The Logitech Driving Force Pro Thread.

  • Thread starter Darin
Well i wanna own the Logitech driving force pro as fast as possible. I´ve saw some characteristics of it, thanks for you guys. But i wanna know. Is it possible to use it in pc? I am not sure about this. So i wanna know about it :D
Yes you can use it on your PC. Just need to download the logitech drivers.
I´ve read a lot here, and i saw some comments. Well i would like to listen to some of who drives in real life, and for some, who likes to go fast too. :D

Does the DFP turns exactly as a street car, i mean, in 900dg mode, u know, at slow speeds it stays "heavier" and at high speeds, any "trick" u turn turns a lot...?

And also about paddles. DO They have good feeling, u have to press too much to they get all work, or u just tap them to get all its best?

Well at least in road cars, when u get some "drifts" or oversteering and u turn the steering wheel to the opposite side to avoid it, the steering wheel gets lighter for some time while u are spinning, do this happen also with the DFP?
Even if I downloaded the drivers, I would perhaps not be able to run it effectively because I fear my computer would be too slow for it. So I probably wouldn't take my chances. They only steering wheel-enabled games would be my Need for Speed game and Sports Car GT. So I wouldn't really have any real use for them on my PC.

You know, I would like to maybe sample it in a game, even it is GT4. Should be insane to race.
I cant wait to afford this steering wheel. I will start searching for it since now and comparing prices. I liked it too much as i played with it once in a car event here in São paulo. I didn´t play with the 900 degree mode, as i didn´t know about it, but as far as i know and as i played, it´s
quite a good response and realistic steering wheel. I could get quite good emotions and feelings from it while driving at the Xsara Rally, for PS2. But, for sure, i would like to play it with Gt3 and GT4, and, before buying it, to listen to some opinions and comments about it from it´s owners here in this forum :D.
And also about paddles. DO They have good feeling, u have to press too much to they get all work, or u just tap them to get all its best?

The problem I have with the paddles is that I feel they are too light and do not have a positive enough feel. I like to have a sensation that they have actually worked to change (like a positive click). I reckon they are a bit too mushy...

Well at least in road cars, when u get some "drifts" or oversteering and u turn the steering wheel to the opposite side to avoid it, the steering wheel gets lighter for some time while u are spinning, do this happen also with the DFP?

Yes absolutely... And the sensation you get when the grip returns is pretty realistic, you have to be careful though, because it can induce a snap oversteer when you go the other way...
The problem I have with the paddles is that I feel they are too light and do not have a positive enough feel. I like to have a sensation that they have actually worked to change (like a positive click). I reckon they are a bit too mushy...

Yes absolutely... And the sensation you get when the grip returns is pretty realistic, you have to be careful though, because it can induce a snap oversteer when you go the other way...

Dud, i have to admit that reading this u made me fell crazy to search and own this steering wheel as fast as possible. :)
im about to go buy mine today. i actually got a bonus from where i worked cause its seasonal operation business so they closed for the season. i got $125 bestbuy giftcard. im gonna test it out for an hour or two when i get home to make sure i like it cause if not im gonna take it back. im pretty sure ill be keaping it htouhg.
Report for all those who don't own a steering wheel:

My brother in law cut his teeth on GT2 and just visited for thanksgiving. I brought the DFP over so he could try it out on GT3 to see if he liked it. Keep in mind he only used the DS1 controller for GT2. He absolutely hated the steering wheel, and said he preferred the game with the standard DS2 controller.

So, I know its been said before, but I would like to reiterate that you MIGHT NOT LIKE PLAYING GT3 or GT4 WITH THE DFP. However, if you enjoy driving GT3 or GT4 with ANY steering wheel, you will love driving with the DFP. It's the best steering wheel out there, but some people just don't like driving with ANY steering wheel period.
But in my case, i drive a lot of better with steering wheel instead of the analog controler. I cant get 100% in the controler, as i can get 110% with steering wheel :D
i just got mine and spent about 2 hours trying it out. it took about 20 minutes to kinda get used to but after 2 hours im still kinda slow as compared with the controller. im not sure if i like it yet, ill probably jsut have to get used to it. main complaint is that the pedals dont stick to the floor (on carpet) so i had to put weights behind it. sometimes the force feedback is a little too jumpy, it doesnt jump around that much in a real car.

i think im gonna keap it though. it was basically free cause i had $145 in giftcard so i only paid like $20.
Report for all those who don't own a steering wheel:

My brother in law cut his teeth on GT2 and just visited for thanksgiving. I brought the DFP over so he could try it out on GT3 to see if he liked it. Keep in mind he only used the DS1 controller for GT2. He absolutely hated the steering wheel, and said he preferred the game with the standard DS2 controller.

So, I know its been said before, but I would like to reiterate that you MIGHT NOT LIKE PLAYING GT3 or GT4 WITH THE DFP. However, if you enjoy driving GT3 or GT4 with ANY steering wheel, you will love driving with the DFP. It's the best steering wheel out there, but some people just don't like driving with ANY steering wheel period.

