So it looks like we're gonna get a paintshop?

  • Thread starter Slurm
I don't want to argue, but I think this goes into customization as well. Personally, I wouldn't like this car so much if it were a single color, nor does making it multiple colors make it an NFS car.

I just think customization in cars is important, not just in color, but in other things as well, like the car above. If someone wants a car like that, let them have it. In photomode it would also have better pictures.
Honestly, some cars just don't look right stock, like the Fiat, because, even if it has the same specs, it would likely feel better to drive. I don't know what it is, I just like to drive cars that I know look better.

Please, if you like stock Fiat 500s, by all means go ahead and drive them, but technically since it is a game, (a game that is made so people can do things they want to do) they could just give us 3 cars, and have the difference between races be the track, or there could be one game system with one game, with one thing to do, with one car, with one...
And it goes on like that. People just want to do what they want, and if customization is what they want, unless they have the money, they need to use video games, and it just seems fair to include what people want to do in the game.

And regarding needs and wants, do you need video games? Do people need to race cars? No. But if they want to, why not let them?

Please, don't get mad or start a big arguement, that is not what I intended, I simply needed to state my opinion.

Edit: OR, they could make all the cars in the game ugly, because it doesn't matter to performence. Although looks aren't everything, I think if they weren't important, noone would strive to make the best looking cars.
For me having a paint shop and hopefully more ability to get closer to being able to convert most cars to races mods will be very important features that I will be looking for before commiting to another GT game. If they are not in will it prevent me from getting the game, most likely not unless there are lots of other areas that have not seen major improvements. People need to realize this is a game. How many race tracks in the real world will let you take stock production cars and race on a track in a race, verify few if any. Having the best paint shop capabilities as possible would be a huge benifit to all. If you do not like it do not use it period. With a half way decent paint shop users or even fabrication shops could get very good ideals what a paint scheme would look like on a car and then use it on a real car etc. GT in my view has strived to let users get the most realistic feel possible of driving a certain car. I do mean driving, if the goal and focus was on racing experience it would be less graphics focused and more on the race experience. I believe that GT5 will have more advanced photo options, either more photo locations or who knows maybe even a photo editor. A really nice paint shop would really enhance taking photos. GT4 is a game that really has broke new ground. You could buy the game, let Bob drive all the races, take tons of photos, tune all the rides you want and still have a hell of a good time if you so chose to play your GT4 that way. GT should always be kept in a user friendly format where you can enjoy the game the way you want to.
The only thing I wouldn't want, is stupid ,metallic colors and funky decoration in cars that you need to win a me there is no point to it, if I want to play with nice cars and different colors, I go to the store and buy another game, I don't play a racing simulator.

Funny thing is though Ozzy - its a driving simulator, its about the cars. Anything that makes up a car is all relevant in providing a FULL experience in driving. Paint may not have an influence on the way the race is won. Nevertheless it is simulating a driving experience - this may be why PD thought it was relevant to have a photomode in a previous series.

(I agree this thread is about opinions, but with opinions comes opposition. If people did not oppose others thoughts, there would be no need for an opinion).

I would also be interested to know why you think a metallic paint job is stupid. People like car games because they're either into racing or into cars. Some people (like myself) are passionate about cars, and presentation of a vehicle is no exception to what makes up a well put together race car - otherwise to Ferrari may aswell throw a quick layer of matt textured paint on their racing vehicles to reduce costs. Car related games are not only about the performance of a vehicle, its also about the other aspects which make up the desires of a real car enthusiast.

Im sure everyone else will agree that aswell as being able to win races with the performance and skill required, we still want a car on the track that we can be proud of - otherwise PD shouldnt be wasting any time on graphics improvements because thats not going to change the way we win the race (despite the lesser distance visability with the lower graphics).
Funny thing is though Ozzy - its a driving simulator, its about the cars. Anything that makes up a car is all relevant in providing a FULL experience in driving. Paint may not have an influence on the way the race is won. Nevertheless it is simulating a driving experience - this may be why PD thought it was relevant to have a photomode in a previous series.

(I agree this thread is about opinions, but with opinions comes opposition. If people did not oppose others thoughts, there would be no need for an opinion).

I would also be interested to know why you think a metallic paint job is stupid. People like car games because they're either into racing or into cars. Some people (like myself) are passionate about cars, and presentation of a vehicle is no exception to what makes up a well put together race car - otherwise to Ferrari may aswell throw a quick layer of matt textured paint on their racing vehicles to reduce costs. Car related games are not only about the performance of a vehicle, its also about the other aspects which make up the desires of a real car enthusiast.

Im sure everyone else will agree that aswell as being able to win races with the performance and skill required, we still want a car on the track that we can be proud of - otherwise PD shouldnt be wasting any time on graphics improvements because thats not going to change the way we win the race (despite the lesser distance visability with the lower graphics).

