Tuner Garages

  • Thread starter Kent
Yeah I was pitching it around fully specced out the other night and kept thinking, man the coopers and those other FF's really put the hurt on it in braking. I'll see what happens when I start poking around w/ it. I had the same issue under braking, but haven't corrected it yet. As far as the high speed understeer you're probably just so used to cars that were designed with downforce in mind. I don't think the engineers ever considered that this car might go fast enough to make use of downforce! A wing was not an option, I mean could anyone do that to the little red cherry? It would be so hideous!

Also try running it around that track stock for ten laps then in my tune. 147hp stock, horribly soft suspension vs. my set up. You'll feel like you just hit the afterburners.

Thanks for the review, helps me realize I'm not just imagining those things! I'm not just a crap driver!

BTW I'm cooking up an Merc SLR on sports tires... Want to play?

By play what do you mean? As for red cherry I've been driving some really nice cars lately so I suppose for the age and original tune that understeer comment may have been a little picky. But I do feel my C1 Corvette that makes me more proud of it each day has less understeer and it's 13yrs older and has more power. If you mean that you wanna challenge me with the Merc and I'll drive something of similar specs then I'm up for it, if you meant you just want help tuning it then sure I'm up for anything.

Edit: Hang on, an SLR?? Oh dear, that could be nightmare inducing in a bad way. My C1 Corvette stands against that :sly:
Building the RWD entries at the moment, looking forward to testing them sometime this weekend.:)

Okay, I've found and built them all. Now it's just driving and judging the entries.
For the interested: I'm taking them to Citta d'Aria for extreme cornering, and to GVS for the overall feel of the car and the behavior. Both tracks I know well, so that shouldn't be a problem. First stock, then tuned. I've tested the first two entries yet, the rest will come tomorrow.

Cya then!
You know Citta d'aria, I never thought that was possible, the track is so thin I disregard racing line there and just try not to get a penalty :sly:
You know Citta d'aria, I never thought that was possible, the track is so thin I disregard racing line there and just try not to get a penalty :sly:

Haha yeah... I'm afraid your CIEN might not fare too well at Citta ... pushing 800 brake-horses on a long wheelbase sitting scant centimeters from the tarmac through those switchbacks will be ROUGH. Luckily it'll make it to GVS as well where hopefully it'll shine.
Hey all, just wanted to let you know that I've just put a christmas present under the GTP's community tree. :D

What's the present? Well I can't tell you yet.
However, I will promise you this... It's a present I will let everyone open on Christmas Eve (the 24th is tomorrow for me).
So, with that in mind, keep an eye on this thread. :cheers:

Hint: It's not a car, a group of settings, or anything by me... It's a present many people can enjoy and a handfull will really appreciate. :D
Sounds likely in a way... but then again, the "many can enjoy" doesn't quite fit. Unless the others enjoy being non-Premium. :P And actually, the results aren't ready on the Christmas Eve either.
I have a hunch that it's a bunch of free premium memberships for the winners.💡

Ok, one more hint... Premium memberships is nothing close to right. Think more locally like "pertaining to the thread or subject at hand." :D

Btw, the only prize to this challenge is what you can come up with on your own (experience, bragging rights?). :lol:
GAH I hate surprises... (ok, I'm lying, they're great fun). Maybe it's video of your best laps in all the cars? Or more detailed reviews of each car? You DID say you might come back with that. hrrrrrm...
Or more detailed reviews of each car? You DID say you might come back with that. hrrrrrm...

I do intend to come back with that stuff so don't count on that being the suprise. Not to worry everyone, I'll have the suprise posted in the morning. That said, my final hint is simply that... Only people who have had a real interest in this challenge will be happy about the suprise. :sly:
the suspense is killing me.:scared::scared::scared::scared: not only will kent's surprise be tomorrow, Christmas is only 2 days away, and i want to know the results of the second RWD test.:scared:
I do intend to come back with that stuff so don't count on that being the suprise. Not to worry everyone, I'll have the suprise posted in the morning. That said, my final hint is simply that... Only people who have had a real interest in this challenge will be happy about the suprise. :sly:

Yeah, just now noticed the bit where you said it's nothing by you... rendering both my guesses foolish. Hmmm... we'll just have to wait and see!
the suspense is killing me.:scared::scared::scared::scared: not only will kent's surprise be tomorrow, Christmas is only 2 days away, and i want to know the results of the second RWD test.:scared:

I'm with him, I'm going to have to book an appointment with a psychiatrist after this is all over........:scared: My guess would have been rules/announcement of the classics challenge but what's that got to do with people interested in this challenge, I don't know. This will be one heck of a surprise I think.:):sly:
You guys give me too much credit. I'm not good at suprises. :duh:

What I do have for you is this... Being that it is 12:21am Dec. 24. (for me)

I'm changing the rules for you guys (it doesn't affect me).

