Tuner Garages

  • Thread starter Kent
Yes, I realize that it MAY JUST be unbeatable. But it still makes for something to chase, with the only cars struggling to stay relatively close to it's rear bumper being (so far) Delta's and Kent's. And it's a rather sloppy car s well, feeling somewhat loose at times, which means that everything should have a better overall feel than it.

So far Kent's at the top.
Kent, your christmas present is quite intriguing! I'm going to hold off on judging classes I entered though as I'd simply feel dirty doing it... I already have tested them all, and DO like my own cars best. Although if my scores start slipping due to everyone weighing in in favor of their own cars, I MAY become a mercenary opportunist (kidding!). Besides, even the parent of the three-year-old autistic fetal alcohol syndrome child loves that child more than the three year old across the street who's already reading at a second-grade level. :ouch::sly:
Maybe I will try the the RWD category, on one condition, I'll mark it clearly and all to make sure it's not an actual judgement so I can test my new settings upgraded at AT against other RWD cars out there. Let's see what I have on S3 tyres now.
I really can't agree with your scoring system, Diego.

If the Clio is less controllable and worse handling than the Civic, doesn't that make it a worse car?

I understand how it may sound odd. My claim is that there's much more to be found in the Clio than inthe Civic. You can have the Civic figured out in the first lap of a race, whereas the Clio takes a bit more getting used to but then delivers much more than the Civic.

To put it bluntly, anyone can drive the Civic and like it. But it takes a real hardcore racer to get to like the Clio, IMO.

And I don't understand your "disappointment" with Vince's car. Yes, there is some push when the front tires spin; there always will be. But the nose drifting out... ?

Yep. The front end lacked grip, when accelerating and when braking. It seemed to love walls much more than the other Cooper, and it didn't like to be driven hard. The moment you drove a bit more aggressive than grandma, it developed a self-destructing vein.

You let off the throttle, the nose tucks back in. And why did the need for a little finesse on the throttle drop the score... below a car that needs a feather on the throttle?

Because there are other cars in the list that although similarly-powered and similary-weighted, didn't have the same problem.

I'm sorry, I just can't agree with that

As well you shouldn't 👍
Well guys... :cheers:

I'd like to see us not second guess the scoring or placement of results. 👍 This should be open without concern of scrutiny.

If Diego likes the Clio more than the Civic it should be perfectly fine for him to post that and not worry about further justification.

Please respect the scores as given and roll with the results.
My RX-8 ran 1:35! :dopey:Even my underpowered Hommell with its miserable 304 bhp broke 1'31 with me behind the wheel

Your mazda RX8 is an FR and your Hommell Berlinette is an MR when my EVO IIIIIIIIIIV thing is a AWD

EDIT - That Evo VIII doesn't have anything to say at my car when it comes to cornering. I broke 1'30 easily with mine, finishing the run with a time of 1'28,3xx. Almost four seconds... not bad with a bit more than half of the power, a bit more than half of the downforce and a bit more weight.

Maybe I'm a bad driver.
Okay, so you've got one hell of a line-up of well tuned rides for a Tuner Challenge, and you're the Judge, what'cha gonna do? (RWD)

First, you take the cars to Citta d'Aria, one hell of a difficult track, asking full cornering ability and full concentration. Here, it is relatively easy to see what the car can do, and what it can't do. I really like this track, because it's so deadly...:nervous:
Then, you take them all to Grand Valley Speedway, to get the overall experience off the cornering abilities, the car's handling and the feel of the car.
After this I judge the car with a score from 0 to 100.
You'll see laptimes, first stock, then tuned.