It will take a lot of time to get into using the DFP 900 when you have been brought up with just the DS.
It requires a whole new learning programme, and is nothing lke using a DS.
It will take many many hours and days, to even get close to your dual shock times, but with persistance, the realism and consistancy provided by the DFP will be so satisfying.

Dont go in there thinking you going to be able to perform straight away with the DFP and end up feeling frustrated as you crash, and spin time after time.
Patience and persistance will reward, and your DS will be left gathering dust.
Dont go in there thinking you going to be able to perform straight away with the DFP and end up feeling frustrated as you crash, and spin time after time.
Patience and persistance will reward, and your DS will be left gathering dust.

Ament to that... In addition, a comfortable realistic driving position helps a huge amount.

edit: crap spelling
Are there paddles in behind the steering as in f1 cars?:

and that shift in the right of the steering wheel, does it goes up and down as in rally cars, or it is like a manual car?
Are there paddles in behind the steering as in f1 cars?:

and that shift in the right of the steering wheel, does it goes up and down as in rally cars, or it is like a manual car?

edit: you asked the same question in 2 different threads. Please read the threads and/or search before you ask, and only ask in 1 thread.
Are there paddles in behind the steering as in f1 cars?:


and that shift in the right of the steering wheel, does it goes up and down as in rally cars, or it is like a manual car?

Sequential.... But no reverse on the shifter :yuck:

edit: reverse note.
sometimes the force feedback is a little too jumpy, it doesnt jump around that much in a real car.
As FC3S5 says, there's sometimes some realism missing ... but I'm happy with that wheel now.

Just a quick hello and hooray for Buggy Boy.
I've got warn you guys.
Once you get used to its 900* degree, you won't be never returning to any standandard 180*- 270* wheel, no matter what...

For games such as LFS, RBR, or even a new TOCA, but most of all - GT4 an extended wheel turning ratio is a must. Though even in racing sims such as GPL, GTR, or EA's F1C touring series mods (ETCC, DTM, V8 Supercars) extended wheel ratio works very whell (though maybe not in a 900* mode, but in 320*)
i found that when i turn the wheel all the way while driving fast its the same as when i turn the joystick on the controller all the way. i hope that with 900 degree mode you dont have to turn 1.5 times while driving until you reach the cars turning limit.
i found that when i turn the wheel all the way while driving fast its the same as when i turn the joystick on the controller all the way. i hope that with 900 degree mode you dont have to turn 1.5 times while driving until you reach the cars turning limit.

I guess your using gt3 to test the wheel, which is not set up like GT4.

Direct input in GT4 means that the only time youll ever need to turn the wheel much more than halfway in each direction, is if you making a u turn, or taking a hairpin, just as in real life.
Direct input in GT4 means that the only time youll ever need to turn the wheel much more than halfway in each direction, is if you making a u turn, or taking a hairpin, just as in real life.

I would still like to be able to tune the wheel by changing the steering gears to a ratio more my style. I'll also be interested to see if 900 degree mode is even available for cars like the F1 cars that have about 200 degrees of rotation from lock to lock in real life.
I would still like to be able to tune the wheel by changing the steering gears to a ratio more my style. I'll also be interested to see if 900 degree mode is even available for cars like the F1 cars that have about 200 degrees of rotation from lock to lock in real life.

Just like in real life, you will get the steering ratio that comes with the car. So, you're F1 will not use 900
Just like in real life, you will get the steering ratio that comes with the car. So, you're F1 will not use 900

I guess I need to clarify my response: I would like to be able to change the steering gears in the car (as a modification, or whatever in GT4) so that not all cars will take 900 to go from lock to lock even if they did when they were stock.
I guess I need to clarify my response: I would like to be able to change the steering gears in the car (as a modification, or whatever in GT4) so that not all cars will take 900 to go from lock to lock even if they did when they were stock.

Fair enough, I did not think of that option.... You can do that in RBR, the game supports 900degree, but you can modify the steerring ratio for each car down to 360 minimum....But to be honest in RBR you can modify almost everything on your car
I've done some testing about the steering ratio of different cars, and found that all cars have the same rack and pinion in GT4P.

To test this, drive with several cars around the first 180° corner of Tsukuba at low speed (30 km/hr, so there's no tyre drift). You will discover that you have to turn the wheel to 2 o'clock for all cars. I tried a.o. Kei-cars, the Viper, the Honda Odyssey, the HSC (all on street tyres), rally-cars and race cars (on slicks).

The reason why it may seem that race cars have another steering ratio, lies in the fact that in GT4-P, these cars are on slicks by default. The steering ratio at speed depends of the drift angle of the tyres, and slicks corner with a smaller drift angle.

Lock-to-lock is 900° for all cars. You can check that easily by turning the wheel while you can see the front tyres, e.g. during the start count-down, or in 3th person view.

See also here for more impressions.