WRS'ers and their ride...

Well, I got a nice update for my car! Last week the turbo went into the Protege and boy was it a week of hell. Rather than taking 3 days as expected, it took 8, ran into problems left right and center. First drive was quite an experience. It was idling very rough, it felt like it was hitting fuel cut at about 3500rpm, and somehow, my charge pipe popped off the throttle body under boost, lol. At first I thought it was the vacuum line popping off the BOV, because I couldn't hear the BOV go off after letting off the throttle under boost. I then realized all that forced air wasn't doing much, lol. Got that fixed up, and worked on the idling problem tonight, and it runs far better now. It seemed like it just wasn't getting enough air when idling as it would bog up at red lights and die. I increased the idle speed so it would get more air, and the idle wouldn't flutter so much. It pulls away from dead stops far better and much smoother, and the boost seems more natural now. Next step is to get it tuned and dynoed. The week of hell is over, but it is so worth it for every time I hear the BOV. I'll post up some pics of the install and finished project in the near future.
1987 Toyota MR2... with a crazy list of mods to boot.
Me and car ;)

more of what people care about, the car.

And some random pics from when I had to replace the engine last year.
The head

My friend inside the engine bay

And us trying to keep the garage a bit warmer when doing this (It was like 20 F outside most of the month)

More pictures at the linkie in my sig, along with mods :)
nice pics cody. in your country don't you have to let the car wear front license plates?
following your racername i had guessed your car would be blue.
The front plates requirement varies from state to state here. We are suppose to have it up, but I usually don't bother with it.

Azuremen comes from something completely different than the color Azure. Derived long ago from Warhammar 40k.
That's awesome man! Congrats! What're you guys using for management anyway?

Thanks! Though it was a week of hell, it's so worth it once you get to drive it, it's a blast, even when it's not running very well, lol. My setup consists of an intercooled IHI powered turbo kit from HiBoost in Los Angeles. I went with the Haltech F10X for my fuel management, mainly due to the success I've heard with that EMS and the Protege/MazdaSpeed Protege, and I've also heard form local shops that it's easier to work with and program than some other systems out there.

I was hoping to get it dynoed and tuned tomorrow, but it'll have to wait until next weekend, so hopefully dyno charts will be up in a week!
Finally got round to getting some (old) pics of the car uploaded...

Please don't laugh at the matt black paint scheme, it was about five different colors after replacing, prepping and repairing various panels, I just got a load of spray cans to get it all one color...As soon as the weather warms back up it's going back into the garage for a metallic black paint job.


Future mods to include fully adjustable suspension, rear beam axle, coil overs etc. 1275 GT engine which is in the shed in bits as I write this, gonna spend the winter, 'playing' with that. ;) I'll probably fabricate a roll cage too as I plan on using it for track days.

I'll also change as many of the panels as possible for CF to get the P/W down too.

I'd love to see a fully worked CF old school Mini tearing up the track and beatin the crap out of everything else, haha. It's like a lunch box on steroids.
heres my baby, only had it for a week

1998 VT Holden Commodore SS
5.0l (304) efi V8 195kw
Getrag 5spd

Basically to all you non-aussies, its an 5/6 year old Pontiac GTO with 2 extra doors


Or a Vauxhall Omega with a proper engine. :D 👍 Nice one ls2.

@ Falango...I'll be changing most of the panels to CF but the roof will probably stay as it is. You can get a CF roof panel but at £2K I might give that a miss! :crazy:

Lunchbox on steroids...:lol: That could mean something completely different over here? :dopey: 'd

Finally got round to getting some (old) pics of the car uploaded...

Please don't laugh at the matt black paint scheme, it was about five different colors after replacing, prepping and repairing various panels, I just got a load of spray cans to get it all one color...As soon as the weather warms back up it's going back into the garage for a metallic black paint job.


Future mods to include fully adjustable suspension, rear beam axle, coil overs etc. 1275 GT engine which is in the shed in bits as I write this, gonna spend the winter, 'playing' with that. ;) I'll probably fabricate a roll cage too as I plan on using it for track days.