CirclesCentre: Toyota 2000GT '67:
Citta: 1'59.6 > 1'47.4
GVS: 2'22.3 > 2'12.8
Stock: a wonderful classic, with a bit soft suspension. I liked the sound, the turn in was also good plus it had a well balanced layout. I see potential here!
Tuned The too soft suspension is gone, that felt very good. It's got the little twist of oversteer just past mid corner, what was very enjoyable.
The only thing I didn't like was that you sort of overlooked the Brake Balance Controller. You could have made the characteristics under braking much more fun! It was great at Citta, something I didn't expect it to, being a classic. :) 👍
Score: 82/100

CraftyLandSharks S2000:
Citta: 1'45.3 > 1'36.0
GVS: 2'09.2 > 1'58.0
Stock: Good handling, no wheelspin at all times. a very potent car.
Tuned Man, this car... You've turned it into a beast! A well tamed beast though.:) It got just the right amount of all the good stuff. Not too little(E55?), not too much(Cien/Clio?). Nothing bad to say about it, it just felt great.
Score: 95/100

Greycaps NSX-R
Citta: 1'43.7 > 1'37.7
GVS: 2'04.6 > 2'02.2
Stock: It's got the looks, but it did not have the handling. I expected some more from 'the great NSX(-R)' to be honest.
Tuned: Man, the cornering now just works! It's got the favourable hint of oversteer, while you still maintain control easily. This car certainly is staying at the top of my garage for a long while. :)
Score: 90/100

Hemisport15's Clio V6 MR
Citta: 1'50.2 > 1'38.4
GVS: 2'15.2 > 2'03.8
Stock: Slow, not eager to turn for a MR. It got the looks though!:P
Tuned: Fast, eager to turn, too much oversteer. Hard to control. I did not feel this one, thus explaining the (low) score. It just had too much of the good stuff...
Score: 60/100

Kiwiboy's E55 AMG
Citta: 1'44.9 > 1'40.4
GVS: 2'06.7 > 2'04.3
Stock: Heavy, understeery and dull.
Tuned: It finally steers, if you can call it that for a merc. Turn in is fine, mid corner some understeer, exit with a little twist of oversteer. Me likey!
Too bad you didn't do anything with the BBC. Leaving them at 3/3 equals no BBC to me, so you could had left it from the list. It's a shame, because if one increases power, one should equally increase braking power, shouldn't one?
Score: 70/100

Leonidae's 350Z
Citta: 1'41.5 > 1'34.0
GVS: 2'06.3 > 1'59.7
Stock: Easy to drive, pushing hard is a walk in the park with this one.:)
Therefore are consistent laptimes almost guaranteed.
Tuned: To be honest, it's funny to see how much upgrades you bought, for a car that was essentially good. (I know it's the same with the S2000, that's why that one didn't score 100/100) An;way, now it's a full blown race monster, covered in road car clothes. It got insane cornering abilities and insane torque, I mean 726 Nm ain't thát bad...
This made it hard to control at times. It was a perfect setup for GVS, though.
Score: 85/100

N4HS's Caddy Cien
Citta: 1'36.0 > 1'39.6
GVS: 1'58.4 > 1'53.3
Stock: It's a BEAST! This is one of the 'almost-racecars/supercars' from the game. This and Citta, a deadly combination.
Tuned: The beast got a bit tamed with downforce, which is good, because it increases my chances of survival on Citta. steering improved, braking too. It was at home on GVS, making it the lap time king. I do have to say this car is a little bit too much for me...
Score: 75/100

Rotary Junkie's RX-8
Citta: 1'47.3 > 1'40.3
GVS: 2'11.9 > 2'01.4
Stock: The only Wankel engine in this challenge. This car felt a bit dull. It could need some punch. The rest felt good, just nothing special to be named.
Tuned: From dull to full(of joy)! This is one of the few who got the so called: Extreme makeover. I enjoyed driving this one very much. Power? Just right. Steering? Perfect. Brakes? góód. So much, with so little upgrades, amazing! It's just that I missed a tad bit of downforce to make it perfect.
Score: 92/100

First place: CraftyLandSharks S2000 95 points
Second: Rotary Junkie's RX-8 92 points
Third: Greycaps NSX-R 90 points
Fourth: Leonidae's 350Z 85 points
Fifth: CirclesCentre's 2000GT 82 points
Sixth: N4HS's Cien 80 points
Seventh: Kiwiboy's E55 AMG 70 points
Eight: Hemisports Clio V6 MR 60 points

It took me some time, but it was worth it. I hope more people will judge the next challenge!
Your mazda RX8 is an FR and your Hommell Berlinette is an MR when my EVO IIIIIIIIIIV thing is a AWD

Maybe I'm a bad driver.