Which is exactly what I was talking about in my previous post. We can see, so I wouldn't want to look at something I didn't think looked good. The word ugly, and beauty are key words, and without them, nothing would compare to each other. A Pontiac Aztec would look just as good as a Porsche 911. I doubt that's how you see things.
Which is exactly what I was talking about in my previous post. We can see, so I wouldn't want to look at something I didn't think looked good. The word ugly, and beauty are key words, and without them, nothing would compare to each other. A Pontiac Aztec would look just as good as a Porsche 911. I doubt that's how you see things.

you know what? i think the paintshop is a great idea! you don't see race groups painting their cars factory colors, nor car customizers. most make them custom colors, or multi-colored paint jobs. i also think you should be able to have big chrome rims, and neons and such. not for racing, but for the photomode. and having neons does not make your vehicle a tuner or ricer or whatnot. ive seen custom musclecars and old trucks with neons, even semi's. they should have that stuff, so people can take pictures of their custom rides since they probly dont have em in real life. plus, NFS doesnt have photomode, so itll bring in ever more people.
I'd have to say that a paint-shop in itself will do nothing to degrade the game. If anything, it would be some of the people _using_ the paintshop that would degrade it. The paint shop could be a useful tool. Let me elaborate:

Online gaming has a huge following, and a mega-massive fan base. Millions of people out there are involved in online gaming of some sort, whether it be Runescape, World of Warcraft, Diablo 2, or any of the online racing games out there. First of all, I think it would be good to be able to design a unique livery for your car. I'm not talking about pimping out the car with spinners and neons and nitrous sprays, but genuine individual paint-schemes. Even JGTC cars and other racing cars have unique body kits and wheels.

"Body Kits?... Oh no, he said the B word! Go play NFS!" almost all racing cars have functional body kits - often more extreme than the pimped street versions. Take a look at the ARTA NSX and tell me that isn't extreme. Yet the difference is that they are *functional*. And they are different. The Mobil NSX is different to the ARTA one in its appearance. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to be original.

I've played online games, and do you know the thing that stood out most to me? Clans. In online war games, clans are groups of players who get together in a club, all working co-operatively. What do you think is a potential 'clan' with online racing? How about racing teams? Imagine you and your five best GT-thrashing pals getting together to form a racing team. Think of the depth of racing you would have with such a feature. Then you are not only just racing against another 20 opponents, all alone, but with allies who can help each other out - blocking the opposition, slipstreaming each other, planning complementary pit strategies and so forth...

The one thing a racing team has is custom livery... which a livery editor/paintshop would be very useful for - the team come up with a paint/decal/sponsor scheme which they wear on their cars. You could even have a decal editor to design a small team logo decal to put on your private cars to identify you as a team member. Decals aren't all bad. Done right, they can make a car look good.

In Online Racing you could set up not only free-for-all races (everybody is opposition), but also team championships, where the race is only open to teams. Imagine if they had servers that saved the replays of the online races so that others could 'spectate'

There is such huge potential in online racing, and I believe that both for people's desire to customise their cars, and for setting up team liveries, that a paintshop/livery editor would be very useful. Anyway, if somebody wants to pimp out their car, let them. It's their car. You can LMAO and ROFL and OMG at them all you want. If they're happy with their car, it makes one more satisfied PD customer.

On that topic, I think a decent paintshop/livery editor would increase the fanbase of PD, because those who buy NFSU/Juiced or whatever for the fact that they can customise their cars, suddenly have the ability to do an even better job on GT, with even more awesome cars... and guess what! It promotes developing cars for legitimate racing, rather than pimping up cars for illegal street racing. How good would that be? The one reason I didn't like the 'Fast and the Furious' movie series is because it promotes illegal street racing. I've lost friends to pine coffins because of stupidity on the road, and street racing does nothing for my excitement levels. If PD's setup encouraged a culture of designing genuine race cars for the track, rather than pimping up a car to hoot around the streets, it may actually begin to shift the culture a bit. Might be a bit far out there, but then it's just a thought.
(I agree this thread is about opinions, but with opinions comes opposition. If people did not oppose others thoughts, there would be no need for an opinion).
Perhaps you don't understand the difference between posting an opposing opinion and spaming..PLEASE read back your second post in this thread.
I would also be interested to know why you think a metallic paint job is stupid.
Is completely useless to me. There's just no need to ruin the car like that, but then again, is my taste.

People like car games because they're either into racing or into cars. Some people (like myself) are passionate about cars, and presentation of a vehicle is no exception to what makes up a well put together race car......Car related games are not only about the performance of a vehicle, its also about the other aspects which make up the desires of a real car enthusiast.

I know you're not getting this conclusion out of playing Gran Turismo right?

Im sure everyone else will agree that aswell as being able to win races with the performance and skill required, we still want a car on the track that we can be proud of - otherwise PD shouldnt be wasting any time on graphics improvements because thats not going to change the way we win the race (despite the lesser distance visability with the lower graphics).

Personally, I'm proud of a car if I've won hard races with high number of A-spec points and it's well tunned and propperly upgraded. Color makes no difference to me. Besides, PD has been improving it's graphics not until now, but from the very begining, and you as a GT fan should know this. And as far as I know...there's still no paint job feature in any of the GT games.

Let me put an example of what I mean:

This is totally fine:

It's a racing car, it's just the way it's going to be.

Now this :

or this:

Is soooo not Gran Tursimo.

Just because paintjobs have never been an option in the series doesnt mean its wasnt on the agenda from the start - Im sure PD have priorities based on a devised plan for how they expect the series to pan out based on timeframes since the beginning.

At the end of the day Im happy with how you envisage the GT series to go, I also have my own wishlist of what Id like to see in the future.

I think that theres nothing wrong with the colour schemes followed in need for speed and juiced etc, its just a bit "toyish" at the moment with the quality of the vehicles, so it looks a little matchbox car looking at this stage. But im sure if PD brought in a diverse range of colours, they could present them alot better than the likes of EA Games have.

