OK, here's my lowdown on the Yakuza 3 demo (note: I have not played a Yakuza game before)... *potential spoilers but I tried to avoid them)
The game starts off on the city streets with some kind of trouble spilling out of what appears to be a club, with women being thrown out by some grumpy looking bad ass. Decided to go explore before going in there…
The graphics are very good. Granted, they're not Killzone 2 incredible (KZ2's lighting is something else) but they're bright, slightly cartoony (typical Japanese game style), solid with lots of detail. The characters look good - especially close up, as do the details of the virtual Japanese city (Tokyo?).
So, on to the streets… lots of people wandering around (nice variation too). I try to start a fight GTA-style with a random, fat business man - non of the buttons work apart from pause (main menu) and select (another menu but not sure what this is for). Physics reactions with the scenery are static and non-existent. With people, interactions are pretty basic. I explore some more, seeing staircases at the rear of buildings and a road with moving cars. Invisible barriers prevent me from going anywhere I please (although later in the demo, there are many streets and alleyways to venture down). I think GTA IV has spoilt me with its great physics engine and its complete freedom.
So, back to the club then where trouble seemed to be brewing… I walk in, presented with a nice cut scene; no idea what is being said by the characters (would love to know - for now, I've used my imagination!). End of cut scene, lots of guys surround me and I'm granted control seemlessly. Awesome - fisty-cuffs time! I mash buttons initially, then try to work out some controls. Here is what I figured out:
Square - fast, weak attacks (punches and kicks)
Triangle - slow, powerful attacks (flying kicks, big weapon attacks)
Circle - grab people / pick up items, weapons and people from the floor / throw objects / other weapon attacks
X - a dodge (use with direction when R1 is held to side-step)
L1 - block
L2 - centre camera behind player
R1 - target / lock-on stance (for fighting)
R2 - a taunt (some special already unlocked)
D-pad - weapons (nunchuks, staff, knuckle dusters) !

(down on D-pad puts away the weapon to go back to your fists)
The fighting is great fun. A bit of button mashing, yes, but it appears to have some depth and variety, with some nice combos, grabs and environment / context senstive moves. It's a mixture of a simplified Tekken and Streets of Rage. The (third?) main menu option reveals a special moves system, where moves can be upgraded / unlocked (I did invest in a new move later on in the demo). Grabbing a downed opponent by the feet (circle) and swinging them into a wall, followed by a quick time event (QTE) to fnish with an elbow drop, or dragging a standing opponent over to a piece of furniture and smashing their head into it whilst being treated to a lovely closeup with a spot of blood splattering is glorious! Also nice is the use of many scenic objects in fights… bar stools, lamps, a foot rest (puff), etc. Controls with weapons are similar - square for a quick attack, triangle for a long, powerful attack and circle throws it… not sure of X (perhaps it still acts as dodge).
I have completed the demo and what a generous demo it was! I had a bit of trouble with the first fight getting my ass kicked by the main man there. I think major opponents enery bars are located at the bottom right of the screen…
Conclusion: loved it! Just don't expect a GTA (as I did). It's very different; yes, it looks similar with the free roaming, story-based game based in a city but it plays nothing like it. Oh, and don't expect to know what is going on either… I'd love to know… the cut scenes look very interesting.
I think I'll have another play today. I feel there is a lot to discover (even in this demo). So far I have visited two shops, browsed some magazines and bought food (health / stamina) from the shop keepers. I had a phone call from what appeared to be a host girl and did come across her club, but did not enter. I believe it is possible and I heard there are few other mini-games in the demo (a Sega arcade perhaps?