I'll also change as many of the panels as possible for CF to get the P/W down too.


She's looking good ST. 👍

Keep us updated with more pic's mate. 👍 👍
Well lets see.. it's been forever and a day since I last posted here but
here's my '88' (as in 1988, yes it's 18 years old 👍 ) ..16V.. etc etc..
it's kinda quick, but even more fun to drive..
Gotta admit, Oregon has some awesome backroads towards Mt.
Hood, as does Washington.. very comparible to Germany from what i've
heard.. Anyways, with get'n my Jetta towards completion it's been very hard
for me to stay indoors when I can be outdoors rollin' the real thing.. but
sometimes traffic just makes me wanna friggin' lose it, hence coming back
& rolin' GT4.. LoL!!.. So, here ya go..


& the interior..


Friggin clean looking!!

And yeah, I drove the whole coast from Portland to Cali, and then back up from cali to medford though some forest roads and stuff. Friggin fun stuff there... though the coast towns have some slick roads from the constant moisture...
Friggin clean looking!!

And yeah, I drove the whole coast from Portland to Cali, and then back up from cali to medford though some forest roads and stuff. Friggin fun stuff there... though the coast towns have some slick roads from the constant moisture...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh... 101 !!.. that is a sweeet drive without a doubt.. Goin'
through Northern Cal , Redwoods etc.. is awfully nice if your a "true" driver..
meaning beyond the video realm.. LoL.. and goin' down even further South
through wine country, maaaaaaan, it just doesn't really get any better ..
BUT, if ya live up here in the Pacific Northwest and you get the chance,
roll through the Columbia Gorge.. THAT is truly German style driving.. on
certain stretches of 84 and can feel an awful lot like the autobahn, and oh
so ever tempting to bust over a hunsky, but jon-jon da lawman will be there
sooner or later just waitin' :grumpy: .. But driving the 'Ring' and driving in the
Pac NW are very similar.. windy elevated roads for forever and a day as well
as long stretches to open it up.. BTW, thanks for the comment, I take a lot
of pride in my '88' & just try to get it a little better each month, one way or
another..Hard to beat German Engineering 👍 ..................lata'

Where you at? Nice Jetta btw, that's awesome to see one that clean. I know the wheels are light and all, but the looks, oye, not for me. :) My dad has a Black '92 GL on 16" Momo Sports, definitely fun cars to drive on the backroads. And yes, having been to Germany, it is pretty similar, aside from the roads being a lot wider, there being a lot more traffic, and the stupid freaking speedlimits for the stupid freaking drivers...
Ya the Northwest has some awesome roads. There are lots of roads that are too much fun around Vancouver. The best has to be Hwy 99 to Whistler. Everytime I'm on that road, I push the car real good. Haven't had a chance to drive it on a dry road lately, but last time I was up there, I was haulin through the big sweeping corners at about 140kmh on a wet road, and the car still had more in it, for traction that is.
Where you at? Nice Jetta btw, that's awesome to see one that clean. I know the wheels are light and all, but the looks, oye, not for me. :) My dad has a Black '92 GL on 16" Momo Sports, definitely fun cars to drive on the backroads. And yes, having been to Germany, it is pretty similar, aside from the roads being a lot wider, there being a lot more traffic, and the stupid freaking speedlimits for the stupid freaking drivers...

Where am I at ?? LoL!! (see "location" under avatar).. basically at the
bottom of Parkrose.. right up the street from my boys at "JJ" (er, Double-J)
automotive.. If ya haven't been there and run the dubz, then ya need to
check in down there... good guys without a doubt.. in fact, i'd go as far as
sayin' "the best guys" that know dubz in PDX!!.. And yes the wheels are
VERY light.. but the tires grab insane!! I'd love to roll Germany just once!!
Maaaaaan I bet that's tight as hell, backroads or the Bahn...........lata'

Wow, everyone is from the northwest here... kinda crazy.

