GTPlanet Fantasy Football League '08 - WEEK 14 It's Playoff Time!

  • Thread starter FoolKiller
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Things should be clearing up now though. Of course, work just added Yahoo Fantasy Sports to be blocked by the, I'll have to take care of stuff when I get home.

You are not the only one with this problem of stuff being blocked at work. I cannot even access anything remotely related to sports, including during my lunch break. I might as well be completely shut off from the outside world without the internets. Apparently the real world does not like its employees having access to their outside lives.
Being the IT guy at work it awesome, I can do whatever I want even though we have keyloggers on all the computers. I mean you guys see how much time I waste on GTP during the day when I'm at work...granted I don't really do anything to terribly taxing most of the time.
Well, I think it will mean that I will be purchasing the Live Stat-Tracker so that I don't have to wait until I get home Tuesday night to see the results, since they don't show up until midday Tuesday.

I tallied the votes and these are the winners.

2 WR 1 WR/RB 1 RB - 3 votes
4 pt QB TD - 3 votes
-2 pts interception - everyone that voted (6?)

The closest loss was the 6 pt QB TD, mainly because I abstained from that vote.

Also, I was being loose with what I called a vote, counting when someone argued for a position, but never officially voted.

Anyway, I am getting ready to make those rule changes.

If anyone wants to address anything else I would like to be decided by Wednesday.

One other question:

Do we want fractional points to avoid ties? I prefer that actually.

Also, someone feel free to recount and check that my league settings look correct.


Don't forget the draft is this coming FRIDAY NIGHT. If someone asks you to do something on Friday that will have you out past 11:00 ET/8:00 PT you say no.

I also think I am going to find a way to randomize our draft order myself instead of letting Yahoo! do it. Last year I went first and while I assume it was random on Yahoo's part I don't want to find out it isn't.
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Everything turned out ok for me to make our draft.

Are we really going to be just one team short? SOMEBODY give it a try, its WAY more fun then it sounds!
Fractional Points turned on.

And I randomized the draft myself because I am still unsure if Yahoo making me first was a fluke or something it always does to commissioners.

I did a very scientific process of having my wife pick a number 1-11 (based on the list on the first page-sign up order) repeatedly until we had the entire draft order picked. It will be snaking, so last pick in round 1 goes first in round 2 and back and forth like that.

Here is the order:
  1. Centurion Eagles
  2. The Wildcats
  3. The Stiff-arms
  4. Team Infrared
  5. The Happy Monks
  6. Mud Dogs
  7. Mighty Turduckens
  8. The Babies
  9. Shovel Bums
  10. The Wicky Radsters
  11. The STDs

It will be a total of 14 rounds. If someone joins before the draft then I will randomly place them once again using my highly scientific system.

Everyone, before the draft, should go to the team home page and click on the Test Your System to make sure they can run the draft program.

One final note:

In our league notes I just noticed this note:
Your Head-to-Head league will not be able to start the season if it contains an odd number of teams.
If it won't let us start because of having 11 teams I will make it a cumulative points league.

I will see what I can do about that though.

Any questions?
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Yahoo randomly picks the teams and the commissioner is not automatically the first pick. I ran two leagues last year and did not have a top three pick in either. In fact, I think I was seventh in one and eighth in another.

I will also volunteer to drop out of the league if you cannot find another to make an even number of teams. I have already drafted two leagues and am scheduled to be in another outside of this one. By being in more than two leagues, I feel like I end up rooting for everyone and rooting against everyone . . . well except I always root for my Niners first, then fantasy.
Yahoo randomly picks the teams and the commissioner is not automatically the first pick. I ran two leagues last year and did not have a top three pick in either. In fact, I think I was seventh in one and eighth in another.
It made me paranoid. If people think we can let Yahoo! make the decision then I can switch that back with two clicks.

I will also volunteer to drop out of the league if you cannot find another to make an even number of teams. I have already drafted two leagues and am scheduled to be in another outside of this one. By being in more than two leagues, I feel like I end up rooting for everyone and rooting against everyone . . . well except I always root for my Niners first, then fantasy.
You just don't like your draft spot do you?

Seriously though, if you are sure about that then I will make a final decision around 7:00 PM ET. If you are sure I can drop you out then if no one else joins.

But I did send JohnBM01 a PM about it. If he declined I was going to PM others.
I do not have a problem at all with the draft spot. In my other two drafts, I was the tenth pick in one and the ninth pick in another and I am happy with how both teams turned out.

I have no problem dropping out if you cannot find another person to join. I am completely fine with it. But if you do find another, I will stay in. I just felt that if we could not find another to join, I would drop out to make for an even number and solve the problem of not having an even number of teams.
I sent a PM to TB and he passed on filling the last spot.

Fractions are good since I was involved in a tie last year.

I wouldn't hold it against you if you got the first pick in a yahoo randomized draft. I don't mind being down in the order because I can basically pick two at a time. That wasn't so bad in one of my earlier drafts. It seemed better then waiting a whole round for that player which might not be there.
My fantasy team will be the Miami Dolphins. :)

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Well Omnis does not appear on the list of teams on the league yet; but if he does join, then that means I am drafting and you guys are going to have a long season of losing ahead of you! :D :lol:
Yeah. Sorry if I got you guys too worked up. ;)

But do you guys absolutely need an extra person or something? If so, I'll help out.
Kind of. If we don't have an even number then we can't do head-to-head and it will just be determined by largest points total overall, which would allow UnoMOTO to win and no one wants that.

That and it really hurts the fun of trash talking your opponent that week.

The draft is at 11:00 tonight though. Of course, you could let it auto-pick for you. Or, we will gladly let you select the entire Dolphins lineup.
Yeah, please, take all of the fins you want.

I'm pumped for this draft, and curious to see who I'll be able to get with the 8th pick.
I really don't think I'm going to be able to do this tonight, having a bit of a family crisis right now (nothing real serious), just in case I did the player rankings for auto-draft.
Um, er, Omnis?

I will give it a couple of more hours, but if he doesn't sign up then I guess Vash will be backing out.
OK, Vash made a sacrifice so everyone else could have more fun. Let's all thank him.

So 10 teams and the draft in 1 hour and 36 minutes.
I wish something different would have happened. Vash at the least was active in the league. Thanks for taking the hit for us.

I will win this league anyway FK!
I will win this league anyway FK!
You may want to check where removing him from the league put you in the draft order.

Here is a hint: It begins with L and ends with ast.

That is assuming Yahoo takes it. I have put the order in three times now before it finally quit saying on the homepage that it will do it randomly. So, if we get in there and this is not our draft order, not my fault.

Although I think it reset that every time something changed, and after Vash dropping out I also set it to a 10 team cap to prevent anyone jumping in at the last minute and screwing things up. So that was two changes that could have made it reset.
I wish something different would have happened. Vash at the least was active in the league. Thanks for taking the hit for us.

If it was not for my team mailing it in on the final week of the fantasy season, then you would have been looking at a champion right here! :lol:
and if everyone wouldn't have had their season high score against me...blah...blah...

coulda woulda shoulda
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