G25 FAQs and Q & A's **FEEL FREE TO ADD**

  • Thread starter djblackmon
If your sure the power adapter is kaput what I would try is taping some straight pins to the leads on your meter then stick pins into wires coming out of adapter (I would unplug adapter first). Stick the pins into the wires far enough back from each other so they don't touch each other. Then use an extension cord plug adapter into cord then cord into outlet(this way you can stay away from the wires even with small volts out you still need to be careful) Doing this would tell you if the wire going into the wheel base is broken somewhere. If you have volts here then try close to where it goes into wheel. You might want to try checking for resistance with the meter from where it goes into wheel working back. Just be sure to unplug from wheel so you don't mess wheel up.

A new adapter from Logitech Store is $10.00 not sure what shipping is

This link should take you to the site . Otherwise go to Logitech site :then at top of page go to Support>Gaming>gaming>G25>enter>then Parts.
The adapter is the only part that they sell for the G25.

G25 Racing Wheel for PC (USB)
Not the product you were looking for?

AC Adapter
AC Adapter for G25
P/N 190542-0000 USD 10.00

thanks a lot
i'll try out what you mentioned tomorrow

any idea if the adapter is just the adapter? or the plug going into the outlet AND the black brick that plugs into the steering wheel

i checked the plug going into the outlet and that wasn't showing any voltage..

any idea where i can find one in canada?
the US site doesnt ship to canada and the canadian site doesn't have the parts section you mentioned
So I finally setup my G25 with my PS3 and when I play GT5P the steering angle doesn't correspond to my actual inputs, the steering wheel in the game has about 50% of the lock that I'm actually using and it makes it really awkward. Is there any way to change the calibration because it just feels wrong.
Has anyone successfully extended the length of their G25's shifter cable? I need a little more slack for a cleaner install on my VisionRacer. I found someone selling an extender on eBay. I'd like to make one myself, but after reading this comment from Logitech, I'm a bit nervous.
To be honest - that sounds like "the official line"...

If you really want to do this - the best way - would be to take apart the current wire(s) - and remake - that would ensure that each wire would always goto the correct place.

Length of wires I would've said would be fairly minimal addition to resistance as most wires have pretty low resistance anyways - it's not like you're going to make it 50 metres longer!!

Also - I note that the extender has been removed from Ebay now - which might make your mind up for you!

Has anyone successfully extended the length of their G25's shifter cable? I need a little more slack for a cleaner install on my VisionRacer. I found someone selling an extender on eBay. I'd like to make one myself, but after reading this comment from Logitech, I'm a bit nervous.

Jordan, Have you thought about trying to buy a shifter on eBay and extending the wires on it. At least you would not kill your shifter. I used to work at Raytheon in the cable department and I don't think that it would hurt as long as you staggered the extra wire length.
Thanks for the comments, guys. The extension cable is actually still online - try this link. I did find someone who will ship replacement shifters, but they're asking $99. If I could spend $24.99 to get the extension without having to cut anything (if I extended it myself), that may be the best option. I was a little concerned about Logitech's comment that the pins were in a "slightly different shape" from the standard serial configuration (presumably to prevent anyone from doing this), but I actually don't have an old serial cable to compare it with!
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Before you buy the cable you could unhook your shifter and take it to "Radio Shack" and they could find a Male/Female connector and you could make your own. Soldering not that hard if you know what your doing. If Radio Shack don't have them try any electronic store (not retail type) local owned.
It says it's custom made - which probably implies that he knows what he is doing!!

You could always send him a question - and point him towards your above link and see what he says?

Just heard back from the fellow, and he said he's been scratching his head over that post by Logitech for quite some time now. He also claims to have sold quite a few without any problems for over a year. I prefer to spend $24.99 and let him do the dirty work rather than spending the time and effort to get everything necessary to do it myself. Just placed my order - will report back when I get it.
Well, that logitech comment is correct if you were to do it incorrectly or poorly but if you're just making a extension without cutting any original wires it wont hurt the hardware if you get it wrong. The resistance issue is more to do with pedals that shifter extension anyway.
Playstation HOME. haha! I accidentally clicked on home with my G25 was attached to the PS3 and a started driving my character around with the wheel. Pretty funny, just my 2 cents.

Yeah, they should add a car dealership in home so people can drive around instead of walk.
Well, that logitech comment is correct if you were to do it incorrectly or poorly but if you're just making a extension without cutting any original wires it wont hurt the hardware if you get it wrong. The resistance issue is more to do with pedals that shifter extension anyway.

Resistance is a term to do with the electronics inside the controllers - not to do with how hard you need to push the pedal/shifter!

I think Jay was referring to the fact that the pedals have pods in them as to having gas at half throttle; where as everything in the shifter is on/off so the resistance shouldn't have any effect.
I think Jay was referring to the fact that the pedals have pods in them as to having gas at half throttle; where as everything in the shifter is on/off so the resistance shouldn't have any effect.

Without looking at the Circuits for this I couldn't comment...

But if the switches are done via a chip - then the resistance (and therefore resulting current) could make a difference into how the chip reads the switch... although I'd be surprised if the tolerances were that close.