Im sure ideas like alloys etc have all been thrown into the mix when PD discuss their games, but with their limited timeframe I imagine they pull out the ideas they think are most workable and possibly broaden the games fanbase and go from there.

Is soooo not Gran Tursimo.


Wheels and body kit aside, the paintjob is not too far off something you could use for a racing team. Even the bodykit is reminiscent of some widebody racecar kits. Look at any of the DTM cars. Still...

THIS, though:


I personally wouldn't own. Doesn't mean somebody else can't, but it's not my style.


Aah. Yes, it is a race car, but did it *start life* as a race car. Probably not. Chances are it was a road car that has been modified into a race car. That means an aftermarket paint job - exactly what we're discussing here.

Is completely useless to me. There's just no need to ruin the car like that, but then again, is my taste.

You'd prefer puke primer brown? Bare metal? (Mind you there are some nice polished copper and aluminium bodied cars out there...

Look at cars like the TVR Tuscan speed 6. Part of what makes the car is its paint job. Where else will you find a hot coupe in Reflex Purple or Chameleon Orange? Why would you buy a black one or a white one when you can get a car that looks so awesome? Not trying to bag your opinion, but surely you place *some* value on the appearance of a car.

I, for one, do like to have a nice looking car. I prefer it to walk the walk first, and then talk the talk later (meaning performance and handling mods come first), but it's not something I'd neglect. If GT does become an online game, then having spectacular cars (with spectacular performance) has the potential to generate a lot of excitement. I'm not into the extreme 'ricer' or 'NFS' style of modifying, but a decent bodykit, wheels and coat of paint can transform an average car into a stunner. Take these, for example:


Started out as a road car.


Still a road car...
Ozzy, my real life car (Nissan Skyline) left the production line with its metallic paint. Do you hate that?

What about my Mum's Mazda? It left the factory with a purple/blue paintjob (changes colour depending on light and angle).

You seem to be blowing things out of proportion with mvandepas's posts too...
Take a look at the image that pops up at the top right hand corner of this website... thats the type of modding we want (sorry, generalisation... "I" want).

I think the difficulty in GT is too easy though. I can remember first getting GT4 and by the end of the day I easily obtained a semi-fully modified Skyline GTR which I kept as my main vehicle throughout the game. It would be awesome if mod's unlocked overtime so that even if you were a pro at the game you would be left with nothing more to achieve by the end of a month or so. I suppose this downloading aspect to GT:HD may play some part in this...

Is anyone able to obtain images from the video showing the paintshop that we're all talking about here? I dont have the ability to take images of video.

Could someone place them in this forum for all to see??? :)
Okay, i have to do this after reading the topic properly...

What an amazing comeback 👍 minus rep for that! :dopey:

I'm not even going to waste my time trying to cope with your rather diminute process analisys ability.

You seriously need to go back to NFS and stay there for the rest of your life.

And a minus rep for you for blatantly overlooking what he wrote (which is how most people may feel too) and sticking a bit too close to your guns. The minus rep you gave him (correct me if i'm wrong someone as i've never used it before) could be classed as abuse of the feature, because the post wasn't harmful or offensive (i'm just as guilty though by giving you a minus). You seem to have an odd fetish for the Need For Speed series also - well, you love mentioning it anyway?

That person who admires the car they just purchased may think "If I had this car in real life I would have had it painted a metallic blue (because that person may like the colour blue). But "unfortunately" that car isnt available in metallic blue, so they need to have it custom painted.

Yes, but let's describe what's going on here...the person is going out of the racing not a need anymore, is a want.
Just like the car you choose could very well be a want. The colour you choose for it also. What about the exhaust? Tyres? Track you race it on? Pretty invalid point you've made there.

The idea of a real driving simulator is to simulate real life driving. How can you simulate real life driving if some of the features of real life driving (ie painting your car) isnt available.

How is color relevant to you in order to pass a mission or beat times?
I hope we're not talking performance here
:odd: Wow... I'd appreciate if you could highlight, in his reply, where he mentions passing missions or beating times. And especially where he mentions performance? Try re-reading what he said... :scared:

The only thing I wouldn't want, is stupid ,metallic colors and funky decoration in cars that you need to win a me there is no point to it, if I want to play with nice cars and different colors, I go to the store and buy another game, I don't play a racing simulator.
Only game i know of that you NEED to paint/bodykit-erise etc your car to COMPETE in a race is one of the NFS Underground games? Saying/assuming you'd need to paint your car and add decals etc to it to win a race is absurd.

I just won't paint my cars and that's all.
I honestly do not believe that for a second. You will paint cars, just like you don't see the point or whatever of Photomode yet you still used it. Kazunori is a keen photographer, that is why Photomode is in the game - hopefully to stay.

If you cannot resist the urge to spam...then just refrain to posting again.
1. You don't have the authority or anything to tell anyone to stop posting.
2. There wasn't a single spam post he has made in this topic - you really need to find out the true definition of it.

Ozzy, you seem to be confusing 'custom paint' and decals - two very, very different things... Even so. What people do to their cars (in games in the real world) is what they like/want and there isn't a car paint scheme or anything out there on ANY car that every single person in the world will like.

You seem to be informing us of your dislike for custom paint (race cars inclusive - what is stopping someone making a race car paint scheme on their road car, one that looks really really good? Will you hate the road cars' paint then even if it looks better than that on a racecar?) at every turn, if not more frequently.

