Well, I think it will mean that I will be purchasing the Live Stat-Tracker so that I don't have to wait until I get home Tuesday night to see the results, since they don't show up until midday Tuesday.
I tallied the votes and these are the winners.
2 WR 1 WR/RB 1 RB - 3 votes
4 pt QB TD - 3 votes
-2 pts interception - everyone that voted (6?)
The closest loss was the 6 pt QB TD, mainly because I abstained from that vote.
Also, I was being loose with what I called a vote, counting when someone argued for a position, but never officially voted.
Anyway, I am getting ready to make those rule changes.
If anyone wants to address anything else I would like to be decided by Wednesday.
One other question:
Do we want fractional points to avoid ties? I prefer that actually.
Also, someone feel free to recount and check that my league settings look correct.
Don't forget the draft is this coming FRIDAY NIGHT. If someone asks you to do something on Friday that will have you out past 11:00 ET/8:00 PT you say no.
I also think I am going to find a way to randomize our draft order myself instead of letting Yahoo! do it. Last year I went first and while I assume it was random on Yahoo's part I don't want to find out it isn't.