So it looks like we're gonna get a paintshop?

  • Thread starter Slurm
Sureley I'm not the only one who noticed the colour/livery editor on the gt hd video? I know there's threads about this topic already but nothing referring to the actual news that it will be included in the game.

What do you guys reckon it will be? "Colouring/livery" to me suggests we'll have the options to change both the base colour of the car, and the decals. Do you think it will be like on pc games where you make "skins"? Do you think there'll be limited options with what you can do? One thing I'd like is to be able to colour wheels! hehe

Anyway I think with the online racing thing that'll surely be huge, it's gonna be very important to have a colour editor or we're gonna get rather boring grids, especially with how few seperate car models there'll be, so I'm chuffed to bits that it's gonna be included.

It's gonna be beautiful! Everytime you race there'll be a whole field of interesting new cars to see! Some people are gonna have menacing looking all-black beasts, some will go for a much brighter, cleaner look, some will be really original, some will inevitably go over the top. Boy am I excited. I look forward to seeing y'all out there with your own unique racing machines :)
I really don't know how far PD will go in regards of this feature, however, changing the colour of the car will not certainly be as advantageous to PD as it would to us. Let me explain you why.

As we all might have done it before, in GT4, whenever you want to change your car's color, you buy the one with the desired color again and you sell or keep the old one. If the mentioned feature is left out of the game, PD will get more money out of us if we are crazy enough to get the same car with different color and thus increasing their money revenue.

If PD is considerate enough to include color change in the game, then it would have to be very limited. Remember that Ferrari have finally accepted PD's offers after all this time, and they are now in the game; and because of this, I think Ferrari wouldn't like their cars to be "customized" at that extent. PD has to be very careful with this.

Therefore I think that the "paintshop" would have to be subjected to the manufacturer's real colors of the car that you want to paint, and that would take a longer process for PD to find the exact names of the colors for each make and make that color as identical as possible.
When GT4 was done, the colors and the names as well, were not as acurate as I would have expected. Though it wasn't a big deal for me at all, if Kaz is as perfectionist as he claims, he'd like to get this as straight as possible is the feature was to be added in GTHD.

my 2 cents people.

I really don't know how far PD will go in regards of this feature, however, changing the colour of the car will not certainly be as advantageous to PD as it would to us. Let me explain you why.

As we all might have done it before, in GT4, whenever you want to change your car's color, you buy the one with the desired color again and you sell or keep the old one. If the mentioned feature is left out of the game, PD will get more money out of us if we are crazy enough to get the same car with different color and thus increasing their money revenue.

If PD is considerate enough to include color change in the game, then it would have to be very limited. Remember that Ferrari have finally accepted PD's offers after all this time, and they are now in the game; and because of this, I think Ferrari wouldn't like their cars to be "customized" at that extent. PD has to be very careful with this.

Therefore I think that the "paintshop" would have to be subjected to the manufacturer's real colors of the car that you want to paint, and that would take a longer process for PD to find the exact names of the colors for each make and make that color as identical as possible.
When GT4 was done, the colors and the names as well, were not as acurate as I would have expected. Though it wasn't a big deal for me at all, if Kaz is as perfectionist as he claims, he'd like to get this as straight as possible is the feature was to be added in GTHD.

my 2 cents people.


I would like to think that PD will allow the paintshop and only limit each vehicle to paints available from the manufactuer. I'm sure they won't allow cutom paint jobs.

As for Ferrari, just like any other car maker, maybe we will be limited only to colors they use.

I actually think letting use paint would be good for PD. Can you imagine having to pay for every single different paint job of the same car? Maybe as a concession to us consumers, they will allow to paint it with available colors since we have already paid for, and therefore 'own' the car.