Soo... 540hp AWD < 400hp RWD?

I would think not.

And, maybe, just MAYBE, curing AIDS getting rid of the AIDS, err, aids that your car has would allow you to work on your driving, which would allow you to drop that laptime.

Tuner Challenge FWD testing

Course: Grand Valley Speedway full

Control car lap: 2:14.343

Parts Selection: 0-25
Improvement over default settings: 0-25
Fun Factor: 0-50

Gearing will be applied for both "stock" and tuned.

First Up: DeltaTrain's Mini:

Default Settings: There was a level of understeer surpassed by very few cars I've driven, if any. Wheelspin was the word of the day due to the open differential, so careful throttle application was needed. Laptimes were next to horrid because of this, my first being a 2:20.xxx and second a 2:18.791. Hopefully Delta's settings will cure some of the understeer, but the wheelspin is going to hamper this car.

Tuned: The understeer is a bit less pronunced on acceleration, and the car is overall much better handling, with a small bit of lift-off oversteer replacing the monstrous understeer of stock. However, it's not very tossable, and slow despite good power under the hood. Needs a differential badly, and power was invested in over controlling that power. 15/25 on parts selection. Over the default settings, it is much improved, but it could definitely be better. 18/25. The car is rather monotonus to drive, with the only "excitement" being lighting up an inside tire and heading for the outside wall. 35/50.

Overall: 68/100.

Next: Greycap's Clio:

Default Settings: Understeer was definitely there on throttle to the point of being a hinderance. The car was quite well behaved at all times, however it could use a bit more 'cut' off throttle. Flying lap was a 2:14.910.

Tuned: Except for the first sweeper, the car got worse around track. Understeer in some sections was bad to the point of it seeming like I was piloting a horsedrawn carriage with no reins. Nonetheless, it does have a few high points: The brakes are awesome, allowing me to go very deep before braking, and off throttle the car cuts rather nicely. Flying lap was a 2:15.574. Anyhow, grading: It's hard to fault what was done to this car, other than the lack of an adjustable differential. 22/25 on parts selection. Over stock, this setup only shines in the braking department, really, as the off-throttle goodness evaporates when the throttle gets hit. 12/25. The car is, admittedly rather fun, but getting rid of that understeer on throttle would make it an utter winner in this department. 40/50.

Overall: 74/100.

Next: Kent's Civic Type R:

*Note: Downforce Settings were applied to default for testing

Default Setup: A very big 'meh'. The car doesn't seem to have the mechanical grip of the others and prefers to slide out. A little too tailhappy at times, and when the tail breaks loose it takes the nose with it in a graceful arc towards the outside wall. Definitely room for improvement.

Tuned: It may be just the diff tuning not agreeing with me, but there's a bit of understeer at times, usually off throttle. The brakes are set a bit on the high side, showing a tendency to lock up. However, it's got none of the bad traits of the stock tune, and has much less understeer. (And not to mention it's well over a second faster) Ran a 2:16.407. Now, on the parts: a bit underpowerred for here, and the cornering can't make up for it. But it's otherwise everything it needs. 22/25. Compared to stock, it's greatly improved, just could do with slightly different diff settings if you ask me. 20/25. Now then, is it fun? Well... if listening to a buzz bomb is fine by you, then yes. If not, then no. Something's just cool about chasing cars down through the twisties and letting them by on the straights. 45/50.

Overall: 87/100

Next: Vince's Mini Cooper

Default Settings: Feels halfway decent, but pushes a good bit on throttle. Feels sorta like Kent's car with a bit less grip. Some finesse is needed to keep the power in check, but it's not insanity. Clocked in with a 2:14.737.