I had to post all this as you seem so stuck in your views that you won't even acknowledge (yes, my spelling sucks) other peoples views and instead seem to pick holes in them, so now i'm picking holes in your views.

The paintshop would be an excellent feature and will only improve the game, thats pretty much a guarenteed fact. Because over the years/games Polyphony seem to remove or add paint/colour options for cars like it is a game. Where is the Skyline Active Red colour that was available for R32 GT-R's in Gran Turismo 3? What about the purple/blue, factory purple/blue, paint colour for the Pagani Zonda C12S 7.3 - last seen in GT Concept? Speaking of the Zonda, why are they all only available in silver when in real life you can get them in maroon, yellow, silver, purple/blue and i think even black?

Seriously man, it is progress. There are heaps of us out there annoyed by the fact that a colour for a car is missing, or that it isn't the colour shade it should be.

An mvandepas, kudos for you for keeping your cool for so long (not that i've lost mine though). 👍

You're not on my enemy list or anything Ozzy as i don't hold grudges against people, i just found your replies funny/odd and so on. :) So hopefully you won't take offence to anything/much as that wasn't my intention.
cheers mustang-man (mvandepas here by the way, for some reason I cannot access my other account when I am at home.... dont ask why).

All in all Im sure its healthy to have a few scraps every now and then, but Im quite keen to get on with the subject and see some pictures of this paintshop which some claim to have seen.

If people cant post photos of the video up here, maybe a "you tube" video???

Cheers! 👍
You're not on my enemy list or anything Ozzy as i don't hold grudges against people, i just found your replies funny/odd and so on. :) So hopefully you won't take offence to anything/much as that wasn't my intention.

*sigh* ahhh the ol' mercy call.

And a minus rep for you for blatantly overlooking what he wrote (which is how most people may feel too) and sticking a bit too close to your guns. The minus rep you gave him (correct me if i'm wrong someone as i've never used it before) could be classed as abuse of the feature, because the post wasn't harmful or offensive (i'm just as guilty though by giving you a minus).

1st of all, you don not tell me when should I rep people
2nd, you have no idea how many people I have minus rep'd
3rd, Minus rep points are not the same as the report button, which I feel you're confusing the two of them.
4th, He went over the swearing filter and that does deserves the report button, AND you have been here long enough to realize that...let's not get ignorant now..:rolleyes:

Just like the car you choose could very well be a want. The colour you choose for it also. What about the exhaust? Tyres? Track you race it on? Pretty invalid point you've made there.

You're missing the point there...again. Track you race it on???!!! let me ask you you get to choose the tracks you want on a racing series? Maybe you have an unknown version of GT4 then. Exhaust? PERFORMANCE BUDDY PERFORMANCE. If it increases your HP, it'd be a need for me instead of a want.

:odd: Wow... I'd appreciate if you could highlight, in his reply, where he mentions passing missions or beating times. And especially where he mentions performance? Try re-reading what he said... :scared:


The idea of a real driving simulator is to simulate real life driving. How can you simulate real life driving if some of the features of real life driving (ie painting your car) isnt available.

Just let's take a look at "simulate real life driving", now you MUstang-man, have to tell me, how this doesn't refer to performance...becuase I assume that if he's talking about DRIVING, then color plays a small role here doesn't it? The point of the game = real life driving simulator = passing tough missions, licenses and such......not color :rolleyes:

Only game i know of that you NEED to paint/bodykit-erise etc your car to COMPETE in a race is one of the NFS Underground games? Saying/assuming you'd need to paint your car and add decals etc to it to win a race is absurd.

:lol: And you're telling me to read before??

In other words, I was saying that to me is completely un-necessary to paint a car that you are going to need for a race...i.e: The Ford GT at the Super Car festival. You don't have to paint the car in order to win...that wasn't the point Mustang-man....again.

You will paint cars, just like you don't see the point or whatever of Photomode yet you still used it. Kazunori is a keen photographer, that is why Photomode is in the game - hopefully to stay.

Photomode and a paintshop are far twon different things.
It's ludicrous to believe that because I used photomode, I'd use the paintshop. Listen kid, if I was going to use, then why would I be even replying to you right now?? You're not in ANY position to say that as you haven't met me and you have no idea what my preferences are.

1. You don't have the authority or anything to tell anyone to stop posting.
2. There wasn't a single spam post he has made in this topic - you really need to find out the true definition of it.

No I don't and I wasn't ordering him to do it, but if he keeps making such low quality posts, then he might stop jumping on the keyboard without reading first. Just look at the difference between his 2nd post and his 3rd post, that's the difference that I'm talking about.

Ozzy, you seem to be confusing 'custom paint' and decals - two very, very different things...

Didn't I say this?
Just for the record, you have mentioned sponsor decals as a costumized paint job and to me, that is no problem at all.

I had to post all this as you seem so stuck in your views that you won't even acknowledge (yes, my spelling sucks) other peoples views and instead seem to pick holes in them, so now i'm picking holes in your views.
The only diference between your so called "picking holes", is that I also make my point...if you'd loooove to paint your cars...that's absolutely fine with me, I'm just posting my point of view. You....are just......writting.

Seriously man, it is progress. There are heaps of us out there annoyed by the fact that a colour for a car is missing, or that it isn't the colour shade it should be.
I understand its progress, and If you have read'd find that I support color changing, I just wouldn't like the game to lose it's intial purposes.

