Grand Prix
A lot of people believe in a god. Just not the Christain/Jewish/Muslim one. Some think the creater is simply an undetectable force outside of it's creation. A being without emotion, without care or sorrow. A being without reason.
People believe alot of things about God or gods or whatever. Just like there are many views on evolution. This fact alone does not prove or dissaprove evolution or creation
I wonder why some posts in this topic are 'why did the God of the Bible do this or that'. This topic isnt about that. Like if I would ask which came first, the chicken or the egg. I would get different responses by advocates of evolution. But would this be a downfall of their theory? Certainly not. So if someone cannot fully explain the actions of God or what a holy book says this does not mean he does not exist. Just as evolutionists cannot tell us for sure what happened 100 million years ago. Theres just no way to know sometimes, or the answer may be there and we havent found it or thought of it.
I believe God started it all. I believe he created a basic variety of animals, then the first human pair, as written in the Genesis account. Along the way we have changed, changed as in we now have Asians, white, black, brown etc. Animals have changed a bit too. Tigers, Lions, cats most likely came from the same species. But the thing about evolution that I do not agree with is animal life completly changing from one form to another, for example a fish growing lungs to breathe air then becoming a rat. The fossil record shows that animals with vertebrae etc suddenly appeared, they had no ancestors. There are plenty of missing links yet to be found. Clues to what God used to make the universe is also included in the bible, and modern science agrees (I'll elaborate if wanted)
God is not un-scientific. People do not believe because they say He cannot be measured or seen or sometimes they dont care. They have no way to not prove there is a God so He cannot be un-scientific. Can you see your emotions? But they are there, are they not? One way to reach God is through spirituality, then you can measure him through a relationship. I'm not going to try and explain this. Try it for yourself
I dont really care if evolution or creation is taught in schools or not, I just wish they would not present evolution as fact. The problem, you must admit, and I have seen scientists themselves admit, modern science is publishing work as fact before it has been tested to be so. Example: So many times I see Dinosaurs with feathers now. Why do they have feathers? To support the theory Dinosaurs became birds. What proof do they have? A couple of impressions of feathers next to the fossils of a few dino bones. From "this mountain of evidence" or so says the commentator as he points to a skeleton the size of a small chicken with faint impressions next to it, "we can see most of the dinosaurs had feathers" Sorry, there isnt a mountain of evidence to prove alot of dinosaurs had feathers.
I also dislike scientific commentaries that show, step for step, life evolving from single cells to humans today. You would think they were there everyday for the last 500 million years. Only problem is they weren't
So finally, again, I dislike scientists showing their theories as fact. I've heard 1k times "we found life on mars" than a week later "we're still lookingfor it". Please, hush hush until you find solid proof then release it as fact.
Not to leave creationists out, I disklike them presenting their dogmatic views as fact. The earth being only 6k years old etc is dogmatic
Darwin never tried to explain how life started. I would like to know where did the idea that life arose on its own start? Did it start with the flys arising from rotten meat? (Yet another theory taught as fact for a number of years before being proven false)