From here on, any one, including entrants, may act as judges.

I mean, if you guys would cheat on judgements you would have already done it.:rolleyes:

I figure the people entering the challenge are also the ones who should be judging it (atleast partly).

So there's your chance, if you don't like my Civic or you don't like my opinion of you entry, give it a go and act as a judge.
No way, that's unbelievable, I think I will have to politely decline though as I'm honest enough to admit that the CIEN is my favourite car I own right now and I may be a little too biased.....plus I already judged 2 categories, that was enough for me :lol: I still look forward to hearing from other judges nonetheless. If I can judge the pending classics challenge in the categories I enter then I'm fine by that.:sly:
Well, believe it or not, there are two reasons I made this new change...

1) Simply put, I don't see enough judges and scores. :(

2) I wanted to allow tuners to judge their own product with their competition.

More on point two... See, I'd like to know if people can test their competition and still feel their car is the best.
Bias is natural and I'm counting on seeing that come through. Fact is, I didn't expect anyone to submit a car they did not feel was the best possible entry. In my position for example, I really honestly believe my car is the best FF I've ever tuned and on that alone I believe it is probably one of the best FF tuners we've seen on this board.
However, there were obviously a lot of people with other ideas of "the best" and so now I'm offering all those people the chance to judge each car and explain why their car is better than mine (assuming they feel that way after all is said and done).

So, with that said there's only one more thing to do (for me)... More detailed analysis of the entries (or more in depth explainations of my scores).
Back later today with those but in the mean time I'm going to take care of a few chores around the house.

Until later,
I've only been able to run the FF class, and to be honest, I doubt I'll find the time or motivation to run the FRs and 4WDs before the deadline, so I'll go ahead and pass judgement for the FFs, if that's alright. If not, disregard this post.

I had a lot to say with each car. I even had something that looked like an essay for each car, specifying everything about it. But the list went in the trash along with the rest of the papers I had lying next to the PS2... and yes, I love being married! So here's my impressions:

5th place
Vince's Mini Cooper-S

After driving the other Mini Cooper I was hoping this would be an improved version of it, but I was a bit upset after going a few laps with it and realising what front end drifting was all about. The usage of S2s was a great handicap for this car, since with a bit of grip it could've improved, although I was especially annoyed at the lack of turning ability it seemed to have. Compared to the others it didn't handle that bad, but seeing as the others went, throttle control wasn't something I was looking too forward to.

4th Place
DeltaTrain's Mini Cooper

I was amazed to have this car wheelspin all the way to 4th gear on some tracks. If there was an upward climb on the track, then I could even picture the original Mini taunting me in front. The words 'grip' and this car are very distant relatives. It was a nice car as long as you didn't have to turn, or start from zero... to be honest, it didn't get last place because I was a bit more disappointed by the other Mini. I'm guessing a bit more work on the tracks could've helped me find a better balance for the throttle-steering, but after going three laps on four different tracks, I stopped trying.

3rd place
NissanTuner's Honda Accord Euro-R '00

To be honest, I really liked this car. Having a heavy FF car (as I do IRL), I was really looking forward to having a go with this one, and I wasn't disappointed. The only issue with it is that despite being exactly as I pictured it, it was in fact heavy, a tad slow and understeery. Turning into curves was great for such a big car, and I applaud the effort of tuning this car so well, but given the competition, it was bound not to win.

2nd place
Kent's Honda Civic Type R EP '01

This car was AWESOME! Coming from Kent, I was expecting nothing less, and I was not disappointed. The car handles like a 4WD, little to no wheelspin and precise, on-the-dime stopping power, but rarely losing speed. The suspension was pinpoint accurate and I would personally make it a bit softer, since on tracks like the 'ring it tended to go wide if going flat-out on long curves, but hey, it's a friggin' FF! The reason I didn't give it 1st place is that it's soo good, even a non-savvy guy can drive it. There was no real gold at the end of the rainbow after giving it all. What you see is what you get, as in it drives and handles amazingly well, but there wasn't much more to it. It was tuned to the best it could make, but nothing was left to be found in it.