*EDIT* I'm sorry I missed this post v v
Ozzy, my real life car (Nissan Skyline) left the production line with its metallic paint. Do you hate that?

What about my Mum's Mazda? It left the factory with a purple/blue paintjob (changes colour depending on light and angle).

You seem to be blowing things out of proportion with mvandepas's posts too...

If the car comes with that paint...what can I say? I just don't like it at all :)

I've said this three times now. "To each it's own" ;)

To Ozzy and others scared to death that Gran Turismo will be tainted...

You're too late. Let me illustrate.

What has Gran Turismo included from day one?

  • [*]Performance enhancing parts.


What did GT4 include?
  • Performance wheels! [size=+1]
  • Aerodynamic tailwings! [size=+1]
  • And NITROUS!

And what have people been doing??
  • [size=+4]
AAUGH!! (sounds of death and stuff)

So get real here. I cringed when I saw Nitrous listed in the performance options, but I didn't use it. Err.... except for a couple of races I just wanted to blow through. I have to say though that putting nitrous on that 40hp Suzuki gave it all of maybe ONE hp boost... :P

And lookit. Do you think it will be cool to go online and find yourself racing against seven other Raybrig NSXs with the exact same paintjob, decals and racing number?? That bugged me in GT4 when I entered a race and the exact same car as mine would be in the race, when there was an alternative car with the same performance available.

And lookit some more. Suppose you get to create a racing team in GT5. And you get to choose the graphics for your car, your suit, your helmet, and the crew team uniforms. Do you SERIOUSLY want the graphic elements of another established racing team that's in the league, with their decals, their NAME on the car, and the same racing number??

I mean, come on, get real here. Racing teams go to great lengths to have cool looking, totally unique vehicles with their VERY OWN paint jobs. Now, maybe I'm crazy or something, but I have this weird idea that I'd like to create my VERY OWN race car, with my VERY OWN body kits, and my VERY OWN paint job, and my VERY OWN name, and my VERY OWN number on my car. That I design my VERY OWN self. I want to do like EVERY OTHER race team does when they enter a racing league, or even update their cars with new graphics. Go figure.

If that makes me some kind of a depraved lunatic in some of your eyes for wanting the same opportunities that Michael Andretti or Team Schumacher has, so be it.
You know what, I can see it coming, and I'm not scared to death 'cause I won't probably use it, but seeing it from your perspective...If I go online I might paint a SLR because it only has two types of color; however, to me, if all of the cars are metallic silver including mine and I win the race...what I really care at the end of all is my time.

You know when I'd like to paint my car? If I ever use B-Spec mode, which I rarely do, but yeah, it might be helpful there.

Geez, why do so many people out there complain??? :yuck:

PD are adding another feature for the better. An earlier post made a good comment, anyway who would want to see a Skyline's only race with 10 bloody silver skylines??? Sure as hell not me! And I bet if you went out and actually attended a skyline club race - there'll be green ones and pearlescent blue and matt black and pink!
that sounds horrible to me!! pink skylines!? :ill:

let me ask you all a question.. is it really so important for you guys to be able to repaint the car??? :dunce: and if yes, WHY?
If you want to talk in further detail about a Photo Shop feature, I invite you to visit my old thread concerning Racing Modifications. It's called "Racing Modifications: Discuss and Review": { }. It takes you to the first page of the thread. But I did bring up some ideas later in the thread regarding the painting of cars. I still think (especially for race-modified cars) that some works cars and customer cars are needed to help create our own race cars. Take the ubiquitous (at least in GT and sportscar racing) Porsche 911 GT3 RSR: { }. Wouldn't you want to purchase a few in GT games and able to make your own little race team? And even if you're not going to make it into a race car, at least painting one up makes it YOUR specific car and not some completely stock and boring car. It still remains whatever car you're using. Only that you make it yours. And as someone taught me about Forza Motorsport, having your own unique model gives you some Rarity value for the car. Speaking of which, I heard Forza 2 wants you to spend more time with your car as customization will be a serious plus.

I'd like to see how this Paint Shop option will play out.
I've said this three times now. "To each it's own" ;)

Right, but by saying it shouldn't be in the game, you are forcing your opinion upon other people. If you were PD and had that opinion, the way you seem to be acting, you wouldn't add that feature because you don't find it useful. I'd really like it if you would reply to my other responses, because I want to know what you think.

Edit: Plus, you haven't given many reasons why it's a bad idea, just why it isn't as good an idea as people think. Customization is as important as picking your solid color. what if every car in the world looked the same? Is that a good thing?
Right, but by saying it shouldn't be in the game, you are forcing your opinion upon other people. If you were PD and had that opinion, the way you seem to be acting, you wouldn't add that feature because you don't find it useful. I'd really like it if you would reply to my other responses, because I want to know what you think.

I never said it shouldn't be in the game...I just didn't want that feature to change people's aproach to Gran Turismo.

I'm sorry but your replies are pretty much what some other people have said.

Edit: Plus, you haven't given many reasons why it's a bad idea, just why it isn't as good an idea as people think. Customization is as important as picking your solid color. what if every car in the world looked the same? Is that a good thing?

MINICOOPER120, Don't kill yourself trying to find reasons of why I THINK it's a bad idea...but anyway, read through this post and you'll see how I feel about GT

I never said it shouldn't be in the game...I just didn't want that feature to change people's aproach to Gran Turismo.

I'm sorry but your replies are pretty much what some other people have said.

