WRS'ers and their ride...

Also I found a Shell that sells 100 Octane, I've been ever so tempted to try it out to see if there is any difference, but I don't want to know what the salesmen will think selling a tank of 100 Octane race fuel to a car with 80hp....
Damn, I'm jealous. 42mpg would be AWESOME out of my cars... :ouch:

And about the 100 octane, don't bother. If your car is detonating and pulling the timing, then you could benefit from the next step up in octane rating from whatever you're currently using. If it's running perfect, there's no detonation/ping, it's only a waste of money and less efficient. If you really want to try something, just try the next step up above what you've been using, but don't go all the way to the top, your car doesn't want it, and will probably make less power and get worse mileage. Unless they put other good stuff in the 100 octane gas... :)
So you went rallying with the V8 Turbo again? You naughty...
Come on, it's built for the stuff!

And how about giving us some shots of the Monaro and that VXR?

Here's one of the Monaro taken last year. I'm cruising in the passenger while my dad is being sleeping in the back. I haven't been to my dad's place in a while, but next time I'll get the picture of the 3 beasts together.

And about the 100 octane, don't bother. If your car is detonating and pulling the timing, then you could benefit from the next step up in octane rating from whatever you're currently using. If it's running perfect, there's no detonation/ping, it's only a waste of money and less efficient. If you really want to try something, just try the next step up above what you've been using, but don't go all the way to the top, your car doesn't want it, and will probably make less power and get worse mileage. Unless they put other good stuff in the 100 octane gas...

On the inside of fuel flap it says 'Minimum RON Rating 95-96' so I use premium unleaded in it anyway. It's only about 4$ a week difference for me over regular so it's no big deal. I do use the 98 octane occasionally if the pump just happens to be on the right side or if fuel is cheap, again, it's an extra 4$ and while I do seem to get a tad more economy it's probably not evened out by the extra payment. But it doesn't fuss me.

The 100 octane by comparison, however, is really quite expensive. I remember I brought 95 Octane for $1.15L at Shell and the 100 was about $1.60.

So why does it cost 4c a litre to go from 91 Octane to 95, and that again to go from 95 to 98, but 40c+ to go from 98 to 100? Is there a good reason, or are they just cashing in on the JDM crowd?
I dunno. Harder to get? Cashing in? Harder to make? Probably all of the above, if you ask me...
I dunno. Harder to get? Cashing in? Harder to make? Probably all of the above, if you ask me...

I suppose it's the reason I bolded - I remember reading an article about the problems of increasing the rating efficiently without lead, and about how the jump to create 100 Octane fuel is basically too big to be worth it, except for race-engines.
This is my 1994 Ford Probe GT

-leather seats
-sound system
-intake and exhaust
-125,000 miles


Unfortunately it isn't the best of pictures but you get the jist of it.
Very nice Kenny, I like those cars... And with the intake and exhaust it must sound soooooo good! They sound good stock even! What color is it? 5spd, I take it?
Very nice Kenny, I like those cars... And with the intake and exhaust it must sound soooooo good! They sound good stock even! What color is it? 5spd, I take it?


Unfortunately it has an exhaust leak in the rear bank, exhaust manifold gasket is worn I think so unless I'm at high rpm it sounds like an old used car (which it is :P)

It's a black 5 speed, yeah.
42mpg would be AWESOME out of my cars...
It seems I'll be taking a step towards this figure(somewhat) in the next couple of days... Getting another old school Volvo(1972 145) that is already fuel injected, so I can convert it to megasquirt easier. One of my buddies has a similar engine to the one in this car, and is getting up to 40mpg on the highway megasquirted, although in a different, smaller car. I don't expect to be above 25mpg in it anytime soon, but at least I have the car that will be the basis for getting closer way down the line! :)

I just got it insured, and now have to get it registered and driven down... :)

Another project Kyle...Have you finished the others then? :sly:
What? Finished? What's that!? The 142's on the chopping block(for sale), and hopefully it'll go to fund the coming 145 a bit so it can be used for DD status. The 244's just chillin for the most part. They just both need to be driveable for the most part, and then they're "finished" enough for now, lol. The 244's real nice though, doesn't really NEED anything. Could use some stuff of course, but as far as it being a project is basically going to be at a standstill for over a year as far as buying more parts for it. I have some new springs, exhaust, shocks/struts for it, and will be doing some computer/ignition mods, but they're allready in my posession or cheap.
What? Finished? What's that!? The 142's on the chopping block(for sale), and hopefully it'll go to fund the coming 145 a bit so it can be used for DD status. The 244's just chillin for the most part. They just both need to be driveable for the most part, and then they're "finished" enough for now, lol. The 244's real nice though, doesn't really NEED anything. Could use some stuff of course, but as far as it being a project is basically going to be at a standstill for over a year as far as buying more parts for it. I have some new springs, exhaust, shocks/struts for it, and will be doing some computer/ignition mods, but they're allready in my posession or cheap.