1st place
Greycap's Renault Clio 2.0 16V

This car was all that Kent's was, but much more raw power. It handled almost as well as Kent's, but at times it felt better to not be in so much control as the Civic was. It's true that I would brake more in this one whereas I wouldn't in the Civic, but this one made the braking all the better because after slowign down a bit, the downshift, throttle-flooring was much more rewarding. Where the Civic was an amazing cruising car, the Clio was a beast waiting for someone to come and try to handle it... but doing so well when you got it under control.
I've only been able to run the FF class, and to be honest, I doubt I'll find the time or motivation to run the FRs and 4WDs before the deadline, so I'll go ahead and pass judgement for the FFs, if that's alright. If not, disregard this post.

That's perfectly fine and I'm looking forward to seeing what you have to say about the FF class (being that I'm an entrant the suspense is all that much more devastating). :cheers:
That's perfectly fine and I'm looking forward to seeing what you have to say about the FF class (being that I'm an entrant the suspense is all that much more devastating). :cheers:

I hope the suspense isn't as much that you'll be upset you're not in 1st place :scared:

I had a great time driving all, tbh
I really can't agree with your scoring system, Diego.

If the Clio is less controllable and worse handling than the Civic, doesn't that make it a worse car?

And I don't understand your "disappointment" with Vince's car. Yes, there is some push when the front tires spin; there always will be. But the nose drifting out... ?

You let off the throttle, the nose tucks back in. And why did the need for a little finesse on the throttle drop the score... below a car that needs a feather on the throttle?

I'm sorry, I just can't agree with that.
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII Monster Racer GSR ’04

This is the premium edition of the line, competing with the likes of the TVR Speed 6, Aston Martin V8 Vantage ('99), Ford GT ('05), Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG (R230) ('04), Pagani Zonda C12S 7.3 ('02) and even, maybe one of these or these or, possibly, one of these!(most likely one of these or these.:dopey:)


BW Wing
Ray’s 011
Oil change
FC suspension
Stage five turbo kit
Large intercooler
Port polish
Engine balancing
Racing chip
Semi-racing exhaust
S3 tires
Carbon driveshaft
Racing flywheel
Single clutch
FC gear box


ASM 1/0

VCD 10
Downforce: 30/30
Ride height: 95/95
Toe angle: 2/-2
Spring Rate: 13.0/12.5
Camber: 0.5/0.5
Bound: 4/4
Rebound: 7/7
Stabilizers: 6/6


Note: First, set the Auto setting, and second set the final only then set the gear ratios.

Auto 12
Final 4.400
6th gear 0.582


Power: 545 BHP

Colour: White solid

TrialMountain time – 1’31.518

Edit: it can do TrialMountain in 1’25.826 on R5’s.:D
Funny you should mention MFT's latest.

Because I still remember you plagiarizing MFT in your tuner garage thread.

Ah well.

I'll be judging the Tuner Challenge entrants for FF against a control car:

1995 Honda Integra Type R

R2 Tires
Stage 1 weight reduc
Stage 1 Turbo
Sports Suspension:
Ride Height: 108/108
Shocks: 9/8
Camber: 1.5/1.0

Twin-plate clutch
Semi-racing flywheel

Why R2's? Because I built this car for 30 grand. And these cars should be able to keep up with 30 grand worht of ITR.

I'll edit this post to show how they stack.
Erm.. I think you should test the aforementioned rally Evo before making claims like that, MiniChris. :sly: BTW, where have you been for x amount of months? :odd:
Even my underpowered Hommell with its miserable 304 bhp broke 1'31 with me behind the wheel... and it's equal to the rally Evo on GVS - where the Evo struggles because of its non-existant top end power for the straights and low downforce for the long sweepers. On a twisty track the Evo will cause a nasty surprise for many competitors thanks to its huge mechanical grip.

EDIT - That Evo VIII doesn't have anything to say at my car when it comes to cornering. I broke 1'30 easily with mine, finishing the run with a time of 1'28,3xx. Almost four seconds... not bad with a bit more than half of the power, a bit more than half of the downforce and a bit more weight.

Oh, and about that "control car"... the R2 tyres give quite an unfair advantage which can't in many cases be overcome with suspension tuning, no matter how good. Combine to that the turbo which can be safely used as there is no fear of losing grip of the sticky tyres and you may well have an unbeatable car, outlawed but still.

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