Maybe they will have a system that you can pay for the paint itself instead of a whole new car.
If what official news have said about charges have only been about car prices and track prices...then I doubt this feature would be on GTHD. They would have mentioned it already.

or...we're not paying for it 💡

The Ferrari's in Forza can be painted up and tuned to your hearts content, there's no body mods but there isn't for most of the non-Japanese cars in Forza, but the colours of the cars can be changed however you like. I don't see there being much of an issue if Ferrari didn't want thier cars to be painted though, you just don't allow the Ferrari's to be painted. Whatever the deal, Ferrari has already made an agreement with PD, they can't pull thier cars out of the game unless the contract is invalid, and if the paintshop idea was resting on Ferrari's opinion of them, then we either wouldn't have seen the paintshop mentioned at TGS, or we wouldn't have seen Ferrari. Whatever we can eventually do to the Ferrari's is irrelevent, you've never been able to modify every car in GT the same, some cars can't take turbo's, some can't have a rear wing, some can't have rally tyre's, some can't be tuned at all so if it's really a big problem for Ferrari then it'll be no big deal for Kaz to just not allow them to be painted.

I have to say I dissagree with you Ozzy on your perception of what the paint shop has to be. I think that PD including a highly limited paintshop would only briung more critiscim on them than possibly not releasing one at all. And even still the idea of them including a livery editor doesn't fit all that well into the idea that only showroom colours will be available. Either way the paintshop idea is something PD will if at all implement, include in the future as a download to GT:HD Premium and then include in GT5.

Personally, I hope the paint shop idea comes through and that it's very open and really allows you to get creative and come up with some incredible schemes combined with the livery editor.
You should definetly be able to paint your car any color you want. It would suck if we could only use factory paint because some cars only 1 or 2 colors to choose from.
The Ferrari's in Forza can be painted up and tuned to your hearts content, there's no body mods but there isn't for most of the non-Japanese cars in Forza, but the colours of the cars can be changed however you like. I don't see there being much of an issue if Ferrari didn't want thier cars to be painted though, you just don't allow the Ferrari's to be painted. Whatever the deal, Ferrari has already made an agreement with PD, they can't pull thier cars out of the game unless the contract is invalid, and if the paintshop idea was resting on Ferrari's opinion of them, then we either wouldn't have seen the paintshop mentioned at TGS, or we wouldn't have seen Ferrari. Whatever we can eventually do to the Ferrari's is irrelevent, you've never been able to modify every car in GT the same, some cars can't take turbo's, some can't have a rear wing, some can't have rally tyre's, some can't be tuned at all so if it's really a big problem for Ferrari then it'll be no big deal for Kaz to just not allow them to be painted.

I have to say I dissagree with you Ozzy on your perception of what the paint shop has to be. I think that PD including a highly limited paintshop would only briung more critiscim on them than possibly not releasing one at all. And even still the idea of them including a livery editor doesn't fit all that well into the idea that only showroom colours will be available. Either way the paintshop idea is something PD will if at all implement, include in the future as a download to GT:HD Premium and then include in GT5.

Personally, I hope the paint shop idea comes through and that it's very open and really allows you to get creative and come up with some incredible schemes combined with the livery editor.

Though I wholeheartly agree with you on the Ferrari part, I don't see how the fact that they are in the game means that the contract made with PD is not subjected to any limitations or clauses at all. Now, leaving Ferrari out of this, I think the term "paintshop" wasn't in my mind; I was talking more about just "changing colors" rather than customizing it. And that to me, are two very diferent things.

I do hope changing colors will be a new feature in GTHD, but based on my personal taste, Gran Turismo and "paintshop" are names that shouldn't be related at all. GT has demostrated to be a high quality racing/driving game far different from the rest of the racing games out there; And besides the fact that they have worked so hard to make the game feel as real life as possible, a "paintshop" would be adding a whole new sense to the game.
Not that I'm saying that Forza is in the same line as NFS, but sincerely, I think they just wanted to out do Gran Turismo, so why wouldn't they add it.

And if they do include it (which i'm prying for), I just hope we don't get charged for it.