MINICOOPER120, Don't kill yourself trying to find reasons of why I THINK it's a bad idea...but anyway, read through this post and you'll see how I feel about GT

That makes more sense, I just thought when you said "exactly what I don't want to happen to GT" you meant not include it in the game, because you don't like it, not that you didn't want it because it will change the image of GT. That is better, but you have to remember, GT will appeal to more people with more features, giving PD more money, and even if people do make NFS style cars, it wont matter, because noone's forcing you to race against it or drive it. It's all about choice. People play Gran Turismo because they like Gran Turismo, and people paint cars because people like to have painted cars. As long as you realize that what other people do with the game does not change the game, although I don't see how the image of the game could change, because paint does not equal NFS, it could, but it could also be racing cars that are amazing and look great and perform.

Basically, the paint tells you what a car is for. A ricer paint job probably doesn't perform, while a racing paint job is probably a performence car. That Fiat I posted is a great example of everything I am trying to post. When you look at that you don't think "rice!!" but you think, "hey that's a nice car!" (depending on your opinion) and yet, it has paint on it. The main problem is, the game developers cannot control painting your car race, and not rice. Either you don't include paint at all to avoid those ugly painted cars, or you include it, to allow those beautiful cars we all love.
That is what we are discussing here. Wether it is worth allowing rice to have race, or not. So far PD has done this by giving us premade race cars, but now we are feeling like we don't have enough control, so we need to decide.

Are custom race cars as good as ricers are bad?
I think yes. You think no. We need a poll.:)
i guess i dont understand what the big problem is with having a paint shop in GT. im pretty sure they won't enforce it on you Ozzy, but it is still a nice feature to have. i mean, in GT4, the only differentiation between your car and a friend's would be a spoiler and rims (not even those on some vehicles!). yes you could choose the color, but usually there weren't that many, and some colors would be used be many people, so the cars would end up looking the same anyways. a paint shop alows people to enjoy their cars even more by giving them their own unique look, whether it be simple like a one shade gloss, all the way up to a 5 shade pearlescent, as well as decals/graphics to really make it stand out. there were some cars in GT4 that i really wished would come in more colors, or some cool colors i liked, but they didnt. plus, if you win a car from a race and you dont like the color, then you could change it to what you want. the positives seriously outweigh the negatives, so i say put it in!
About the "ricer" thing... you can't stop people from coming up with extravagant paint styles for cars. Bodykits aren't possible for GT, but painting up cars really isn't "ricing" of any kind (at least to me). Most muscle car types see something like racing stripes as all that needs to be painted on a car to make it stand out as opposed to people looking for certain tuner-inspired paint styles. It won't make your car perform any better. It's just like Photo Mode in GT4- a nice, on-the-side deal you can take advantage of to enjoy the GT experience a bit more.
Hehe, this is fun. Love a good debate/discussion like this. :D

*sigh* ahhh the ol' mercy call.
No... people just seem to take offence to what i say sometimes so added in that little disclaimer incase you were like most others. Everything i said there was true anyway.

1st of all, you don not tell me when should I rep people
2nd, you have no idea how many people I have minus rep'd
3rd, Minus rep points are not the same as the report button, which I feel you're confusing the two of them.
4th, He went over the swearing filter and that does deserves the report button, AND you have been here long enough to realize that...let's not get ignorant now..:rolleyes:
1. As i mentioned in that post, i'm not entierly sure of how the reputation system works because i had never used it before (because it doesn't interest me in the least). I also said it could be classed as abuse of the feature, didn't mention that you shouldn't have done it at all.
2. You have no idea how much i don't care how many people you have minus or plus repped. Just like you won't care that me minus repping you before will probably be the first and last time i ever use the feature.
3. I probably am. Like i said, i don't know how it works exactly.
4. You also went over the swear filter, remember this? ""Ohh man this **** is hard" (sorry mods)". So you deserve the report button too then? A breach is a breach no matter how small or big it is.

You're missing the point there...again. Track you race it on???!!! let me ask you you get to choose the tracks you want on a racing series? Maybe you have an unknown version of GT4 then. Exhaust? PERFORMANCE BUDDY PERFORMANCE. If it increases your HP, it'd be a need for me instead of a want.
1. I was merely explaining what a want can involve.
2. I never mentioned anything about racing series, you should recall that in GT4 you can go to most tracks and then race against other cars in an open track day or a two lap race with the difficulty level decided by yourself.
3. Yes, having an exhaust will give you a little more performance, but i was referring to the sound part of it. There are probably thousands of GT players who fit the exhaust which makes the car sound its best (not always the race exhaust) and because there really isn't that much of a performance gain with exhausts anyway you can usually get away with it. But in your case you probably don't care a lot about the sound which is okay.

Just let's take a look at "simulate real life driving", now you MUstang-man, have to tell me, how this doesn't refer to performance...becuase I assume that if he's talking about DRIVING, then color plays a small role here doesn't it? The point of the game = real life driving simulator = passing tough missions, licenses and such......not color :rolleyes:
1. Simple. He (this is how i read it) meant that in real life you can change the colour of your car whenever you want to, whereas in GT you only have a very limited selection of colours sometimes and to get a diferent colour you need to buy a different car. This, clearly, does not replicate how it is in real life. Has absolutely nothing to do with performance of the vehicle, so i still fail to see where you get that from?
2. If the point of the game is for passing tough missions and licences etc... then why are you able to change your wheels/rims? Or even choose the colour of your car - shouldn't they all be silver seen as the colour doesn't help nor hinder performance? Surely taking photos of your car won't make it go any faster/better in a race or what about different coloured rear wings? There is a reason it is called the Real Driving Simulator and not the Real Racing Simulator, plenty of reasons in fact. Just like not everyone races the cars in the game, why else is there a free run mode? It isn't a race against the clock, that is what time trials are for.

