- "Go!" - SFGTP5 - 11th & 12th July 2009. Date Confirmed. Who's in?

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That was a great racing weekend!!!
THANK YOU Rachel and Nick for once again being great hosts!!!! :cheers:
I had a great time seeing some of you again and meeting new racing nuts!!!!
1 x Power supply for DFP / DFGT wheel

Power supply would be mine... :(

Imagine my dismay when I got home, setup my new rig, and discovered that my DFP was unusable as I'd forgotten my power supply!

Precisely as Dan had guessed!
Leland has Dan's Power Supply and I have Will's Power Supply and GT4 disk and Kevin's DFP.

Will make an effort to supply everyone with the correct contact info by email tonight so that we keep personal details out of the public forum.👍
Such chaos Nick, guess I should attend the next one to ensure all is right in the world :P With that killer setup how can you not have so much fun. Did Jack make it? What was everyone's favorite race? I'm jonesin' for some info 👍

Hi Jerome!
It was tonnes of fun but it's back to the grindstone today so results & photos will have to wait a while.
Jack did make it, in fact I think that's the back of Jack's head in Ramon's photo rather than mine (Jack has shorter but much thicker hair than me, and mine is usually waxed & greasy looking! :guilty:)
Such chaos Nick, guess I should attend the next one to ensure all is right in the world :P With that killer setup how can you not have so much fun. Did Jack make it? What was everyone's favorite race? I'm jonesin' for some info 👍


You have to make it the next time!!! YES the set up was super nice!
I would have to say the CLIO Endurance was the best for me. Midfield reverse was awesome for this car! The competition was great, the paring was excellent. Unfortunately one of the wheels failed mid race:(, at that time 3rd 4th and 5th was very close.
Even though Jack and C_F both use controller it was too late to salvage the race once the wheel stop working! YES! Jack on a wheel!!! :D

There was also great competition in the Mix n Match.
The "Ducho" racing was interesting to say the least. There was a lot of :banghead: 🤬 (specially from EDK in one or two events.) The results have not be completed but I am sure the winner is by a point or two.

Thanks to an unfortunate Fuse failure in the Garage we were forced to end the "Ducho" short on the last race with two laps to go :ouch:! by then (8pm) everyone was :indiff: to continue & restart the race, but in the end everyone agreed to bring The SFGTP "GO" to a halt!
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There was also great competition in the Mix n Match.
The "Ducho" racing was interesting to say the least. There was a lot of :banghead: 🤬 (specially from EDK in one or two events.)

:guilty: I told myself I wasn't going to do that this time around, but in the heat of the moment, the frustration comes out sometimes. It was mainly directed at myself, when I'd make some silly mistake and lose it.

The racing was really fun and competitive. It WAS immediately clear to me that the time I and other have had away from GT4 put us down a notch from prior glory. But with certain combos, I was able to pull out some of the old magic. ;)
The results have not be completed but I am sure the winner is by a point or two.
Three, to be exact. Actually, if you want to toss the last race, the margin of victory was one point :D.

I made good time today, and shaved 45 minutes off the return trip...just 11 hours, 30 minutes! My ears are ringing a bit...I think my car exceeds the OSHA guidelines for noise exposure over an 8-hour period (haha, occupational hazard joke...hilarious). Anyway, I had a great time, everyone! Now I need to chug down a Red Bull, microwave some Hot Pockets, then go play 2 games of softball.
More later... off to gym.

Just emailed Kevin & Ricardo's backed up gamesaves back to them.
Also mailed Leland, Will & Dan the contact details necessary to work out the DFP power supply returns.
Let me know what works. I can deliver Dan the one I have tonight if Leland & Will want to take care of the other. 💡
More later... off to gym.

Just emailed Kevin & Ricardo's backed up gamesaves back to them.
Also mailed Leland, Will & Dan the contact details necessary to work out the DFP power supply returns.
Let me know what works. I can deliver Dan the one I have tonight if Leland & Will want to take care of the other. 💡

Have sent Dan's to him already, overnight. Didn't want him to be without the enjoyment of his new Rigg any longer than was necessary.
What was everyone's favorite race? I'm jonesin' for some info 👍


So many to chose from, but 1 standout for me was the VW Golf GTi V '05 on SM tyres for 2 laps of Nurburgring alongside Kevin, Alex, Leland and Kyle. :drool:

Just uploading piccies now, and will shortly close this thread so that comments can be passed in a new piccy & results thread.