That's part of my point, that Ferrari being in GT doesn't mean there won't be a paintshop even if Ferrari doesn't want thier cars to be painted. Your other post seemed to suggest that Ferrari's inclusion in GT would be a big factor on the paintshop's inclusion as a whole, which it wouldn't. Personally I'd love GT to return to the idea of turning your road car into a race car but this time let it be my race car, via both body mods and a paintshop and livery editor.
changing colours and stuff is not important at all if you ask me.. they should koncentrate on making "The Real Driving Simulator" instead!
The people that would make the and develop the paint shop are not the same people who would be working on the physics, who are not the same people who would be working on the modelling ect, apples and oranges. Why not have them concentrate on both and more.
That's part of my point, that Ferrari being in GT doesn't mean there won't be a paintshop even if Ferrari doesn't want thier cars to be painted. Your other post seemed to suggest that Ferrari's inclusion in GT would be a big factor on the paintshop's inclusion as a whole, which it wouldn't. Personally I'd love GT to return to the idea of turning your road car into a race car but this time let it be my race car, via both body mods and a paintshop and livery editor.

Alright that's good enough, to each it's own ;)

I'm with Live4Speed on this issue as well. One of the joys of playing Forza is in being able to create a race car from a street machine. Because many of the team come from EA's Need For Speed group, there is a nod to the street racing folk with point to point events, but for the most part, these are race cars on professional race tracks. Going just short of a GT2-like race modification, you can turn any car into a serious looking race machine which you might see on a Touring Car or WTCC race on The Speed Channel, and I think this is the direction Polyhony needs to go and will go.

Do you admire the race cars in the many versions of Gran Turismo, other racing games and real life? Haven't you wanted to recreate a car like the Raybrig NSX or Sonex Mercedes 190E? Well I do, and being able to create our own designs in Forza has spawned a fantastic community of extremely talented livery creators. I posted last year how cool it would be to have this in an updated Gran Turismo game for the PS3, how the artists could become notorious in the community and sell their creations for those of us less talented in that area, and many people were enthused over the idea. I had no knowledge of Forza and that this was happening already in their community.

There's one thing to have a pro race car you've won in GT4 or some other game, it's very satisfying. But you'd be surprised how great a feeling it is to create one yourself and see it in motion on the track. It's an amazing experience, and I've spent as much time after beating Forza creating race car liveries as I have racing them.
If GT is supposed to be the REAL driving simulator they most definitely need to bring back car customizations, even if that means just painting a vehicle a solid color that is does'nt already come in. The word simulate means to get as close to reality as possible, and we all know the ill things you can do with cars in real life!
I think its all about what everyone think is good about a game.. if you like to paint cars and stuff as you say, then play Forza. to include a paintshop is not Polyphonys cup of tea.

I want Polyphony to go back to the original: racing modifications. and there should not be only one racing modification for every single car.. if the car has been in both JGTC and Rally in real life, there should be both a JGTC and a Rally modification for that car! and then maybe even you should be able to chose between different JGTC or Rally team paint jobs that excist in real life for that car!

and with this i mean there should be no rim shop either. only the original Polyphony racing modifications! :D

what do you think about this? :odd:
Ozzy, so you reckon that painshop is a great idea, so you can change the colour of your car between maybe 3 or 4 stock colours after you've bought it? LOL, what an imagination!

I had a look at John's modding thread and there's loads of great ideas in there, but there's also this theme from certain people wanting to CONTROL and try to restrict what people do in case it somehow sullies the game.

There's a few reasons why I hope the paint shop is completely unlimited:
I really enjoy seeing race-cars with cool paint schemes. Although I expect 95% of custom paint jobs won't appeal to me, I look forward to occasionally seeing extremely cool, original and creative liveries. Each person should be able to have something that appeals to THEM personally. All of my friends have different tastes when it comes to colours and wheels, but it just mixes it all up and makes a grid look interesting. I enjoy seeing how each person chooses to personalise their car. For those of you worried about it tarnishing the "realism", here's a couple of things to consider: All paint schemes on real race cars were created somewhere by someone, obviously, so why not let people generate their own within the game? I reckon we'll see trends emerging, perhaps from different countries. Americans have different tastes to europeans, and again to the japanese. I hope PD give us freedom because I'm sure it will all balance out. The ricers will proabably be back-markers most of the time, and it'll blatently go out of fashion. Even if it doesn't it'll just make my car look cooler.
Ozzy, so you reckon that painshop is a great idea, so you can change the colour of your car between maybe 3 or 4 stock colours after you've bought it? LOL, what an imagination!

