WRS'ers and their ride...

Got my car dynoed yesterday, tuned a bit too, cuz it was running real lean. The first dyno run was my only one, because the powerband was pretty smooth. Pulled a nicd 207.5 WHP at 10psi, yet the wastegate spring is an 8psi spring. Reason behind this was the cold weather. The pull was around 0 degrees Celsius, or freezing level.


Tranny doesn't like the power at all, now that I can push it real nice, so a built tranny will be in the works this spring. I was really happy with the results, especially considering the kit I put in is estimated to make 225hp at the crank at 8psi with a 2.5" exhaust. I was at 10psi, 2.4" exhaust, and put down 275+ HP at the crank, which really impressed me. 2psi would not make a 50+ HP difference, so at a true 8psi, I'd expect about 250-255HP at the crank, and about 195 or so at the wheels.

Overall though, I'm so damn happy it's tuned really well and runs absolutely great.

Time to start searching for some innocent victims of the pssshhhhh!!! :D
Uhm... I don't think your drivetrain is quite THAT restrictive... It is a manual tranny, isn't it? Anywho, how come there's no torque curve? No a/f ratio? Any of that fun stuff? :) If you only did one run, how'd you tune it?

Here's my first time on the dyno with my 1968 142. It should be about 10 higher in both trq and hp now just from actually having the timing set correctly. I'd like to get it back on the dyno and see what's really up, and see if I need to tinker with the mixture some more. I love the a/f ratio though in that graph.

It was tuned while it was up on the dyno. The guy tuning it was adjusting the curve as he would run it through the powerband. After it seemed good, he would back it off and redline it for the actual run. Unfortunately, it's an auto, which is why the transmission doesn't like the boost so much, and autos usually lose a bit more power through the drivetrain than manuals, do they not?. As for torque numbers, not sure why he didn't give me a print out of that, I was going to call back and have him give me a detailed breakdown of all the numbers. As for AF, it's not listed on the dyno sheet, but it was around 11.1 most the way through the top of the powerband.

Next time I get it dynoed, I want to take it to a place that runs a Dynojet, so I can get a better breakdown of everything.
Ahhhhh, yes... I didn't think it was an Auto. I'm suprised it's holding up! :) Probably not for too long though, but who knows for sure. Might want to toss on a dedicated tranny cooler for good measure.

Sounds like good stuff... The print out already says dynojet though? Maybe he just has funky software?
Ya I'll be looking at a tranny cooler very soon, and I already have a temp gauge for it too. I might look at getting it rebuilt too.
Right on, and yeah, probably not a bad idea on the rebuild/beefing up either. For sure!
Ordered myself an early xmas present today. :D

Over the two and a bit weeks I'll have off of work over xmas I'll be fitting a nice shiney set of adjustable bottom arms for the front and adjustable rear camber brackets for the Mini.

I was going to go for fixed camber arms for the front but the Minis suspension geometry isn't exactly well known for being accurate out of the factory so I personally can't see the point in fitting non-adjustable ones. They we're more than double the price but worth it IMO.

Should be a simple job to do in about a morning, I'll just have to get it all checked for alignment when everyone opens back up after xmas as the guy who's kit I used to use has moved. I know the camber angles I want and I should be able to get them close but getting them spot on by eye's gonna be pretty much impossible.

Woot, STS neon! Go autocross!

How competitive is STS where you are at? Just curious... I've never got to run because my engine swap puts me in Street Mod 2, where things make no sense at all...
Woot, STS neon! Go autocross!

How competitive is STS where you are at? Just curious... I've never got to run because my engine swap puts me in Street Mod 2, where things make no sense at all...

Like 20+ cars in just STS locally, it's a huge class, almost always the bigggest class. Detroit Region events are like divisional events, as we see 180-220 cars every single event. I'm almost always 1st or 2nd in STS locally.
Dang nice. We get about 100 peopel at our events, with street mod being the largest class I believe. I need to get some DOT slicks to be competive with my power (190 HP) in that class... well, at least with my current driving skills. I'm generaly 2 seconds off the leader in SM2... unless this supercharged B18 powered CRX of doom runs, then we are all just screwed.

We don't see many of the older Neons around, just 3 or 4 SRT-4s. And they all seem to do good. Most popular car hands down is the WRX/STi. Probably because we get snow in the winter and it generally sticks for a while. Then its your general array of VWs and Hondas. Though Toyotas are now making more appearances, with 3 or 4 MR2s (including an MR-S, which I want to steal) coming out for events.