:lol: I know what you mean. The mighty Mini's on it's second engine now and I've still not painted the bodywork properly yet, although I quite like the mad max style matt black it's in at the moment anyway.

I'm currently unemployed at the moment as I finished my old job yesterday and start my new one monday morning but I'll be doing less hours for more money so that equates to more money to spend on the car and more time to fit the goodies. Win win situation all round really. :D

As for the sports pack with the 13's - :yuck: The bigger wheels just give you a harsh(er) ride and chew your wheel bearings in about 6 months. Well, they do when I'm driving. ;)
Lol, yeah, she's looking for some smaller wheels. But MAN, do they LOOK GOOD!!!! :-D
So now the V8 Turbo actually sounds like a V8 turbo!

No. I didn't get a JDM exhaust. But instead a continuation on the list of things that are falling off the purple machine. I was driving along not doing anything, when suddenly my car sounds like a 1970s muscle car. Very cool. But probably not a good sign or completely legal.

Using all my mechanical knowledge (ie, none) I've decided that this is the problem.


I'm not 100%. But I'm pretty sure that one end of that pipe is supposed to be in the other. On the positive, after burning myself, I got some gloves and shoved one end in the other, it was only half in because that's all I could get it to go with my half-arsed effort, started it up, and it sounded normalish again.

So I'm thinking this is an easy 'Get some guy to weld that back up'or 'Greg can duct tape it' job. Rather then a 'Lets import specialised parts from Germany, have my car for 2 weeks and put a rather large dent in Casio's bank balance' job?
Yep, a quickie weld job would fix it. Good job locating the source of the problem Brad! :)
Hey, KLR, have you done a megasquirt setup before? I've still got to figure out all my glorious doomed wiring on my MR2 from the guys that did the swap before I got said car...

And yeah, Casio, just weld it... or maybe get a big hose clamp or something :D
Damnit! I just had a response written up, and accidentally closed too many tabs... I hate it when that happens.

Anyway, yeah, I have some experience with MS, I'll get more on that on sunday probably. We're dynoing my buds car tomorrow actually, and going drag racing as well. I think I'm going to skip the drag racing personally, as I'm trying to sell the cars except for the 244. In the meantime, here're the for sale galleries for the 140s.

But instead a continuation on the list of things that are falling off the purple machine.

Me in race thread
then for it to have random bits fall off it everyweek

I love it. Because. I'm not exaggerating. It's like an expectation now. I should make it a game and place bets on it.

So yeah. I spend 20 minutes dodging peak hour traffic to try and collect my inside front fender, which obviously got bored where it was. Got up to it. And at the point a truck ran over it. Cool 👍

I probably don't need it. ****. The worst part is the car keeps going, it just won't die so I can justify another one...

Again, the positive is, with the weight I'm shredding, it's going to be a rocket ship soon. Maybe I can have a door or something heavy fall off next...
I'd have sent Greg out to play with the traffic. After all, he's probably the main reason bits keep falling off what with the number of times he's tried killing the V8 turbo...He's probably jealous?

If you want any tips on car killing you could always ask a fellow Aussie that frequents these here forums...*cough...coulb...COLBY...cough*

Either that or buy out the VW group, that way you'd get free parts and stuff and it would probably be cheaper than systematically replacing all the stuff that keeps falling off?
Either that or buy out the VW group, that way you'd get free parts and stuff and it would probably be cheaper than systematically replacing all the stuff that keeps falling off?

Would they except a personal cheque?

I've been actually looking at new wheels, although I love my car, it is starting me be trouble and it's costing me a fortune to get parts or it. I'm looking at the following.




Lets sort through that list then...

Hyundai. Not my favorite choice personally although I'd imagine you'd be able to get bits for it fairly easily in Oz? Not the coolest car for someone your age to be driving either, for pulling the sheila's you're gonna need to get that bear suit back out. On the other hand they're pretty reliable (as long as Greg doesn't get his hands on it) and if something does go wrong cheap as chips to fix as they're mostly made of cardboard and sticky backed plastic.

VW Golf. Again good and reliable but the VR6 is probably too much for Greg. Good build quality, good reliability and a dead cert to be better for pulling the chicks than the Hyundai, plenty of tuning options too if the standard 174BHP gets boring. If things do go wrong however remember this is a real VW so expect VW prices for parts!