Yes, apparently that's my point, but I understand why you think it required a big level of imagination.

Perhaps becuase of this type of thinking VVV

I really enjoy seeing race-cars with cool paint schemes. Although I expect 95% of custom paint jobs won't appeal to me, I look forward to occasionally seeing extremely cool, original and creative liveries. Each person should be able to have something that appeals to THEM personally. All of my friends have different tastes when it comes to colours and wheels, but it just mixes it all up and makes a grid look interesting. I enjoy seeing how each person chooses to personalise their car. For those of you worried about it tarnishing the "realism", here's a couple of things to consider: All paint schemes on real race cars were created somewhere by someone, obviously, so why not let people generate their own within the game? I reckon we'll see trends emerging, perhaps from different countries. Americans have different tastes to europeans, and again to the japanese. I hope PD give us freedom because I'm sure it will all balance out. The ricers will proabably be back-markers most of the time, and it'll blatently go out of fashion. Even if it doesn't it'll just make my car look cooler.


EDIT: Just so everyone get the point and prevent from making such a funny assumption like the above post, real_tron's vision of the game is what exactly I DON'T want to happen in GT.

another thing I wanted to say is that this thing about it being "not in the nature of gran turismo" is something I personally dissagree with. Gran turismo, to me, is all about the personal feel. THE big thing that made GT was the carreer mode. The ownership of cars in your own garage, prize money to do what you will with etc.. and an eclectic range of cars competing against each other. Paintshop is gonna add substantially to all of these things imho...

I'm with TD, I see racecars as art in motion and I remember spending forever in the paintshop in the original Nascar game from Papyrus(?) on the pc, even though a car was made up of a few hundred pixels!
I think its all about what everyone think is good about a game.. if you like to paint cars and stuff as you say, then play Forza. to include a paintshop is not Polyphonys cup of tea.

I want Polyphony to go back to the original: racing modifications. and there should not be only one racing modification for every single car.. if the car has been in both JGTC and Rally in real life, there should be both a JGTC and a Rally modification for that car! and then maybe even you should be able to chose between different JGTC or Rally team paint jobs that excist in real life for that car!

and with this i mean there should be no rim shop either. only the original Polyphony racing modifications! :D

what do you think about this? :odd:
Nuts, that's what I think about that, nuts. Honestly what do you have against letting people create their own vehicle? The fact that I'd like to create a kitted up TVR Cerbera with a paint job reminisent of the Castrol Tom's Supra doesn't prevent you from keeping your cars totally kit and decal free if you so choose. And why isn't a paint shop PD's cup of tea? After all this thread only exists because the creator spotted a paint shop and livery editor on PD's hope to do list. If PD hopes to do one, how exactly is it not their cup of tea?

Ozzy, why don't you want to give people that want to create thier own unique cars the freedom to do that? It isn't forcing you to use that freedom if you don't want to.
well I have to say what i think right? or shall i lie? :dunce:

I just want Gran Turismo be what it has been, but better of course!
But how is not letting people create their own liveries making the game worse? Surely that's better, because if you don't want to do that you don't have to, much like if you don't like adding wings to your cars in GT4 you don't have to. I can accept with things that have nothing to do with motorsport, like installing ICE and spinners ect, though even then an argument could be made for photomode, I wouldn't use for photo's them but plenty of people would. You see the average max power car is not my thing, however the idea of me turning a stock road car into a touring car or a GT monster with custom liveries and that's great to me. It doesn't negatively affect the guy that want to keep his sonic blue Impreza sonic blue, so what's the deal with actively not wanting it in the game?
yeah, all "styling" should be meant for racing, or aftermarket kits from Nismo for example. decals and stuff from Nismo should be added then as well! but no need for speed styling such as spinners, neons and that kind of crap!
Reading through these posts, two things come to mind:

1) Where did you see this color/livery editor? I've seen the "gthd" and "gthd_paris" videos, and neither had any depiction of such an item.