BTW, how many events/runs do those Azenis hold up for you?
BTW, how many events/runs do those Azenis hold up for you?

We just switched from Falkens Azenis to Hankook RS2 Z212's... The Falkens at full depth last quite awhile, probably a good 7-12 events, but my car is always a two driver, and often a three driver car!
I've got Azenis on my baby at the moment, they're really sticky...love em 👍
^ :lol: ^

Got my new bits through the post today...I'll get some pics up later. 👍


V :nervous: V
Arrrgh, I almost got in trouble for driving GT4 style in real life.
Roads are wet, my new suspension might be setup too stiff in the back, I'm not very good in critical situations ...
Got lucky this time.
Have you corner weighted it yet? You might try lowering the rear as well... Or raising the front. Won't look as good obviously, and might not have quite as much traction off the line, but would also help the handling a bit. Who knows how well the springs are suited to the car... Probably just some standard kg ratings?
Nope, they are stiffer (Tein Super Street) but I have no idea how to set them up. I'm finding some info on the internet but often one is exact opposite of the other one :-)
Yeah, I just meant they're probably something like exact round KG numbers. Like 8/6kg springs on my friend's 240SX or something. As opposed to being setup specifically for the CRX and its weight balance. Anywho, yeah, you never know what something's like until you try it! Getting the car on the scales so you can corner weight it is always the best place to start though. At least you can oversteer the same amount when going left and right. :)

well this thing could beat all of you on the drag strip .. bring it on..

topspeed = as fast as my legs can peddle..
cornering = no understeer at all... no oversteer either... i can full throthle with this thing through corners.
horsepower= marouanpower :)
Christmas killed my car!

After an uneventful christmas shopping trip my Mini developed a rather worrying misfire when hot. A few days and quite a few more shopping miles later the misfire was getting much worse, to the point where cruising along in top gear was becoming a problem.

I knew it wasn't fuel as my recently rebuilt Nikki twin choke carb has a glass float chamber so I could tell the pump was working properly and after pulling the jets out etc it was all spotlessly clean so onto the ignition system.

Now this had been neglected slightly. :embarrassed: It was one of those jobs I'd been meaning to get round to but never seemed to find the time. After looking it over I thought it'd much easier just to replace the lot. New points , condenser, rotor arm, distributor cap, HT leads and coil later and it seemed better...Until driving it up the road that it was anyway...The poor thing could barely drag itself up the road. :ouch:

Off with it's head! Metaphorically and literally.

Nothing obvious was wrong with it though, no leaks around the gasket, no cracks in the head or block. No big score marks down the bores from broken rings and all the valves looked intact. :confused:

It became a little more obvious once I'd started dismantling the head though. The exhaust valves and seats were :censored:ed!!! No wonder the poor thing had developed a misfire, I'm surprised it had any compression at all the state they were in.

So my problem now was do I recondition this knackered head, or one of the other two 998cc heads I've got spare or go the whole hog and change over to my 1275GT engine which needed a rebuild...The 1275GT unit had only done a couple of thousand miles but hasn't run for nearly ten years?

I pulled the 1275GT unit apart. Like I needed another excuse to drop that lump in. :sly:

Hopefully it should be back together and in the car some time tonight? Till then.

Put a B series honda motor in the Mini. There is one company that actually converts it to rwd and puts the motor in the back.
I've posted this link somewhere on GTP before but seeing as you mentioned it errk


I want one of those....:D

BTW, quick update on the Mini...All I'm waiting for now is two parts which come to the grand total of £7.30p. Considering I've spent nearly three hundred quid on parts already, not to mention the stuff I've used from my parts store and the two favours I've had to call in to get to this point, being held up by 7 quids worth of parts that would both together fit inside my fist is rather annoying.

Nevermind, it'll all be done by the weekend...I hope.

Got a new ride, well more Inherited.

2006 CRF450, Dads bike, but he "gave" it to me, all i have to do is take over the monthy payments for the next 3 years. No worries.

Only got 1 pic of me riding it, sorry about the quality. Next time i will get some better ones. Was doing about 50mph - 80kph in 4th gear at the time.

And this thing has some real performance too!

0 - 60mph in ~4.5 seconds.. :crazy:
Simply crazy to ride... I love it