Tuned: This car was the only to best the control Integra, and did so in a quite relaxed manner. Seems like the differential may need to be tightened up some on acceleration, as the inside front went up a few times. Possibly the brakes could be improved as well, as you can't drive this car as deep as some here. Ran 2:14.041. Anyhow, the parts selection was about right... But wasn't right at all. S3 tires would have made this car too good to be true. 20/25. Feels much better overall than stock, maybe a bit more tweaking on the diff. 20/25. For fun, this car can be thrown around most any track, and probably raise a smile for nearly anyone. But it needs S3s to be properly tossable, and that hurt it. 45/50.

Overall: 85/100.

Lastly: Nissan Tuner's Accord Euro R:

Default Setup: Feels quite nice, but definitely obvious that it's not on S3s. With a bit more grip and a bit less push, it'd trump. Handles the power awesomely, but must be wrung into the redline to hit peak.

Tuned: Diff needs to loosen up on coast badly. Much improved over stock, despite changes being minimal. Not too much to say on it, pretty average, with only a small bit of understeer holding it back. S3's maybe? Grading: A very nice parts set, but the car (as with Kent's) could definitely use more power. And S3s. 18/25 A good bit better than stock, but has a few problems with understeer. 17/25. Hmm, it doesn't sound bad, it handles nicely... Ahh, hell, it's good and fun. 42/50.

Overall: 77/100.

1st Place: Kent's Civic Type R: 87/100

Grand Valley Speedway best lap: 2:16.407

Notes: Needs more power and possibly a little more time tuning the diff. However, it remains the best here.

2nd Place: Vince's Mini Cooper RS: 85/100

Grand Valley Speedway best lap: 2:14.041

Notes: The only one to beat out the control Integra, it was capable of keeping up through most of the twisty sections, and obliterated down the straights. The S2s are all that kept it out of the winners circle.

3rd Place: nissan tuner's Accord Euro-R: 77/100

Grand Valley best lap: 2:18.069

Notes: MORE POWER! NOW! Seriously aches for more power, and with it a bit more grip. About 260-275hp would have been about perfect for this car on S3s. However, I'll have this thing sitting around waiting for a tune by me. The Accord is a great chassis.

4th Place: Greycap's Clio: 74/100

Grand Valley best lap: 2:15.574

Notes: It just wasn't competitve. Something about it didn't feel right, just not much of a car overall.

5th Place: DeltaTrain's Mini Cooper-T: 68/100

Grand Valley best lap: 2:18.560

Notes: Order a diff and S3s ASAP. The open differential made it very hard to grade the suspension tuning, so... It didn't have a chance.​
Soo... 540hp AWD < 400hp RWD?

I would think not.

And, maybe, just MAYBE, curing AIDS getting rid of the AIDS, err, aids that your car has would allow you to work on your driving, which would allow you to drop that laptime.

Well MAYBE I might try that 👍 💡 and then, maybe I will stop saying maybe. 👍
Hey all, :cheers:

Just wanted to pop in and mention that I took some advice regarding my Civic.
Without a single change to the settings (not even the transmission), I went into the tune shop and upgraded the power to about 260. Then I used a stage 2 weight reduction. After that I went to Grand Valley Speedway (normal) and used the car in its new form. Sure enough, within a handful of laps I was lapping at 2'12.0 and by the end of a five lap session I managed a hotlap of 2'11.522 (btw, I saved the replay if anyone is interested in seeing the lap!). With potential to drop the time even lower I've quit running laps and started working on other parts of the game.

However, I thought it was very interesting to see how some of you pinned the Civic well enough to know it could handle more power and less weight on those same settings. I was pleasantly suprised with the 2'11.5 and feel like the collaboration of us tuners has helped to create a great car.

