Creation vs. Evolution

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Also, I think it's foolish to say that science knows for a fact how old those fossils are. Now I'm not saying the world is 6,000 years old. I simply don't believe it's umpteen billion years old. Famine has explained before how the dating system works. But what I just don't get is how we can say this has to be 50 million years old because this intrument says so.

Let me get this right, you think it's foolish, yet you don't even know jack about how the date the stuff? I've taken this from a website, it explains it better then I ever could.

"Dating a fossil in terms of approximately how many years old it is can be possible using radioisotope-dating of igneous rocks found near the fossil. Unstable radioactive isotopes of elements, such as Uranium-235, decay at constant, known rates over time (its half-life, which is over 700 million years). An accurate estimate of the rock's age can be determined by examining the ratios of the remaining radioactive element and its daughters. For example, when lava cools, it has no lead content but it does contain some radioactive Uranium (U-235). Over time, the unstable radioactive Uranium decays into its daughter, Lead-207, at a constant, known rate (its half-life). By comparing the relative proportion of Uranium-235 and Lead-207, the age of the igneous rock can be determined. Potassium-40 (which decays to argon-40) is also used to date fossils. "

And yes, it's very accurate.
Actually, no. I know I'm going to take a lot of heat for this. Jesus talked about many instances in the Old testament. Like Jonah and the whale. Now we all know that Jesus existed. The only debate is was he God or not. If you're atheist, then there is no debate.

But anyway, my validation for the happenings in the book of genesis are in the new testament, in Jesus Christ.

Also, I think it's foolish to say that science knows for a fact how old those fossils are. Now I'm not saying the world is 6,000 years old. I simply don't believe it's umpteen billion years old. Famine has explained before how the dating system works. But what I just don't get is how we can say this has to be 50 million years old because this intrument says so.

Carbon dating, based on the radioactive half-life of carbon, which can be found in all living things.

EDIT: Code_Kev beat me to it.
Carbon dating is only accurate up to about 50,000 years btw.

"Radiocarbon dating is the use of the naturally occurring isotope of carbon-14 in radiometric dating to determine the age of organic materials, up to ca. 50,000 years"

But even this makes a mockery of the 6000 years business though.
Then you'll be guilty of thinking like they do.

C'mon, click on the link. You won't believe what you see:
That would be hilarious, if it wasn't so pathetic and so terrifying at the same time. I'm appalled; literally speechless. There are truly frightening implications to that mindset.
Carbon dating is only accurate up to about 50,000 years btw.

"Radiocarbon dating is the use of the naturally occurring isotope of carbon-14 in radiometric dating to determine the age of organic materials, up to ca. 50,000 years"

But even this makes a mockery of the 6000 years business though.
I was just going to say that. However, there are several other forms of radiaoctivity dating that are more accurate and have a much longer period of resolution, as in hundreds of millions or billions of years.
That would be hilarious, if it wasn't so pathetic and so terrifying at the same time. I'm appalled; literally speechless. There are truly frightening implications to that mindset.

Have you taken the Museum Walk-Through yet?

I'd love to check out the Stargazers' Room:

"Peer back into the deepest recesses of the heavens, and discover that the latest images of the stars confirm an all powerful Creator, not a random bang!"
My question is, can nothing else effect the degredation of said compounds used for dating fossils and what not?

EDIT: OMG, that Dinosaurs could talk article is lunacy. I'm a creationist and even to me that is way out ther somewhere.
My question is, can nothing else effect the degredation of said compounds used for dating fossils and what not?

I very much doubt it.

The walk through is comedy gold! I really hope one if those museums gets built near me so I can visit it, it would make for a fun filled day of laughter.

"Everywhere you turn, science confirms the biblical account! As you explore, children can scurry off into the section ‘just for kids,’ where they interact with displays of exotic living animals and learn more about the Master Designer."

Brainwashing your children from an early age.

Giant bugs—marvels of God’s creation—buzz overhead in our themed gift shop and resource center! Find shelves crammed with the latest books, tapes, CDs, DVDs, videos and other resources that’ll strengthen your walk with the Creator and embolden your defense of His Word. Stock up and tell others what you’ve discovered!