Yeah, we took 84 back from Portland when we came back to Pullman, and on the way down 14 (acroos the river from 84) which is hella fun. Crazy tight and not nearly as much traffic. OF course, we were running at midnight, but still you could just look over at 84 and see the difference. Though 84 was alot nicer when we were tired from racing all weekend long.

The reason for heading to Medford was an MR2 meet, and we brought 3 Mk1 MR2s down.

BTW, the black forest is amazing, though I have only ridden through it, have not had a chance to go back over to Germany and drive. Another place I wanna drive at is the mountains down by provance in France. CRAZY CRAZY roads. You know what I mean if you've see the WRC at Monte Carlo ;)
Yeah, I haven't actually had the chance to drive in Germany(well, I might've, but they had had a few beers so I didn't know if they were serious or not)... Was driven around there, was there for a month on an exchange program, it kicked ass. One of my host family's neighbors had a pimped out Calibra that he took me for a ride in, scared the crap out of me on those skinny roads in between the towns... :lol:
Here's some pics of the Suzuki Baleno 1.8 I ride in.

These pics were taken on Sunday when I washed it :sly:
Here's some pics of the Suzuki Baleno 1.8 I ride in.

*snip snip snip*
These pics were taken on Sunday when I washed it :sly:

Sweet numberplate!

On topic, we've got on in our street, a Baleno Estate with that same color.
Currently drive a 97' land rover but its not my style (I'm more comfortable close to the ground).

Also have a 67' austin mini:

Engine bored to 1340cc
Machined head
New valves w/ stiffer springs
Racing cam
4 into 2 into 1 exhaust
Disk brakes
12" mini lite wheels

I'm restoring it and should be done by early 07'. Hopefully have some pics by then. Also its original right hand drive if you're wondering.
Currently drive a 97' land rover but its not my style (I'm more comfortable close to the ground).

Also have a 67' austin mini:

Engine bored to 1340cc
Machined head
New valves w/ stiffer springs
Racing cam
4 into 2 into 1 exhaust
Disk brakes
12" mini lite wheels

I'm restoring it and should be done by early 07'. Hopefully have some pics by then. Also its original right hand drive if you're wondering.

Nice. Sounds like you've got a little rocket there. 👍 I'd bet there's very little rust on it being in LA. :)

Are you doing the resto work yourself? (PM me if you need any Mini related info or advice) Post some update pics on the work if you can.

At last a fellow Mini owner in the WRS. :D Welcome.

Looking through my service book today I found some amazing performance figures for my car, be prepared to be blown away folks...

12.0seconds (Lucky I've got a manual....Auto is 14.2)

But this was somewhat curious


So it takes almost 2.5seconds to increase 20km/h?! Poor. Effort. (Again, it takes 5 seconds in the Auto...so who am I to complain...)

But I make it up with this...

Boot Capacity
455L Seats Up
762L Seats Down

Which is more then a current BMW 3-Series (Despite being almost 2 feet shorter and 10 inches narrower). So therefore, my car is better then a brand new M3. 👍
Hahaha, oh yes...

The extra time for the 20km/h is probably because you shift from 2nd to 3rd. Don't feel too bad, my Volvos in stock form were about that bad...
I never thought of that but you're right. One day I did try to hit 100km/h in 2nd but I hit the limiter at around 96-97. I should do a 0-95km/h run and see how much time I lose in the change. I don't think I'd lose that much, I think I could top that 12 second 0-100, lucky I've got plenty of 100km/h roads around to test it.
:) Start playing with the stock intake setup and you can get some more noise from the engine probably and maybe make a half another horsepower or something. Maybe a full additional horse!
:) Start playing with the stock intake setup and you can get some more noise from the engine probably and maybe make a half another horsepower or something. Maybe a full additional horse!

Or carve a fresh layer of "V8 Turbo" on the car. That's 2.5 horsies already.