Well, then maybe if you didn't know exactly what it was about, then you shouldn't have lectured me whether if I should have used it or not.
True. I just did it because it
appeared as though you didn't take any notice of his post and just instantly minus repped him. Just how it looked.
Now that's just silly and you know it, that was an example of what one of my friends said...AAANDD I even said "sorry mods". You don't need to be too smrat to realize the intentions of that post and mvandepas's one.
Yes, but a breach is a breach even if you write/mean it in a different way and apologise for it. There could have been alternatives to use, like
shoit or
omigodlol etc. Perhaps even
'S@&%' (so people know it is the 's' word and not the eff word).
Well, either you or me are misunderstood here then, because when I read "real life driving simulator" or "simulating real life driving" , color doesn't come to my mind, but the verb "driving".
I'm thinking we may need to get him to explain what he meant better (if it hasn't been done already).
Wheels choice and color are just peanuts features that don't really take away the point of it.
Custom colours is a peanut feature too then, when we start getting into the sponsor logos and decals it becomes a different story.
You know that everyone in the OLR forums use this mode right? Also, B-Spec "bob" can be trained here, and become a better driver. Also there are tons of racing nuts out there whom only think in getting better and better at the game without the intrusion of the AI.
Fair enough, but i was just saying that not everybody uses that feature for racing or bettering times. Some of us just like driving around at (usually) slower speeds than normal.
Perhaps using the painted lines on Circuit de la Sarthe II and sticking to the speed limit and side of the road which is in effect on your country of residence and pretending you are really driving that stretch of 'road'. *cough* Not that i ever do that of course. *cough* *splutter* *hack*
Now how can that be proved?? Maybe only if you come to NY and decide to stalk me then you can figure that out.
Stalking you probably would be the only way i could be sure (what is your address again?

), but you are too far away for that and wouldn't do it anyway.
BTW, generalizing is one fo the worst things you can do.
True, which is why it isn't necessary to think the worst when it comes to decals etc in the next GT.
I was basing your age to what your responses were like.

Easy on.
I'm not saying low qaulity because he disagreed with me, but because the way he overlooked my post without backing himself up.
You've (seemingly) done a little overlooking yourself though.
And you are as blinded as you say I am then.
Not, apparently, on the same degree/level.
I have my point of view and regardless of the length of this thread, my view of the future feature will remain the same, and I'm not intending to change yours either.
My intention was never to change your view, just wanted to understand why you seemed to be letting everyone know it so often when usually once or twice is enough. Mostly that anyway. I am also bored and haven't had a good discussion like this for a while, you are a worthy opponent for sure.
You can't predict how this feature will change the image of the game. 
Okay, we'll make a deal. You don't fear the worst about it, and i won't hope for the best.
First of all I didn't know you had such a nice car
, but I still don't like the color. I'm a fan of what it can do...not the paint.

So you'd happily race a car that hadn't been painted at all, or was all primered/patched up? Just so i get your view completely - i suspect you'll say yes.
If I said I'd use in B-Spec mode..then obviously I wouldn't do it for esthetics reasons.
What would you do it for then?
And If I paint my car, would be beause I'd want to change the original color for another stock color. (which is why I would like that feature included in the game) I want to be able to paint cars but from one color to another plain color...now, if I have extra options like adding flames, and funny stuff like that...then just won't do it. 
Okay. 👍 I likely wouldn't either as i generally keep away from street racing-esque games. In Forza i decal-erise my cars etc mostly so they look like race cars.
You really misunderstood that right there.
Well no, you originally said
"I just won't paint my cars and that's all", then later you said you might do so if a car only comes in two colours (SLR). If you meant you won't put DECALS etc on your car and thats all - then you should have mentioned that.
Perhaps because of your struggle at reading my posts, is why you say that.
See above.
No need for that, as I think that if you still don't get what I'm trying to say, then it maybe because we have different opinions about this.
Thats a fact. Just like others will have different opinions to ours.
To be honest, this doesn't really worry me all that much. I just read it at a time when i was pretty bored, so hey. No harm done.