2) PD is doing whatever they want, not what the market really wants. It seems that most people here want a livery editor in some form or another, but it's doubtful that a Forza-style editor will exist. At best, I expect the ability to change a car's color to another stock/factory color, and the same, tired, 10-year-old wheel lineup. And maybe a gaudy wing or two.
Ozzy, why don't you want to give people that want to create thier own unique cars the freedom to do that? It isn't forcing you to use that freedom if you don't want to.

Let me go further on this:

First of all, if PD does include the ability to create your own style, by any means it wouldn't stop me from getting the game.

But my point of view is this. What have the Gran Turismo series achieved so far?

1st: Respect from almost any player who have had experience with racing games and from the people who hasn't as well.

Why respect? Because GT is defenitely not that easy to pick up, specially if you've been spoiled with silly games such as burnout; and its more realistic than most of the games out there. Realistic not only in the engine physics aspect, but also in the graphics, appearance, simplicity, and difficult level.
I've had tons and tons of friends that have come over to my house and played GT4 when I was getting ready to go out. I calculate 80% of them have video games, and what was their reaction after playing GT for a little while? " Ohh man this **** is hard" (sorry mods), or " NFS is way better"; I just smirk and avoid to spend 20 minutes in an argument over a game.
Obviously these guys don't know what real racing game experience is, and honestly, it was no surprise to me that they said this since almost none of them are car nuts as I think I am :).

So, I concluded that GT is really in another genre of racing games, possibly in the same genre as Forza.

2nd: With respect, trust comes along. Trust I mean by confidently going into a game store and grabbing GT without thinking it twice, because ever since I played GT2, my view of GT changed almost immediately. This view of mine includes quality, class, satisfaction, enjoyment, and interesting new info about cars.

Because of all of this, I take Gran Tursimo as a game that is more down to earth, more straight forward, to the point; which is making you kick your butt to win hard races and more or less have a feel of what the pros would experience on a real race.

Just take a look at how the Photomode feature in GT4 has impacted its gamers, we even have a sub-forum full of competitions and galleries of very high talented people here. Photomode its an artistic feature of GT and it has already taken members away from the point of the game. Not that I'm against it, since I have also taken some pics, but if people use GT just for the sake of taking pics, then why would Kazunori Yamauchi put so much effort in a game that at the end would get little recognition as "The real driving simulator" ?

Need for Speed, Midnight Club, Burnout, Test Drive and those kinds of games are not really serious to bring you the best racing experience possible, it's mostly for guys who'd like to mod their cars, paint them up, make them look "pimped out" with some nice rims and stupid body kits and stickers, garbage engine sound and let's not even mention the graphics.

Gran Turismo is not like that, and I think many people would agree with this and I also think that there is a reason of why Kazunori Yamauchi hasn't added this feature in the previous versions of the game.

Engine upgrade has nothing to do with this, since people often do it to win races easier, for better performance, and test out the limits of a car. A customized paintjob has nothing to do with performance and therefore, nothing is added to a better racing feeling.

I've really seen people being more serious on Gran Turismo than on any other game, they've spent large amounts of time in their life dedicating to this game, excellent forums have been created and grown (like this one) because of the game.

A paintshop IMO would reduce the overall view of a serious game. Changing colors on the other hand, would be a quite usefull feature :)

I'm done and hopefully you guys will see my stand point of view.

Geez, why do so many people out there complain??? :yuck:

PD are adding another feature for the better. An earlier post made a good comment, anyway who would want to see a Skyline's only race with 10 bloody silver skylines??? Sure as hell not me! And I bet if you went out and actually attended a skyline club race - there'll be green ones and pearlescent blue and matt black and pink!

I think what PD's ultimate goal is to have a complete driving simulator with no restrictions that we wouldnt have in real life track racing.

