Megasoft Office - Photos

In spite of not using the photography feature in GT4 very often, I do make a handful now and then. The majority of them are for promotional material, etc., rather than contests and leisurely sharing, such as this. I've lost my original memory drive that held all of my prior photos. So I'm starting new with photos strictly of the cars from my tuning garage. (I will provide the link from here once garage is created.) Before being finalized and entered into my garage, you'll probably spy a new car or two--which are undergoing testing--in this album.

All photos are open to use freely under the sole condition of a linking the source photo (here). All images are raw and untampered with, unless noted otherwise.


Ridox JZA80:

J-Boy DC2:



J-Boy NA1:

AL Yamagata BNR34:

AL Yamagata GDB:


I like some of your pictures there mate, my favourite of each car is the first one in their line. Seeing as I've already seen the Supra, I guess the R34 and WRX are pending release.

Edit: Some new cars I see, and some more good pics, well done.