I didn't keep the car in that newly tuned form. Instead, I reset the game and kept the original tune. There's a reason for that though... No one has mentioned it yet but, as some of you may remember, when I set out to tune the Civic I had just watched the new Best Motoring challenge between a stock S2000 and a stock Civic Type R (JDM), the Civic won and my goal was to recreate that Civic in GT4 (minus the new sedan body and whatnot).
Well at this point I am proud to say that the Civic submitted for this challenge (at 5.3pwr, 222hp, 1190kg) is capable or running as fast or faster than a stock S2000 at Costa di Amalfi (stock S2K running 5.0pwr, 245hp, 1250kg, S2 tires).

Regardless of what happens in this challenge, I'm happy with that goal being met and I thought some of you might enjoy doing that comparison (since you already have the Civic built). I'm not sure if any of the other entries can beat a RWD of similar PWR but my Civic seems to be able to do so and that's quite an accomplishment in GT4 (IMHO).

Let me know if any of you decide to test that claim, I'd love to know if I'm being a little to confident. :sly:

So until next time,

PS. I'm not commenting on scores and all that stuff until the end of the challenge so please don't take offense or begin to analyze my behavior regarding the scores released so far (none the less I do appreciate the effort every one of our judges has made to participate and score the many entries). :cheers:
:cheers: Another round for the house! Spread the Holiday Cheer! :) Thanks for the effort Vince, reviewing 8 cars is a task!

And Kent, I'm glad that thing handled the extra power - you've built yourself one incredible giant-killer!
Hey all, :cheers:

Just wanted to pop in and mention that I took some advice regarding my Civic.
Without a single change to the settings (not even the transmission), I went into the tune shop and upgraded the power to about 260. Then I used a stage 2 weight reduction. After that I went to Grand Valley Speedway (normal) and used the car in its new form. Sure enough, within a handful of laps I was lapping at 2'12.0 and by the end of a five lap session I managed a hotlap of 2'11.522 (btw, I saved the replay if anyone is interested in seeing the lap!). With potential to drop the time even lower I've quit running laps and started working on other parts of the game.

However, I thought it was very interesting to see how some of you pinned the Civic well enough to know it could handle more power and less weight on those same settings. I was pleasantly suprised with the 2'11.5 and feel like the collaboration of us tuners has helped to create a great car.

I didn't keep the car in that newly tuned form. Instead, I reset the game and kept the original tune. There's a reason for that though... No one has mentioned it yet but, as some of you may remember, when I set out to tune the Civic I had just watched the new Best Motoring challenge between a stock S2000 and a stock Civic Type R (JDM), the Civic won and my goal was to recreate that Civic in GT4 (minus the new sedan body and whatnot).
Well at this point I am proud to say that the Civic submitted for this challenge (at 5.3pwr, 222hp, 1190kg) is capable or running as fast or faster than a stock S2000 at Costa di Amalfi (stock S2K running 5.0pwr, 245hp, 1250kg, S2 tires).

Regardless of what happens in this challenge, I'm happy with that goal being met and I thought some of you might enjoy doing that comparison (since you already have the Civic built). I'm not sure if any of the other entries can beat a RWD of similar PWR but my Civic seems to be able to do so and that's quite an accomplishment in GT4 (IMHO).

Let me know if any of you decide to test that claim, I'd love to know if I'm being a little to confident. :sly:

So until next time,

PS. I'm not commenting on scores and all that stuff until the end of the challenge so please don't take offense or begin to analyze my behavior regarding the scores released so far (none the less I do appreciate the effort every one of our judges has made to participate and score the many entries). :cheers:

After I scored it I went and added more power. I wanted to keep it pure as delivered but with so much potential I couldn't help myself. This car has such traction and poise that it really handles the power quite well.
This isn't so much about the Tuner Challenge but it features my RWD entry and proves that good tuning can make a big difference. Just a bit of a race report.