:lol: And you're telling me to read before??

In other words, I was saying that to me is completely un-necessary to paint a car that you are going to need for a race...i.e: The Ford GT at the Super Car festival. You don't have to paint the car in order to win...that wasn't the point Mustang-man....again.
Your problem is that your sentances/paragraphs aren't terribly well written sometimes which makes it hard for people like me to misunderstand what you wrote - just like i can't make a whole lot of sense of your explanation above? Care to re-write it in plain english so old fogies like me can understand it?

Photomode and a paintshop are far twon different things.
It's ludicrous to believe that because I used photomode, I'd use the paintshop. Listen kid, if I was going to use, then why would I be even replying to you right now?? You're not in ANY position to say that as you haven't met me and you have no idea what my preferences are.
1. Yes they are, i never said they were similar. I was referring back to one of your earlier posts about Photomode which is why i included that.
2. Hey, i've seen it hundreds of times before. I'd need proof/evidence or something that you wouldn't use it before i beleived it.
3. Kid? KID??? You're the 'kid' here dude, about three years younger than me according to your profile. :D
4. True, i haven't met you but the general trend is that if someone doesn't like a certain feature of a game they are bound to check it out eventually, even just for a few seconds. Curiosity never hurt anyone.

No I don't and I wasn't ordering him to do it, but if he keeps making such low quality posts, then he might stop jumping on the keyboard without reading first. Just look at the difference between his 2nd post and his 3rd post, that's the difference that I'm talking about.
1. There was nothing much low quality about his posts. His views just didn't align correctly with yours and your views are blinding you so much that other peoples views you find offensive. Of course, you won't see it this way.
2. I pretty much agree with most of what he said, as others will too.

Didn't I say this?
Not quite, i'm talking about colours as in... well, just colours. No sponsor logos, no decals. All three (colour, sponsor logos and decals) are different.

The only diference between your so called "picking holes", is that I also make my point...if you'd loooove to paint your cars...that's absolutely fine with me, I'm just posting my point of view. You....are just......writting.
Other people have been making their point too, but you seem to be blinded to them again. And were you not writing too? How did your replies get made then?

I understand its progress, and If you have read'd find that I support color changing, I just wouldn't like the game to lose it's intial purposes.
It won't. Photomode didn't do any harm did it?

If the car comes with that paint...what can I say? I just don't like it at all :)
So you're not a fan of this colour (not sure of its official name, but could be bluey-grey metallic) then? If not thats fine, i don't mind a bit.




You know what, I can see it coming, and I'm not scared to death 'cause I won't probably use it, but seeing it from your perspective...If I go online I might paint a SLR because it only has two types of color; however, to me, if all of the cars are metallic silver including mine and I win the race...what I really care at the end of all is my time.

You know when I'd like to paint my car? If I ever use B-Spec mode, which I rarely do, but yeah, it might be helpful there.
Contradicting yourself a bit there? "I just won't paint my cars and that's all." Now you're saying you probably won't use it? *reads more of your reply* Oh wait, might use it now? *reads even more* So now you might like to paint your car, only in B-spec mode though? But why would it be helpful only in B-spec?

You don't really have a definative decision about whether or not you'll use the feature do you? Just guessing/assuming pretty much.


Mods: If this is getting too out of hand or anything just say so as i'll happily take it to PM or otherwise. :)
I'm no mod, but I'd like it to stop anyway. It's not out of hand, just a bit pointless. The main problem was that it was unclear about opinion and fact. Like I said, it all comes down to:
"Are custom racecars more important than keeping ricers from doing stuff to cars we don't like"
I think yes, because it doesn't matter what people do with virtual cars. Maybe if we're lucky they will get their save corrupted or something. All that's important is that we should be able to do what we want, and Ozzy has rights to think what he wants.
Hehe, this is fun. Love a good debate/discussion like this. :D

I know me too [/stir]

Ok let's go...:D

No... people just seem to take offence to what i say sometimes so added in that little disclaimer incase you were like most others. Everything i said there was true anyway.

No that's ok, I'm not that type of person. :)

1. As i mentioned in that post, i'm not entierly sure of how the reputation system works because i had never used it before (because it doesn't interest me in the least). I also said it could be classed as abuse of the feature, didn't mention that you shouldn't have done it at all.
2. You have no idea how much i don't care how many people you have minus or plus repped. Just like you won't care that me minus repping you before will probably be the first and last time i ever use the feature.
3. I probably am. Like i said, i don't know how it works exactly.
Well, then maybe if you didn't know exactly what it was about, then you shouldn't have lectured me whether if I should have used it or not.

4. You also went over the swear filter, remember this? ""Ohh man this **** is hard" (sorry mods)". So you deserve the report button too then? A breach is a breach no matter how small or big it is.
Now that's just silly and you know it, that was an example of what one of my friends said...AAANDD I even said "sorry mods". You don't need to be too smrat to realize the intentions of that post and mvandepas's one.

