GT4 WRS Week 38 : "Réveillon sur les Champs-Elysées"

  • Thread starter Tedehur
Nice split time Neil 👍
I'll jump in my car immediately : can't let a british driver win in Paris ;)

BTW, as you probably know, Jordan has been busy earlier this year to set up a Wiki here at the Planet. Since I was on holidays, I took a look at it and started to update some cars and tracks pages, including the car and track we use this week, so I modified post #1 to add a link to these pages if you click on the track and car name in the rule description (not on the race title).
Well, not as much time off my previous post as I would have liked but it's still some time:

T1: 41:738

Won't be getting that much more seat time after today, seeing as I'll be out of town starting tomorrow and won't be back until early Tuesday, but then again, I do have until 1pm Tuesday to 'try' and improve on this time somewhat....:D

Yeah, cool description of the track. 👍

But a quick trip to google earth delivered this....

The white line is the track, click on the thumb to see it better. :)

Thank god there isn't this amount of traffic on the GT4 version! :sly:

Well done Neil, quite cool, actually makes it more realistic to drive a weird way...never mind, nicely done balls.
Okay, I hate to ask, but what is Wiki? And there must be a lot of time left out there for me to gobble up because I"m dropping behind here...aahhh!!!!

Okay, I hate to ask, but what is Wiki? And there must be a lot of time left out there for me to gobble up because I"m dropping behind here...aahhh!!!!


Tsk,Tsk! bud! Even I'm infront of you so far, pull them socks up boy! :)


A Wiki (Wiki-pedia) is an on-line encyclopedia of sorts, that can be updated by anyone with the relevent information.

Here is the link



hahahaha....looks like I'd better hike up my skirt and run! U guys are out for blood this Thx for the info Neil.

Thanks Neil.

A Wiki (from the hawaiian wiki-wiki which means 'quick') is a dynamic website (usually an encyclopaedia) where the visitor can not only read articles but also modify or create.
You can picture it as a huge encyclopaedia which starts with only white pages and in which every reader can write or update an article.
Great concept, but it has of course to be moderated by some people not to become a huge mess.

BTW, it looks like racers are planning a huge party this week-end : already 3 of us have submitted a time for this week.
A Wiki (from the hawaiian wiki-wiki which means 'quick')

Tell you what Cyril, i wondered myself where the name came from, even though I knew what one was!

You are a font of useless (but interesting) information, something I get accused of myself at times (usually whilst in the pub, having a laugh with my mates) :)

I am a product of being bought a set of encyclopaedia's by my parents when i was 5, and being addicted to reading, usually in bed or on the bog! :D

I am a product of being bought a set of encyclopaedia's by my parents when i was 5, and being addicted to reading, usually in bed or on the bog! :D


Same for me, but I was almost 7. I'm addicted to reading since that time, and the more a piece of information is useless, the better I remember it :D

BTW, Google is a huge source of information.
Just type in the search bar : define:any word or phrase and you'll get one or several definitions of what you asked.
Test it for anything : it works for almost any word, from 'cestus' to 'chiral', or from 'wiki' to 'NSA', and in many languages.
What I don't get done tonight in racing I'll make up for on Monday as I have the day off! So SHig....don't get any bright ideas, this Monday is MY monday..heheh :)

This encylopedia thing sounds cool, so its also a whitepages? So I could keep a log of my GT progress or what I ate for breakfast all that? Or am I off pace here? Is it built like a Blog, I manage a Blog page at work ( if you want to know what a blog is) This has some potential for sure.

It's not exactly like a blog : its purpose is to contain exhaustive information about the GT series. You can't write what you ate for breakfast, but you can write race reports (there is already a section for that) if that might be of some help for other people. I'm busy updating the cars specifications.

BTW, try to search for 'define:blog' in Google and you'll find scores of definitions.
WHAM! Brick wall it I've been hitting about 41.4/.5 pretty consistently but I NEED to hit a 41.0xx to hit my goal for the week....ggrr...gonna be a long night it looks like, but eventhough I typically would rather have an insane case of diharrea rather than drive on these tight little CLOSED IN tracks (monaco, Aria), this car is awesome and the combo is really growing on me.

WHAM! Brick wall it I've been hitting about 41.4/.5 pretty consistently but I NEED to hit a 41.0xx to hit my goal for the week....ggrr...gonna be a long night it looks like, but eventhough I typically would rather have an insane case of diharrea rather than drive on these tight little CLOSED IN tracks (monaco, Aria), this car is awesome and the combo is really growing on me.