Using the exactly same NSX-R that I entered, I began a "personal licence test" with my goal being to lap Trial Mountain in less than 1'30. No trophies or prize cars on this one, only the measurement of my own skills. Knowing that Kent had done 1'30,6 - and Kent is pretty damn good - with it it was going to be a tough nut to crack. My first laps were around 1'32 and frustration was the main feeling. Stubbornness is a great source of power however, the time came crashing down to 1'30,064 after about a dozen attempts - most of them ending in crashes.

Then came desperation. It just couldn't be that hard to shave off six hundredths of a second, it's measured in centimetres! On one lap I crossed the finish line with "1" on the position indicator. I was sure I had done it... just to see that it was 1'30,015 now. Total frustration. Lap after lap I was chasing that time, wrecking the car on two out of three attempts.

And then it clicked. The red Honda flew through the frst sector, through the second, through the third... and the sky almost fell on me when I lost control briefly in the last banked left hander and "2" flashed on the position indicator. Not again... but I knew that there had been a touch on the wall on the main straight on that previous record lap. The throttle pedal wouldn't have gone any further down as the car rocketed towards the final chicane with nothing to lose, I was already behind so taking a big chance could only bring me the success, failing would have no effect. Everything or nothing, all four tyres sliding, the small sports car cleared the kerbs, shot past the ghost... and broke the magical wall. 1'29,824.

If this tells about nothing else, it tells that a determined driver with a tailor made car can beat seemingly impossible odds. 330 bhp, no downforce. Not bad even if I say so myself. :dopey:
Excellent comments on the benefits of a car bespoke to its driver, Grey. I think I still have the NSX with your settings applied in the B-set so I may have to strip its downforce and see how close I can come to your time! (Likely not that close. Like many have said before, I think you have a viscous orange fluid running through your veins rather than blood.)

That would be one of the primary reasons I haven't jumped on the "independent tuner garage" bandwagon yet - some of my cars are PERFECT for me, but would seem rather daft in anyone else's hands I expect.
I have finally found the time to start judging so expect at least one more set of results in each category before the deadline.

3/4 through RWD and I feel like I've been weight training with silver-backs. Some truly nice cars guys. I should have RWD done by tomorrow.
Kent where can i find your laps around GVS in your Civic i would love to see the hot lap

thanks dimplz
Well the best I can do is provide the maxdrive file (which will need to be done tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. If I can find someone to make a youtube style video then I'd be very happy about posting. Otherwise, the maxdrive file is only good if you have a device to transfer the actual file onto your ps2 and view in replay mode. Let me know if anyone has a maxdrive or has the ability to make vids... I'll post the replay up shortly. :D
May even try to shave the time down a bit before posting. :sly:

Also, good job with that NSX-R at trial mtn GreyCap... I'm wondering to myself now if I could drop below 1'28 in that car. :confused: Maybe I'll get the chance to see, maybe I'll just try to see what my Civic can do. :mischievous: :lol:

Also, I'm glad to hear there's another judge on the way! :cheers:
Excellent comments on the benefits of a car bespoke to its driver, Grey. I think I still have the NSX with your settings applied in the B-set so I may have to strip its downforce and see how close I can come to your time! (Likely not that close. Like many have said before, I think you have a viscous orange fluid running through your veins rather than blood.)

That would be one of the primary reasons I haven't jumped on the "independent tuner garage" bandwagon yet - some of my cars are PERFECT for me, but would seem rather daft in anyone else's hands I expect.

I've driven your cars a couple of times and loved them, remember we still have that position vacant for you. I've seen some stories about tailor made cars myself. No one seems to be able to drive my CIEN as good as I can, love that car. Not evryone else does though.
Tuned: Diff needs to loosen up on coast badly.

Notes: MORE POWER! NOW! Seriously aches for more power, and with it a bit more grip. About 260-275hp would have been about perfect for this car on S3s.

thanks for the advice. i updated my euro-R tune, it now has 271 HP on S3's with a better tuned LSD. i know your judging is over but give it another go when u get the chance :)
Hmm... Sounds good.

But you didn't update it in the post that's linked to for the entries, did you...?