Yes, having an exhaust will give you a little more performance, but i was referring to the sound part of it. There are probably thousands of GT players who fit the exhaust which makes the car sound its best (not always the race exhaust) and because there really isn't that much of a performance gain with exhausts anyway you can usually get away with it. But in your case you probably don't care a lot about the sound which is okay.

Yeah you're right in the bold test part.

1. Simple. He (this is how i read it) meant that in real life you can change the colour of your car whenever you want to, whereas in GT you only have a very limited selection of colours sometimes and to get a diferent colour you need to buy a different car. This, clearly, does not replicate how it is in real life. Has absolutely nothing to do with performance of the vehicle, so i still fail to see where you get that from?
Well, either you or me are misunderstood here then, because when I read "real life driving simulator" or "simulating real life driving" , color doesn't come to my mind, but the verb "driving".

2. If the point of the game is for passing tough missions and licences etc... then why are you able to change your wheels/rims? Or even choose the colour of your car - shouldn't they all be silver seen as the colour doesn't help nor hinder performance?
Wheels choice and color are just peanuts features that don't really take away the point of it.

Surely taking photos of your car won't make it go any faster/better in a race or what about different coloured rear wings? There is a reason it is called the Real Driving Simulator and not the Real Racing Simulator, plenty of reasons in fact. Just like not everyone races the cars in the game, why else is there a free run mode? It isn't a race against the clock, that is what time trials are for.

You know that everyone in the OLR forums use this mode right? Also, B-Spec "bob" can be trained here, and become a better driver. Also there are tons of racing nuts out there whom only think in getting better and better at the game without the intrusion of the AI.

Your problem is that your sentances/paragraphs aren't terribly well written sometimes which makes it hard for people like me to misunderstand what you wrote - just like i can't make a whole lot of sense of your explanation above? Care to re-write it in plain english so old fogies like me can understand it?
I'm sorry If you had a hard time trying to get my posts, I guess I was writting way to fast (I was at work) but I promise you I'll get an A in English this semester.

Yes they are, i never said they were similar. I was referring back to one of your earlier posts about Photomode which is why i included that.
2. Hey, i've seen it hundreds of times before. I'd need proof/evidence or something that you wouldn't use it before i beleived it.
Now how can that be proved?? Maybe only if you come to NY and decide to stalk me then you can figure that out.

BTW, generalizing is one fo the worst things you can do.

3. Kid? KID??? You're the 'kid' here dude, about three years younger than me according to your profile. :D
Are you sure? O well, my bad I guess. I was basing your age to what your responses were like.
4. True, i haven't met you but the general trend is that if someone doesn't like a certain feature of a game they are bound to check it out eventually, even just for a few seconds. Curiosity never hurt anyone.
I'll give you that one. :)

1. There was nothing much low quality about his posts. His views just didn't align correctly with yours and your views are blinding you so much that other peoples views you find offensive. Of course, you won't see it this way.
2. I pretty much agree with most of what he said, as others will too.
I'm not saying low qaulity because he disagreed with me, but because the way he overlooked my post without backing himself up.
And you are as blinded as you say I am then. I have my point of view and regardless of the length of this thread, my view of the future feature will remain the same, and I'm not intending to change yours either.

Other people have been making their point too, but you seem to be blinded to them again. And were you not writing too? How did your replies get made then?

See above.

It won't.

You can't predict how this feature will change the image of the game. We agreed that Photmode and Paintshop were diferent didn't we? :)

So you're not a fan of this colour (not sure of its official name, but could be bluey-grey metallic) then? If not thats fine, i don't mind a bit.




First of all I didn't know you had such a nice car :), but I still don't like the color. I'm a fan of what it can do...not the paint.
BTW I know you don't care about that.

Contradicting yourself a bit there? "I just won't paint my cars and that's all." Now you're saying you probably won't use it? *reads more of your reply* Oh wait, might use it now? *reads even more* So now you might like to paint your car, only in B-spec mode though? But why would it be helpful only in B-spec?

NO. You see, you have to slowww doowwn. If I said I'd use in B-Spec mode..then obviously I wouldn't do it for esthetics reasons. And If I paint my car, would be beause I'd want to change the original color for another stock color. (which is why I would like that feature included in the game) I want to be able to paint cars but from one color to another plain, if I have extra options like adding flames, and funny stuff like that...then just won't do it. :) You really misunderstood that right there.

You don't really have a definative decision about whether or not you'll use the feature do you? Just guessing/assuming pretty much.

Perhaps because of your struggle at reading my posts, is why you say that.

Mods: If this is getting too out of hand or anything just say so as i'll happily take it to PM or otherwise. :)

No need for that, as I think that if you still don't get what I'm trying to say, then it maybe because we have different opinions about this, this being said, I'm done.

Nice talking to ya :)

Am I on both your ignore lists or something? IT WAS A SIMPLE MISUNDERSTANDING!!! At first it seemed like Ozzy was saying he didn't want it in the game, but now we all know the he does, he just wont use it as much. SIMPLE. Nobody is at fault here. It is inevitable to have a misunderstanding once in a while. Ozzy is now making it clear that he would like this feature to change color, but not decals or sponser logos on cars. That doesn't mean he doesn't want to include it, just not use it. Earlier he already said the Fiat was fine, even though it has more than one color and the other things he wont use. YOU HAVE YOUR OPINION AND WE HAVE OURS. Can we all just get over it and get back to the discussion of the thread?