Saab. Very good, solidly built cars and again very reliable from what I've experienced. Might be heading into Volvo territory in terms of style (Sorry Kyle :sly:) but this probably means even Greg would be hard pushed to break it. Not sure on the availability of parts out there, obviously you're better placed to work that out.

Suzuki. I once had the Gti version, although an older shape than pictured above but it was probably one of my favorite little cars. Was difficult at the time to get parts as Suzuki dealers over here where few and far between but I'm guessing thats probably a bit better over in Oz being closer to Japan and all. Probably not the best built of your selected bunch but I'd say the most fun bar the VR6. With that in mind I wouldn't recommend giving Greg the keys.

Hope this helps Cas. :D
Saab. Very good, solidly built cars and again very reliable from what I've experienced. Might be heading into Volvo territory in terms of style (Sorry Kyle :sly:) but this probably means even Greg would be hard pushed to break it. Not sure on the availability of parts out there, obviously you're better placed to work that out.

It's better than a Hyundai... Brad, I don't think any of the cars on your list are that great... If the VR6 has been very well maintained and doesn't have any broken bits off the bat, then sure, go for it. If it hasn't, well, it's going to be like V8 Turbo all over again, but with a "bit" more power.

About the Saab... Those are getting older, and parts are getting to be more of a pain in the ass. I work on saabs a lot at my work, and they need constant maintenence... Not cheap either.

The Suzuki, cool cars, but I doubt it's too easy to get parts for the quick ones still, or maybe it's not bad? I don't know.

Hyundai may not be the coolest by any step of the imagination, but it'll definitely be the quietest, most reliable, and most comfortable... And cheapest in the long run. Try to of course find one that was taken care of...

That being said:

I put the car on the dyno Tuesday this past week... Clamped the kickdown cable in place right before the kickdown switch comes into effect, and was able to start my dyno pulls from ~2500rpm instead of the ~3500rpm that I was doing them from in Jan. of '06. I managed to pick up 4whp(up to 99whp and 127wlb-ft) with a less aggressive camshaft, while having much more area under the curves as well. The changes have been a K&N air filter in the modified airbox(had a stock paper filter in there before), a crank scraper, one heat range colder spark plugs, 3 degrees more advanced ignition timing, and who knows what else. I was even having ignition troubles up top on the dyno that I've since fixed... :) It should be over the 100 mark now. Yesterday I tossed in an adjustable cam gear and advanced it two degrees to pick up a smidge more power off the line, and the decrease in pull up top isn't noticeable now that my ignition problem is sorted out. I want to go back to the dyno now! But that costs money. Of which I shouldn't be acting like I have... *sigh*

Well, a few Volvos are in the price range. To be honest I haven't really looked at them.


1997 S40


1998 S70 20v

They look pretty hot actually. :lol: Might have to do some further research, the S40 kinda looks like an Audi A4, but one I could actually afford! And the S70 has leather (That'll impress the sheila's?)

Actually, having a look, I am in the bottom range of A4 pricing...very, very bottom. Although in decent Audi 80 Quattro range.

Being in Australia also has the advantage of being able to buy big power V8s for peanuts. What do you think Greg would do with this 270hp? (And what would my insurance company will think...)


Any thing you guys would recommed for max $10,000AUD (8,205.80 USD)

I want to go back to the dyno now! But that costs money. Of which I shouldn't be acting like I have... *sigh*

If you're going to use it every day you should purchase your own! Nothing in the world would be cooler then owning your own dyno. I'd dyno everything I had, my pushbike, wind back cars, the V8 Turbo (Which probably has the least power of the three :lol:)
Hahahaha, uhm... Yeah... :)

Speaking of money, I think the wagon is going to be sold!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A grand in my pocket! Ok, maybe in my credit card payment, but still... :)

And STOP thinking about an A4, RIGHT now. It's just an even more expensive V8 Turbo with even MORE stuff to cause you grief and poorness than the GTi!
Suzukis are widely spread around here, so parts aren't a problem - which means everything's split here.

I'd go for the VR6. If the insurance allows you, that is. Otherwise, the Suzuki seems like a good choice. SAABs, assuming you folks in Australia have a good maintenance-system like we do (biggest importer in Israel, since it's the same folks that import Leasing-spec Mazdas :P), is also fairly reasonable... The Hyundai may be the most reasonable choice, but who in this age listens to reason? It'd lower your reputation below acceptable levels, and Greg will leave you for another car.

If you end up with the VR6, make sure to draw "W12 Twin-Turbo" on it.