I dont understand someones earlier comment either about having to pay for a new car each time. I would have thought that you download the car to your console, so if you want to buy 50 Polyphony Formula 1 car's that you only have to download it to your console once and then buy it with "gran turismo credits" within the game just like all the previous GT's. (ie download it once to your console and its added to your GT car listing for good (or atleast till you delete it)).

With regards to the post above my previous post.... what a load of crap. Anyone else agree???

Taking one small aspect - Respect in real life track racing is not about what you have under your bonnet, its about the driver and the car itself. Fans know a car or a sponsor by the driver and the presentation of a race car.

Paintjobs are a fully legit ability in real life racing.

Its just like (not quite but still...) being opposed to damage, saying that serious and professional drivers shouldnt be crashing anyway so its just a useless feature for the pro's.

Im 101% for the paint job aspect.

Just think, when were all racing online, it'll be the unique look of your car that people remember - not your username you use - itll be that damn ugly purple-polka dotted Demio A-Spec which people will recognise immediately and say "****, thats that ugly car that keeps kicking everyones a**".
With regards to the post above my previous post.... what a load of crap. Anyone else agree???

Taking one small aspect - Respect in real life track racing is not about what you have under your bonnet, its about the driver and the car itself. Fans know a car or a sponsor by the driver and the presentation of a race car.

Paintjobs are a fully legit ability in real life racing.

Its just like (not quite but still...) being opposed to damage, saying that serious and professional drivers shouldnt be crashing anyway so its just a useless feature for the pro's.

Im 101% for the paint job aspect.

Just think, when were all racing online, it'll be the unique look of your car that people remember - not your username you use - itll be that damn ugly purple-polka dotted Demio A-Spec which people will recognise immediately and say "****, thats that ugly car that keeps kicking everyones a**".

What an amazing comeback 👍 minus rep for that! :dopey:

I'm not even going to waste my time trying to cope with your rather diminute process analisys ability.

You seriously need to go back to NFS and stay there for the rest of your life.

To be honest, i don't think Ferrari will set any 'restrictions' with their cars in GT as they haven't in any other game (apart from perhaps bodykits etc). In Forza, Need For Speed etc you can damage and modify the cars, plus make them any colour you want in the former.

I think the series REALLY needs a custom paint shop, it would give the game a lot more life just with that simple addition. Neeeds to be a very wide pallette too, not preselected custom colours.
Yes all very good but a few misunderstandings:

1. I have played NFSU once (that was the first underground series I believe), and even though it was an enjoyable game, I have not since had a chance to play it again.

2. I could also claim to be a big GT fan and go on about how I want to marry the game etc etc but for what good?

All I am saying (and Im sure I have support on this somewhere out there) is that the ability for painting a vehicle is an ability people have in real life irrespective of the fact they may be involved with motor racing or not.

Most motor racing you see (apart from club events) involve sponsors and so usually as a minumim the cars have decals printed all over them indicating the sponsors (I suppose according to your book this makes ACTUAL motor car racing drivers all NFS fanboys does it???).

I would say most people who play the GT series admire cars right? So someone who plays the GT game will buy a car they admire right? (maybe a Ferrari or a Viper or a GTR, whatever) That person who admires the car they just purchased may think "If I had this car in real life I would have had it painted a metallic blue (because that person may like the colour blue). But "unfortunately" that car isnt available in metallic blue, so they need to have it custom painted. The idea of a real driving simulator is to simulate real life driving. How can you simulate real life driving if some of the features of real life driving (ie painting your car) isnt available.

I suppose using your thinking patterns, we can assume that the "idiot" at PD who thought up the idea of painting is a NFS fanboy too? - slightly off topic but somewhat relevant... who cars if someone likes NFS anyway? So, if I like Ratchet and Clank does that make me a ratchet wannabe, and that I desire running around carrying huge unproportional weapons blowing away odd looking creatures? Not quite, which may mean that the people who like NFS, like it because you can slam a car around a track behind the safety of a controller and not have to worry about the real life consequences of doing such a thing.

