Multi-threaded CPU benchmark replacement for Super Pi: wPrime

  • Thread starter G.T


United Kingdom
Ak Paganister
Super Pi only uses a single core to work out calculations, but with wPrime your dual or multi-core processors will be fully utilized.

  • Download the benchmark from here, and extract the .exe to anywhere you want.
  • Make sure as many applications are closed to minimize interruptions.
  • Open the .exe, and do the test through the 32M (speed test) as the other one is a lengthy stress test.
  • It may state you need to have CPUZ installed for it to know your hardware, but I didn't see it being necessary for the test.
  • Do provide a screenshot of your results and processor used/specifications of your machine.


  • You will need to have admin privileges to run this test.
  • Windows Vista users will need to right click the .exe and "Run as administrator". If this doesn't work, you may need to turn UAC off through the Start Menu > Control Panel > User Account settings. If you don't do either of these you may get an "Unexpected error" error when opening the .exe and it will close itself.
  • Once open, you will need to manually change the number of threads used in the "Advanced settings" on the bottom of the main window. It still states 1 thread as default otherwise - change it to how many cores your processor has.
  • Windows XP SP2 32-bit users who have dual- or multi-core processors will need to install the XP Multi-Core Hotfix otherwise you will get lower than expected scores.


otocore: 11.608s
athenius22: 12.558s
GT3mich: 15.593s
A7X: 17.513s
opendriver19a: 20.73s
menomena: 26.202s
Rotory Junkie: 26.594s
jammyozzy: 27.937s
F1GTR: 30.389s
G.T: 37.689s
Seanman: 39.909s
Azuremen 45.592s

My Score:

Intel Core 2 Duo T7500 2.2Ghz, 2GB 667 ram, unknown motherboard.
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44.565 Sec.

AMD turion 1.8 X2
2GB ram
unknown mobo

EDIT: Eric, we you know you have the 1337-est computer on GTP, so dont make us look bad
You need to go to advanced settings and type in 2. I did the same the first time around.
Did you follow the instructions I gave in the first post?

Yes I did. My SuperPi times have doubled as well. Something is wrong with my CPU...
Improvement after a overclock:

30.389 secs E6750 @ 3.5ghz (bios auto adjusts speed depending on load for some reason).
I'm curious, what score do you get with only 2 cores?
I'm not sure. I did this test before I installed multi-core hotfix and got a 15.2xx I didn't look at the computer info too closely. I just checked the time and the overclock speed.
I'm not sure. I did this test before I installed multi-core hotfix and got a 15.2xx I didn't look at the computer info too closely. I just checked the time and the overclock speed.

Go to advanced settings and change the number of cores to 2 and re-run the test, maybe?
Just broke into the 26-second range.

Well, a bit in.

*looks through thread*

3rd quickest dual-core, behind menomena and opendriver19a.

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