And, given that the New Testament was written more than 40 years after the "death" of Jesus, how accurate can the "words of Jesus" contained therein actually be?
On the origin of the Bible, the King of Judea had it written as a political statement, and he wanted to state the importance of his own Kingdom.
At this time it had no structure, no verses or chapters, it was re-written every year, new parts included, some parts excluded.
The Bible as we know today, with its Gospels and chapters was actually first written buy a Roman emperor in
AD 340, and known as the Codex Vaticanus. He wanted to bring order to it, and have a single book, rather than many versions, he also added his own beliefs and threw away ones he didn't like
The Gospel according to Mary (which turned up on the German black market ) is still rebuked by Christians, as it paints a very different picture. There are other Gospels that have been lost over the years, or deliberately thrown away as the direction of the religion changes.
All the Gospels contradict each other, few people actually read the whole Bible, so they are not aware. Take for example the most famous story, the Nativity. Two Gospels (Luke and John) fail to mention the birth of Christ at all, they start with Jesus as a man. Matthew and Mark mention the birth, but only Matthew talks about wise men and Shepherds.
It has been said that if the Gospels were eye witness accounts for a murder...with so many discrepancies, it would not even make it to court