As some of you will know I'm looking at cars. The flip side to this is that I'll be selling my car soon. There are a number of little niggles that I'd like to fix before I sell it (and in order to help it sell in the first place in a competitive market). Chief amongst which is the sunroof.
A year or so ago it started leaking. I suspect it had been leaking very slightly for a bit longer, as the car used to suffer from damp. But early last year I removed my cheapo rubber floormats, to discover the passenger footwell was like a swimming pool. I vacuumed all the water out, left the car in the garage for a couple of days with a tray of silica crystals on the dash, a portable heater inside and the windows open slightly to let the moisture out, and after that it was fine. I took up the carpet expecting to see a hole in my floorpan, but luckily Ford had chosen to cover the area in a rubbery plastic layer bonded to the floor (presumably as sound deadening) so it turns out the water had been sitting on that, not rusting a big hole in my floor.
Anyway, I sourced the leak to my sunroof, mainly after one day driving to work the whole assembly took a leak in my lap as I braked, after snow on the roof had melted.
My fix at the time? Duct tape around the sunroof seals on the outside of the car. Genius, I'm sure you'll agree:
very own questionable modification

It works though - no more leaks.
Anyway, I'm sure the next potential owner
might not appreciate my ingenuity as much as I do, and might prefer a fully-functioning, leak-free sunroof (I never use the sunroof anyway). One option is to buy a new one - I've seen breakers offering them for sale between about £20 and £45, excluding postage. My Haynes manual of repair/destruction seems to think it's an easy job to replace one, though it mentions virtually nothing about sunroof seals so replacing it might have to be along the trial/error route.
The important bit: My question
I am wondering whether there's another option - repairing/reconditioning the rubber. Are there any products out there that GTPers use that would renew the rubber? I suspect the rubber seal is just a bit dry and therefore not sealing - the car is eleven years old and rubber does tend to degrade,
especially when exposed to the elements like a sunroof is.
What do people reckon? Replace or renew?