PD are heading in the direction of creating an unparallelled and unrestrictive driving simulator bring together all the features to immerse a player into the real life world of racing. Im sorry but I would say they dont have too much spare time to cater for anti-NFS who cry at the sight of any aspect which makes it (in ANY respect - including painting) similar to such a game as NFS.

All I am saying (and Im sure I have support on this somewhere out there) is that the ability for painting a vehicle is an ability people have in real life irrespective of the fact they may be involved with motor racing or not.

Agreed, anyone can paint a car, but that is not the issue, the issue is how you paint the car.

Most motor racing you see (apart from club events) involve sponsors and so usually as a minumim the cars have decals printed all over them indicating the sponsors (I suppose according to your book this makes ACTUAL motor car racing drivers all NFS fanboys does it???).

Yes, but you're forgetting that the game already has race cars painted with sponsors decals. So that is not the point either.

I would say most people who play the GT series admire cars right?
So someone who plays the GT game will buy a car they admire right?
Not always but it does happens.
That person who admires the car they just purchased may think "If I had this car in real life I would have had it painted a metallic blue (because that person may like the colour blue). But "unfortunately" that car isnt available in metallic blue, so they need to have it custom painted.
Yes, but let's describe what's going on here...the person is going out of the racing not a need anymore, is a want.

The idea of a real driving simulator is to simulate real life driving. How can you simulate real life driving if some of the features of real life driving (ie painting your car) isnt available.
How is color relevant to you in order to pass a mission or beat times?
I hope we're not talking performance here :rolleyes:

I suppose using your thinking patterns, we can assume that the "idiot" at PD who thought up the idea of painting is a NFS fanboy too?
First of all, nobody said anything about "idiots", second, there's is no official news that state whether there will be a custom paintshop in the game or changing stock colors.

slightly off topic but somewhat relevant... who cares if someone likes NFS anyway? So, if I like Ratchet and Clank does that make me a ratchet wannabe, and that I desire running around carrying huge unproportional weapons blowing away odd looking creatures? Not quite, which may mean that the people who like NFS, like it because you can slam a car around a track behind the safety of a controller and not have to worry about the real life consequences of doing such a thing.
I don't think you have to worry about real life consequences in ANY racing game.

PD are heading in the direction of creating an unparallelled and unrestrictive driving simulator bring together all the features to immerse a player into the real life world of racing. Im sorry but I would say they dont have too much spare time to cater for anti-NFS who cry at the sight of any aspect which makes it (in ANY respect - including painting) similar to such a game as NFS.

Just for the record, you have mentioned sponsor decals as a costumized paint job and to me, that is no problem at all. The only thing I wouldn't want, is stupid ,metallic colors and funky decoration in cars that you need to win a me there is no point to it, if I want to play with nice cars and different colors, I go to the store and buy another game, I don't play a racing simulator. After all If PD does includes this feature, like I stated above, will not stop me from getting the game...I just won't paint my cars and that's all.
This thread is to post what your thoughts are on a possible feature of the next GTHD, you cannot come across trying to go aroud the swear filter and post nonsense in regards to an opinion previously made.

I understand your point and like I said each its own. If you cannot resist the urge to spam...then just refrain to posting again.

To be honest, i don't think Ferrari will set any 'restrictions' with their cars in GT as they haven't in any other game (apart from perhaps bodykits etc). In Forza, Need For Speed etc you can damage and modify the cars, plus make them any colour you want in the former.

I think the series REALLY needs a custom paint shop, it would give the game a lot more life just with that simple addition. Neeeds to be a very wide pallette too, not preselected custom colours.

Sorry guys, anyway I agree Mustang-Man. I would have thought Ferrari and the likes would have been more concerned with any alterations which result in an unfair representation of Ferrari's vehicles. I imagine the modifications (engine, drivetrain etc) are all according to tried and tested figures provided by Ferrari, but imagine consetic aspects such as paint would not be of concern to Ferrari. If so, imagine their opposition to using "economy" tyres on the Ferreri vehicle range!

If PD manage to get the lighting in this series really well-done, then Im really looking forward to having some really beautiful looking machines in Gran Turismo.