Think the DVD store will have a copy of "Waco" on dvd?
"Jurassic park proves that man and dinosaur existed together" ;)

Quite funny to see them cashing in as much as possible.

All together now "It's nice selling God..."
Bring on the scientology museum!

The Volcano room:
"Here we can see the volcanos in which Xenu put his frozen victims and blew them up with H bombs 75 million years ago! BOOM!"
Swift, I just got what you meant when you said "well how do we know that when God garbled the people's speech, that the garbled speech are the languages today?"

I'd agree and disagree. How come there are so many people who speak so many different variations of this garbled random junk then? And how come so many of them have so many similarities of each other?

Maybe there was one main language, take Latin. Then there were many different versions of latin, but then that would be "verbal-evo" that would probably take quite a long time considering how many different languages we have on this planet.
Bring on the scientology museum!

The Volcano room:
"Here we can see the volcanos in which Xenu put his frozen victims and blew them up with H bombs 75 million years ago! BOOM!"

Scientology for the win!
What, Rastafarianism? Of course it's real. It's where the reggae-related term "rasta" somes from.
What, Rastafarianism? Of course it's real. It's where the reggae-related term "rasta" somes from.
What a dumba$$. :ouch: I'm sorry, Duke. I quoted the wrong link. I'll fix it now.
A bit off topic here, well, I'm not sure how off topic it is really, but why do Christians and Catholics worship a Jewish guy, and think their religion is the right one (generally) , when the man their religion revolves around is neither of those religions?
A bit off topic here, well, I'm not sure how off topic it is really, but why do Christians and Catholics worship a Jewish guy, and think their religion is the right one (generally) , when the man their religion revolves around is neither of those religions?
It's not just the Christians. Nobody believes in the religion that they think is a wrong one. :D People who believe in Jesus don't follow Judaism, because that's not what he preached. :)
It's not just the Christians. Nobody believes in the religion that they think is a wrong one. :D People who believe in Jesus don't follow Judaism, because that's not what he preached. :)

Why would he preach something he's not a part of?
1. what did Jesus preach?
2. who do jews, catholics, and christians follow?
3. of what religion did Jesus follow?
1. what did Jesus preach?
2. who do jews, catholics, and christians follow?
3. of what religion did Jesus follow?

OK. I think, I got it now(maybe).

1. I think, he preached about God, and how he(Jesus) was the son of God?
2. Jews follow Judaism. Christians follow the Bible/Christianity.
3. Same God as in Judaism. So, in a way Judaism?

And I think your original question was, why Christians worship Jesus, when Jesus was of another religion. But most Jews rejected Jesus, and maybe that's when his teachings split away from the Judaism? I'm really confused now. I hope someone can set things straight here. :boggled:
My question is, can nothing else effect the degredation of said compounds used for dating fossils and what not?

EDIT: OMG, that Dinosaurs could talk article is lunacy. I'm a creationist and even to me that is way out ther somewhere.

Well now you know what Creationism seems like to most people....absolute nonsense.

How you can decide that one Creationists view is lunacy and your own is the truth is beyond me.

And it is a bit rich that bible thumpers like to question scientific methods on dating fossils, when the only evidence they provide is by quoting a book of questionable origin.

I've given up "engaging" you anyway, the dogma worm has eaten a whole right through your head. There is no saving you now :lol:
You have ignored everything that has been put to you, indeed you have your fingers firmly planted in your ears.
Now it is my turn to ignore you.
Jesus was born a Jew and followed the hebrew faith as far as I know, and he said he was God, or the Messiah, the King of the Jews, he was also supposed to be the Swrd of God and free the jews from the romans. They didn't believe him, and they still don't. Some people believe that you have to be jewish AND worhsip jesus to get into heaven.

People can believe a variation of many different things.
My question is, can nothing else effect the degredation of said compounds used for dating fossils and what not?

EDIT: OMG, that Dinosaurs could talk article is lunacy. I'm a creationist and even to me that is way out ther somewhere.

Come on guys ....everyone knows that dinosaurs else do you explain Barney ?