I hope not. Results gotta get released.
RWD Judging Results

Well I finally finished judging the RWD entries and I must say most of these cars are so phenomenal I wish I could give out a couple Golds.

The track I tested at was Grand Valley Speedway. I first took the stock vehicle and raced it until I felt comfortable with my lap times. Then I let B-spec Bob run it at Push to see what kind of times he pulled, sort of a control for each car. Next I tuned them up to the required specs and did the same thing again. Now I'm not the best driver by any means so the lap times might be kind of slow, but I did make sure to log at least 2 clean laps where I felt comfortable with the vehicles. I logged about 150 miles total with each of the cars.

Please keep in mind that these are first and foremost my opinions and they are inexplicably tied to my driving style so please do not be offended.

Rotary Junkie Rx-8 '03
Stock: Lap Times: 2'23.267 B-spec Bob's: 2:23.874
Stock Feel: an enjoyable ride but a bit on the slow side. Nice power oversteer and ok braking. A good base to start a tune with.
Tuned: Lap Times: 2'13.489 B-Spec Bob's: 2'11.167
Loved the power oversteer, my lap times weren't as good as they could be because I was having so much fun sliding through corners. A great minimalist tune that really brought out the good in the car. It could have used a bit more brake work as understeer while braking was pretty apparent though not much of an issue. I did not like the lack of a tuned transmission though so that brought the grade down a little bit(but not much). A car I will be keeping in my garage.
Grade: 92/100 👍

nd4holdenspeed Cadillac Cien
Stock: Lap Times: 2'03.260 B-spec Bob's: 2:01.037
Stock Feel: lots of wheelspin, bad snap oversteer, huge braking distances, not something I would have picked for a Sport tire tuning challenge, but we'll see.
Tuned: Lap Times: 2'00.549 B-Spec Bob's: 1'58.013
There was no spring rate/rebound/or stabilizer adjustments, I found this. . .odd to say the least. A fully customizable LSD was purchased but no adjustments were made to it. . ? Downforce was also simply purchased and maxed. This could very well have been intentional but the car seemed lacking.
It had worse wheelspin then even with an extremely careful throttle. It was also very difficult for me to get 2 clean laps with the car. The brakes could use more adjustment as well. It really felt like kind of a rushed job.
Grade: 70/100 :nervous:

Kiwiboy Mercedes-Benz E55 AMG
Stock: Lap Times: 2'16.736 B-spec Bob's: 2'21.185
Stock Feel: lots of body roll and wheel spin,
Tuned: Lap Times: 2'11.716 B-Spec Bob's: 2'13.753
It had less body roll. . .other than that the car felt very similiar. No tranny, LSD, or brake tuning was performed and these things greatly effect the way a car drives and in a tuning challenge I would at least expect them to be messed with a little. This car just wasn't enjoyable to me, and it also felt like too little was done tuning-wise.
Grade: 65/100 :ill:

CraftyLandShark KC Motorsport SS.2000 Soichiro Special
Stock: Lap Times: 2'18.922 B-spec Bob's: 2'23.915
Stock Feel: a poised controlled base, nice platform on which to work.
Tuned: Lap Times: 2'04.124 B-Spec Bob's: 2'03.154
My first response was. . .WOW! This car is "expletive-deleted" near perfect. It had an ever-so slight snap oversteer problem but this only occurred when I drove incorrectly and took the wrong lines and got on the throttle too early in the corners. It also did not like it when tires left the track, but here again when driven properly this car is amazing. However I was kind of irked by the lack of a Limited-slip which could have given the car that little extra something. I'll be keeping this car.
Grade: 94.5/100 👍

Greycap Honda NSX Type R '02
Stock: Lap Times: 2'12.734 B-spec Bob's: 2'15.367
Stock Feel: Yet another good platform on which to work.
Tuned: Lap Times: 2'02.540 B-Spec Bob's: 2'03.289
Awesome handling, this car does whatever you ask of it, period. It flew around the track in less time, with less horsepower than most of it's competitor's and I thoroughly enjoyed driving it, which I can't really say about any of my other NSX's. It brakes when you ask it too and rips the pavement up as well. Thanks for making yet another car for me to keep and enjoy.
Grade: 95/100 👍👍

*note: I found the suspension settings and handling characteristics of the NSX and the S2000 to be very very similiar. I enjoyed both cars equally and had a very difficult time deciding which was better. Ultimately it was Greycap's inclusion and tuning of the LSD which nudged him past CLS.

