Here's the thing:
This lovely, rust-coloured lump above is my sump. Albeit not a very good picture of it. A couple of times when I've had the car MOT'd or serviced in the last few years, the garage has told me that my sump was getting pretty rusty and it'd need replacing soon. A couple didn't tell me this too though, so I wasn't sure who to trust. Regardless, I factored it into my list of things I might need to do before I sell the car. My guess is that sumps are made of reasonably thick metal, aren't they? As in, the above is just surface rust? My car certainly doesn't leak, never has in my ownership.
Anyway, I was reading my workshop manual on the car and came across the following line:
"The Endura-E engine [mine] replaces the HCS engine fitted to earlier Fiesta models and, apart from an aluminium sump and modifications to the inlet manifold and inlet system, is virtually identical"
As you can see from the photo above, the sump on my car is clearly
not aluminium. It's very much a
steel sump. What I'd like to know is, with a look at that rather blurry photo, how serious that rust looks, and does it really need replacing or should I just attack it with some wet&dry paper and Hammerite it?
I'll try and grab better photos tomorrow, the above was taken hastily before I drove to work.
What I
am considering as opposed to spending a possible £150 on replacing it at an independent garage (a main dealer would charge £200+), is actually buying a replacement sump and gasket set (circa £40 including postage), buying some car ramps (as little as £20) and maybe even a mechanic's trolley (as little as £10) and doing the whole thing myself. The manual reckons it's only a 2/5 difficulty and gives very clear instructions. I can then of course use the trolley and ramps again in the future, which is even better value.
So GTP... worth it? Worth even replacing it in the first place? I can grab better pictures tomorrow if it's too difficult to roughly assess it's condition from the crappy pic above.