I agree, I didn't like Citta di Aria and was worried about how enclosed this is but it's not bad. And the car is cool (despite it sounding like a lawnmower)
I agree, I didn't like Citta di Aria and was worried about how enclosed this is but it's not bad. And the car is cool (despite it sounding like a lawnmower)

You said it Colby...bwaaaaa....bbwwwwwaaaaaaaa.....lawnmower, perhaps a Snapper? lol. Well I hit 41.11x ONCE on a miracle then somehow lost .4 in the 2nd half of the lap...ouch, damn that ghost! So I got a clean 41.370 and am .006 of my barrier, so I know I could get another .2 or .3 out of this, but I'm done for the night. If this keeps up (with few of us racing) I *might get a podium *crowd gasps!* *Cracks a whip at SHig, and SWR*..."Down Boy! Heel! Play Dead!" ...heheh. I'll update the LB too!

Finally got my good fast "saved" race in. :crazy: Whew what fun, would be interesting to have a race on this track with cars like this one.
T1: 41.434

:cheers: :dunce: <<party hat HAPPY NEW YEAR :cheers :scared:
back from dead...

over a week moving and without internet...

i miss week 37 but i didn´t liked all that much really... i hope i can get a good time behind the DS2 this week...
You said it Colby...bwaaaaa....bbwwwwwaaaaaaaa.....lawnmower, perhaps a Snapper? lol. Well I hit 41.11x ONCE on a miracle then somehow lost .4 in the 2nd half of the lap...ouch, damn that ghost! So I got a clean 41.370 and am .006 of my barrier, so I know I could get another .2 or .3 out of this, but I'm done for the night. If this keeps up (with few of us racing) I *might get a podium *crowd gasps!* *Cracks a whip at SHig, and SWR*..."Down Boy! Heel! Play Dead!" ...heheh. I'll update the LB too!


Man Jerome!

TWO jabs in a day? Well, let's see... You may have Monday off but I'm off tomorrow and all weekend. PLUS I'll have Monday night! Let's see who comes out on top this week! :^)

Seems like we may be pretty close...

back from dead...

over a week moving and without internet...

i miss week 37 but i didn´t liked all that much really... i hope i can get a good time behind the DS2 this week...

AAhhh noo no no!!!! *Wheeps gently as the podium passes him by* :lol:

Nice to see ya back here Fancisco! Hope you didn't lose anything like I tend to do when I move ;)

EDIT: I"m done for the week I think, I did one more little session so I"m now 3 hours in and I n-n-n-nailed it! Well at least for me its nailing it. My goal was .4 SLOWER than this time, so I might be done and have time on Monday to play Matrix Path of Neo too :) Balls in your court for now SHig, I definately am afraid of what your going to pull come Tuesday, you can beat me dude go for it! 👍

T1 - 40.952

New split:

T1: 0'41.675

I'm fairly happy with the split but I think there's 0.1 - 0.2 lost in the finish, I've also seen a few 41.4's so if I could find another 0.3 by week's end I'd be a happy camper 👍
LB Updated

Geez, you guys are fast! I thought I was doing good with a '44.995 split! :crazy:

Hi Duck, I checked out that BESTuners link of yours and damn there's some nice work in there, don't think I'll feel so daunted by GT challenges from now on. Good luck with your race this week.

I've finally beat my old lap, this one is pretty consistent all the way through, I lost 0.1 on the first corner and another 0.1 from T1 - Finish but this is close to my limit I think:

T1: 0'41.576
Finish: 1'xx.xx2

Once again...great combo Cyril 👍
Geez, you guys are fast! I thought I was doing good with a '44.995 split! :crazy:

Ahhh! So YOU are duck eh? Great info there I'll be sure to bookmark that and come back to it later. GL in your racing this week!

LB Updated

Well I just spent half an hour writing a reply covering a good use for the Data Logger and when I clicked preview I got an "Internet Explorer has experienced difficulties" here it is again in a much more condensed format.

My point was...if you want to check exactly where a "disturbance" is in your speed curve you can do it by racing a lap where you hit the wall in the spot where you suspect the disturbance is.

For example, below is the data logger where the blue line represents my current lap and you can see the slight change in the speed curve. In the red line you can see where I struck the wall on a different lap:

So below I have a photo of the same point in both laps. The first picture is from the blue line and the second the red:

So the "disturbance" in my lap is clearly from where the front right tyre landed back on the road after launching off the rumble strip.

Anyway, just thought others might find this technique useful in this week where wall touches are easy to do 👍 the way Jerome, you missed my most recent split

T1: 0'41.576

Whenever you get a chance. Thanks man 👍
Wow, you guys are getting some really good times on this one. I was about to give up on my last session, kept getting improvement on the T1 split only to hit a wall in the second half. I got up, walked around a bit, and tried again. On my second lap I beat my previous best by .7 seconds, and it was clean! He is my best split:

T1: 43.396
LB Updated. Last time until Sunday or Monday probably.

oops, i just miss the update...

first session, feels nice to get back to the PS2...

now with a great headphone :dopey: :dopey: :dopey:

T1 - 40´731

good finish, but some time to shave... this was with 260 gearing... then i switched to 240 only to find out that is way better for my driving style... then i had a dirty 40´5, but i´ll get back on this in 2006...

great race, but its very, very hard to avoid those walls...