CirclesCenter Toyota 2000GT '67
Stock: Lap Times: 2'29.319 B-spec Bob's: 2'43.589
Stock Feel: Kudos for style, love the engine sound, a lot of body roll and a bit slow though. (Bob can't seem to drive this car though)
Tuned: Lap Times: 2'16.860 B-Spec Bob's: 2'28.830
Nice time improvement on the car but I couldn't help noticing the lack of transmission tuning. Gearing is so important in this game I just can't see how it is overlooked so much. I understood that you were going for the track day car though and in that aspect I believe that you accomplished your goal. It's a great tune and with some transmission work it could've been spectacular as it is, I believe a few others turned in cars that were just a little more enjoyable to me. For your first tune though it is an excellent job.
Grade: 89/100 👍

Hemisport15 Clio Renault Sport V6 Phase 2
Stock: Lap Times: 2'14.978 B-spec Bob's: 2'22.580
Stock Feel: One of my absolute favorite cars in the game, there isn't much that I don't like about it.
Tuned: Lap Times: 2'02.662 B-Spec Bob's: 2'07.914
I felt like the suspension and transmission tuning was not very well developed overall, the car still felt nice, but it did that to begin with. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it didn't seem like you changed much as far as those two things were concerned. The brakes need serious adjustment however, at least to my driving style I found that even tapping the brakes above third gear would send the car into oversteer-snap oversteer-360, though nine-times out of ten I would stay on the track and once I even managed a faster time than my fastest clean lap while 360'ing around a corner.
This is a car that I wanted to love and I had a lot of fun driving it; however, the braking issue needs to be solved.
Grade: 90/100 :scared:

*Note After a couple more laps with your clio I discovered that your braking problem is not coming from the BBC at all but a simple overabundance of front downforce on a short wheelbase mid-engine car. I lowered the setting to 10 (from 30) and ran under 2:00 without experiencing any of the braking mayhem that plagued my initial testing of the car.

Leonidae 350Z '03
Stock: Lap Times: 2'10.862 B-spec Bob's: 2'13.192
Stock Feel: A good canvas to start from, this car feels very balanced.
Tuned: Lap Times: 2'00.058 B-Spec Bob's: 1'56.921
Simply awe-inspiring. I loved this tune, everything felt right about it. It meshed with my driving style and stole the show from other very worthy contenders. Great power-oversteer when you wanted it and perfect control when you didn't, at high speeds its on rails and at low speeds it corners excellently. It even beat out the 800hp monster as far as lap times went. (Bob liked it too!) It felt like a lot of blood sweat and tears went into this tune, and the little baby that was created should make his Dad Proud. This car is a beast. Great Job Leonidae. 👍
Grade: 97/100 👍👍👍

1. Leonidae - 97
2. Greycap - 95
3. CraftyLandShark -94.5
4. Rotary Junkie -92
5. Hemisport15 - 90
6. Circlescenter - 89*Honorable Mention
7. nd4holdenspeed -70
8. Kiwiboy - 65
Yeah, the 'mild' approach on the RX-8 really hurt it.

"But it was cheap, quick and dirty, weren't it? :mischievous:" says the devil on my shoulder.
Yeah, the 'mild' approach on the RX-8 really hurt it.

"But it was cheap, quick and dirty, weren't it? :mischievous:" says the devil on my shoulder.

I wouldn't say hurt so much as "didn't help it enough given the competition" it was a very good car though and very fun to drive, you did a great job.

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