Hehe, this is fun. Love a good debate/discussion like this.
*sigh* ahhh the ol' mercy call.
No... people just seem to take offence to what i say sometimes so added in that little disclaimer incase you were like most others. Everything i said there was true anyway.
1st of all, you don not tell me when should I rep people
2nd, you have no idea how many people I have minus rep'd
3rd, Minus rep points are not the same as the
report button, which I feel you're confusing the two of them.
4th, He went over the swearing filter and that does deserves the report button, AND you have been here long enough to realize that...let's not get ignorant now..
1. As i mentioned in that post, i'm not entierly sure of how the reputation system works because i had never used it before (because it doesn't interest me in the least). I also said it
could be classed as abuse of the feature, didn't mention that you
shouldn't have done it at all.
2. You have no idea how much i don't care how many people you have minus or plus repped. Just like you won't care that me minus repping you before will probably be the first and last time i ever use the feature.
3. I probably am. Like i said, i don't know how it works exactly.
4. You also went over the swear filter, remember this?
""Ohh man this **** is hard" (sorry mods)". So you deserve the report button too then? A breach is a breach no matter how small or big it is.
You're missing the point there...again. Track you race it on???!!! let me ask you this...do you get to choose the tracks you want on a racing series? Maybe you have an unknown version of GT4 then. Exhaust? PERFORMANCE BUDDY PERFORMANCE. If it increases your HP, it'd be a need for me instead of a want.
1. I was merely explaining what a want can involve.
2. I never mentioned anything about racing series, you should recall that in GT4 you can go to most tracks and then
race against other cars in an open track day or a two lap
race with the difficulty level decided by yourself.
3. Yes, having an exhaust will give you a little more performance, but i was referring to the sound part of it. There are probably thousands of GT players who fit the exhaust which makes the car sound its best (not always the race exhaust) and because there really isn't that much of a performance gain with exhausts anyway you can usually get away with it. But in your case you probably don't care a lot about the sound which is okay.
Just let's take a look at "simulate real life driving", now you MUstang-man, have to tell me, how this doesn't refer to performance...becuase I assume that if he's talking about DRIVING, then color plays a small role here doesn't it? The point of the game = real life driving simulator = passing tough missions, licenses and such......not color
1. Simple. He (this is how i read it) meant that in real life you can change the colour of your car whenever you want to, whereas in GT you only have a very limited selection of colours sometimes and to get a diferent colour you need to buy a different car. This, clearly, does not replicate how it is in real life. Has absolutely nothing to do with performance of the vehicle, so i still fail to see where you get that from?
2. If the point of the game is for passing tough missions and licences etc... then why are you able to change your wheels/rims? Or even choose the colour of your car - shouldn't they all be silver seen as the colour doesn't help nor hinder performance? Surely taking photos of your car won't make it go any faster/better in a race or what about different coloured rear wings? There is a reason it is called the Real
Driving Simulator and not the Real
Racing Simulator, plenty of reasons in fact. Just like not everyone
races the cars in the game, why else is there a free run mode? It isn't a race against the clock, that is what time trials are for.

And you're telling me to read before??
In other words, I was saying that to me is completely un-necessary to paint a car that you are going to need for a race...i.e: The Ford GT at the Super Car festival. You don't have to paint the car in order to win...that wasn't the point Mustang-man....again.
Your problem is that your sentances/paragraphs aren't terribly well written sometimes which makes it hard for people like me to misunderstand what you wrote - just like i can't make a whole lot of sense of your explanation above? Care to re-write it in plain english so old fogies like me can understand it?
Photomode and a paintshop are far twon different things.
It's ludicrous to believe that because I used photomode, I'd use the paintshop. Listen kid, if I was going to use, then why would I be even replying to you right now?? You're not in ANY position to say that as you haven't met me and you have no idea what my preferences are.
1. Yes they are, i never said they were similar. I was referring back to one of your earlier posts about Photomode which is why i included that.
2. Hey, i've seen it hundreds of times before. I'd need proof/evidence or something that you wouldn't use it before i beleived it.
3. Kid? KID??? You're the 'kid' here dude, about three years younger than me according to your profile.

4. True, i haven't met you but the general trend is that if someone doesn't like a certain feature of a game they are bound to check it out eventually, even just for a few seconds. Curiosity never hurt anyone.
No I don't and I wasn't ordering him to do it, but if he keeps making such low quality posts, then he might stop jumping on the keyboard without reading first. Just look at the difference between his 2nd post and his 3rd post, that's the difference that I'm talking about.
1. There was nothing much low quality about his posts. His views just didn't align correctly with yours and your views are blinding you so much that other peoples views you find offensive. Of course, you won't see it this way.
2. I pretty much agree with most of what he said, as others will too.
Not quite, i'm talking about colours as in... well, just colours. No sponsor logos, no decals. All three (colour, sponsor logos and decals) are different.
The only diference between your so called "picking holes", is that I also make my point...if you'd loooove to paint your cars...that's absolutely fine with me, I'm just posting my point of view. You....are just......writting.
Other people have been making their point too, but you seem to be blinded to them again. And were you not writing too? How did your replies get made then?
I understand its progress, and If you have read before...you'd find that I support color changing, I just wouldn't like the game to lose it's intial purposes.
It won't. Photomode didn't do any harm did it?
If the car comes with that paint...what can I say? I just don't like it at all
So you're not a fan of this colour (not sure of its official name, but could be bluey-grey metallic) then? If not thats fine, i don't mind a bit.
You know what, I can see it coming, and I'm not scared to death 'cause I won't probably use it, but seeing it from your perspective...If I go online I might paint a SLR because it only has two types of color; however, to me, if all of the cars are metallic silver including mine and I win the race...what I really care at the end of all is my time.
You know when I'd like to paint my car? If I ever use B-Spec mode, which I rarely do, but yeah, it might be helpful there.
Contradicting yourself a bit there?
"I just won't paint my cars and that's all." Now you're saying you
probably won't use it? *reads more of your reply* Oh wait,
might use it now? *reads even more* So now you might
like to paint your car, only in B-spec mode though? But why would it be helpful only in B-spec?
You don't really have a definative decision about whether or not you'll use the feature do you? Just guessing/assuming pretty much.
Mods: If this is getting too out of hand or anything just say so as i'll happily take it to PM or otherwise.