I'm a little frustrated about all this. I wonder how we got here (see Famine's points in the Creationism vs. Evolution thread), but I know that I have no absolute answer. Everything is speculation beyond what science can prove, and I don't care to really have someone tell me that they
do know.
Unless you're some odd bajillion years old, you don't know jack, except what some guy wrote in a book. I have friends who have a loose faith in a god or a messiah, but I don't profess my beliefs around them, nor they around I.
I was raised in a very strong catholic household. For a good 14 years I was hooked on the word of Jesus, my saviour. When I realized that reality was going downhill for me, and my life was getting harder and harder. I turned to Jesus.
Where was my saviour? I prayed and prayed - begged and begged to be saved from my torment. What did I get?
It was then that I actually decided to take a step back from my "faith" (at this point ragged and torn) and look at how many times it's actually held me back, or clashed with my own beliefs or feelings.
1: I accept people for who they are, and for how they approach me. If they aren't christian, oh well. They're still people. According to my faith, however, heathen non-believers who will burn in hell for being seduced by Satan.
2: My grandparents would look at me and smirk. I wore chains, spikes, lots of black (I'm catholic, remember) and listened to all sorts of music that was deemed anti-christian because it had a guitar in it, or the lead singer had long hair. Creed comes to mind. I love Creed, but somehow, as christian as their roots are, they're anti-christian. Now, I believed in God and Jesus - I read the bible and followed it's teachings - surely my appearance and taste in music didn't bar me from the Lord's accepting arms, did they? Apparently, yes. Doesn't God love all his children?
3: I could rape, kill, beat, whatever anyone I choose. Then, I could waltz into a confessional and beg the lord for forgiveness. Whoops! Instant pass to heaven! Looks like I'll just go home and kill myself, and I'll have a clean conscience as the victim's families see me get off scott-free and taking the easy way out, having been absiolved of all sin. Sorry, no.
4: I'm gay. Apparently, no matter how devout I was, this instantly negates all my faith, and I've been seduced by Satan into leading a life of homosexuality, dooming the oh-so-endangered human race to extinction by refusing to procreate. My bad.
I don't subscribe to any faith, I suppose. But as I've said in the past, I give them all the benefit of the doubt. And by that, I mean that if some grand creator were discovered, I'd give them a thumbs-up and say, "Good guess!"
