
They're not cheap, though.

Too bad Santa isn't real... He said he'd bring GT4, but now I don't know WHAT to believe...
SimRaceDriver: I know frex :). They are really great. But I love my current setup. It's not perfect, but it works and does what it is supposed to do ... :)

check some of my pics - sorry for the language ....

Now it looks a bit different /* mental note - add new pics :) */, but almost the same. On pics there is no wheel on, because there I only had enough space for my PC, but since I completed my new room, it looks better and one steering wheel is on all the time. I just change form PS2 to PC and play on monitor these driving games.

aa, I found some new pics from first day in new room, but sadly again without wheel on :).

I just turn the monitor arround and that is it.
vipersan Nice pics! As long as everything works for you, great! Can't ask for anything else! I was merely pointing out that the Frex line of products are two dimensional...meaning they'll work with any PC racing game, as well as on your PS2!

And no worries about the language on your web site..regardless of the language, it's pretty easy to spot hyper links that point to possible pictures! :D

i thought the 900 degrees steering only was gunna work with gt4? i think im gunna have to get my self this wheel and build a little cockpit
buy or build, don't really long as you can put yourself in the same driving position every time you play!

If you've thought about 'buying', I've got a pretty long list of possibilities that I've recently put together that I could send you....would help save you time looking on the well as maybe give you some ideas for your own setup!
Well i just got mine... I could test it with the Toyota Demo and man does it do a difference in Of course that demo is nothing like what GT4 will be, but i'm already impressed!
I finally bought a DFP yesterday.

Something strange happens with the force feedback : there is a "dead angle" between 10° to the left, and 10° to the right, where the FF doesn't work. The front wheels however do turn, but there's no FF. Beyond that "dead" angle, the FF starts to work.

It also seems sometimes as if there's a belt loosing grip inside, and suddenly it starts having grip again with a shock.

I can only compare with my Momo Force, which is definitely more solid, but this seems not right, even for a less solid wheel.

Are these effects normal, especially the "play" on the wheel?

Thanks for reactions!
Buggy Boy
I finally bought a DFP yesterday.

It also seems sometimes as if there's a belt loosing grip inside, and suddenly it starts having grip again with a shock.

I can only compare with my Momo Force, which is definitely more solid, but this seems not right, even for a less solid wheel.

Are these effects normal, especially the "play" on the wheel?

Thanks for reactions!

This wheel ties in to the whole physics engine of the game.
Its not desinged to give permanent resistance, its giving you the feedback of the physics engine, and the movement and grip of the car.

the first 10 degrees either way tends not to lend much in the way of weight transfer, turn the wheel further or faster and the force feedback will simulate the feeling of weight shift and tighten the steering.
The loose belt feeling, is an indicator of the level of grip, it will come and go as the car, is heavy on grip or loose on grip.
Make sure you turn the force feedback setting to maximum on the set up menu.

Then select full force feedback mode with the button selections, and youll really feel the feedback.
the first 10 degrees either way tends not to lend much in the way of weight transfer, turn the wheel further or faster and the force feedback will simulate the feeling of weight shift and tighten the steering.
The loose belt feeling, is an indicator of the level of grip, it will come and go as the car, is heavy on grip or loose on grip.
Thx for the quick replay, GTXLR! So in your opinion there's nothing wrong with my wheel. Hmmm, real world steering does feel different, no 10° there imo.

Then select full force feedback mode with the button selections, and youll really feel the feedback.
With the button selections??How do you do this (in GT4P)?
Select,R3 and left paddle shift.
also in the settings menu, turn to maximum force and save the game.

Try running through the lessons and learn to feel what the physics engine is doing in relation to the feel of the car.
The extra feedback settings do make for a lot stiffer feel the 10 degree feeling should improve slightly and in real world driving this is quite a normal thing as it takes time to go from neautral balance to weight shift and bite, and i believe that is what they are trying to recreate,
lf it still feels of try and try someone elses set up.

Edit: let us know how it feels.
I've been arguing with myself over the past few weeks about whether or not to get the DFP Wheel for GT4. Does anyone know if driving in GT4 is going to be controlled be the stick exclusively, or also with the dpad? This is probably going to be the main reason I buy the wheel, or get it for Christmas, that is. So .. DS2 or DFP?
I've been arguing with myself over the past few weeks about whether or not to get the DFP Wheel for GT4. Does anyone know if driving in GT4 is going to be controlled be the stick exclusively, or also with the dpad? This is probably going to be the main reason I buy the wheel, or get it for Christmas, that is. So .. DS2 or DFP?

Go on, put it on your xmas list, Its well worth it, I havent used a DS since i got it.
excuse me.... does anybody know any shop that ships internationally? i just can't find the wheel over here .... :ouch:

I'd suggest going to to see what offers they have, but I'm sure if you 'googled' the term Buy + Logitech Driving Force Pro you'd get a number of responses that will direct to you to company that will/can ship Internationally....
no good... both googled sites and amazon (which was one of the first places that i searched) say that they are "unable to ship outside of the US"

please don't leave me with DS :indiff:
Guess how many times I raced with the GT Force steering wheel for GT3. Once.
Guess how many times I raced with the Logitech Driving Force Pro. Never.

But I would sure love to race with that steering wheel. This will probably be one of the few times I want to enhance my gaming experience with a steering wheel like this beauty from Logitech. When I was at a GameCrazy store, there was this miniature racing wheel (don't know the name of it, sorry), but I doubt it would have the 900 degrees of movement. When my brother took me out to an empty parking lot near the University of Houston, I practiced my driving techniques (no racing techniques, if that's what you're thinking). One time, I tried to continually steer the steering wheel, I could rotate it about 2 or 3 times before it locks for me to turn in the other direction. I guess I would get those memories when I race GT4 with it, or at least I hope to have that racing wheel, then maybe get GT4 for my 22nd birthday 2 or 3 weeks past Christmas (January 15, 2005). I'll get it if I don't have it already before Christmas.

Anyhow, I dig this wheel. I still don't know if it is reverse-compatible with PS1 games, but you all can help me with that. As a last minute note, Darin made this thread, and it sucks that he's not on anymore. He was pretty cool. Darin, if you're reading this thread, miss you on GTP, man.

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