Perhaps the biggest question we're left with though is:
When are we going to have "Sechs"? :P:P:P
Perhaps the biggest question we're left with though is:
When are we going to have "Sechs"? :P:P:P[/QUOTE]

I believe that's something you'll have ask Rachel about. Isn't it? "Giggling uncontrollably"

Want to get some info to Mark, what's his GTP moniker? The Isle of Man TT is on the HD Theater channel if he is interested. Starting to watch the practice session I recorded earlier and remembered he was into bikes. Wait isn't Will also into them?
So many to chose from, but 1 standout for me was the VW Golf GTi V '05 on SM tyres for 2 laps of Nurburgring alongside Kevin, Alex, Leland and Kyle. :drool:
I caught the last 3/4 of this race on my video camera... hope to have it available for viewing by this weekend.

My own favorite was the Clio endurance! :sly:
Perhaps the biggest question we're left with though is:
When are we going to have "Sechs"? :P:P:P

Hopefully a month or so after GT5 is out! 👍
A preview of what's to come...

Midway through setup...


Lan 1 completed.
5 RIGGRacing cockpits, and the winner of the "MRCOASFGTPSF" ("most relaxing chair of an SFGTP so far", to steal a Touring Mars-ism!) award in the foreground. (the vibrating massage pad!!!!) :D

Oh yesss. Those are full on dragster-wheelie wheels on the back of every cockpit for realistic Plymouth 'Cuda starts! :D :P
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That's massive, you should see how cramped we are a UKGTPs now! Down by the garage door I was driving like an old person with the back of my hands touching my shoulders!
:guilty: I told myself I wasn't going to do that this time around, but in the heat of the moment, the frustration comes out sometimes. It was mainly directed at myself, when I'd make some silly mistake and lose it.

Glad I'm not the only one. I'm the same, and may have been a contributing factor in our webcam at the Elf not having sound.

Looking forward to more piccies people!
I'll be sending out PG&E invoices to all participants. :sly:

It would be interesting to see the difference of your regular PG&E bill and when we had the LAN Party. Thanks again for all the help Rachel, specially loading all the RIGG's back on the truck after the party while all the other guys just stood and watched. Your the best!!!!
Thanks again for all the help Rachel, specially loading all the RIGG's back on the truck after the party while all the other guys just stood and watched. Your the best!!!!

I know! Anyone would think they'd been sitting on their butts all day playing games (lol)
Special thanks to Leland "D.Pritchard" who was so desperate to get in the LAN meet that he volunteered to pickup the RIGG's, help assemble them all night the day before, disassemble after, drive the opposite direction to my place, unload, drive home to Pacheco, CA exhausted and work the next day. Nice to meet great people online and make good friends, GTPlanet certainly makes the world a better place.

Oh, remind me on the next meet to bring some GAS-X for Leland not that it's fuming, but he can make some really loud ones no gas crisis there! Who needs OPEC when you have Leland...LOL
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It would be interesting to see the difference of your regular PG&E bill and when we had the LAN Party. Thanks again for all the help Rachel, specially loading all the RIGG's back on the truck after the party while all the other guys just stood and watched. Your the best!!!!

i helped! :grumpy:

Oh, remind me on the next meet to bring some GAS-X for Leland not that it's fuming, but he can make some really loud ones no gas crisis there! Who needs OPEC when you have Leland...LOL

hah! yes, i agree. especially considering i was sitting next to him the times that he had the chance to let one out :crazy:
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Hey you guys!! Just wanted to say what a fantastic time the LAN party was. It was my first and hopefully not my last! You guys are a ton of fun and a bunch of great drivers!! It made me wish I had tried GT4 before and put in a bit of practice. And I want one of those racing seats!!!!

The enduro race was my favorite because it involved consistency, speed and strategy and it was a great battle!!! Race of the weekend had to be the VWs at Nurburgring on LAN2 with all five cars nose to tail for the entire first lap.

And of course a special thanks to our wonderful hosts!! Ever considered solar power Nick and Rach? :sly:

By the way, my girlfriend thinks we're all a bunch of dorks :lol:

i helped! :grumpy:

No worries alrivers, we all good buddy!

hah! yes, i agree. especially considering i was sitting next to him the times that he had the chance to let one out :crazy:

Hehe! that's his N2O or KER's when he needs that extra boost to make that pass(wind). Makes the competition lose focus on thier driving.
So many to chose from, but 1 standout for me was the VW Golf GTi V '05 on SM tyres for 2 laps of Nurburgring alongside Kevin, Alex, Leland and Kyle. :drool:

Managed to upload the videos, taken over Nick's shoulder. Sorry for the shaky camera, it's a handheld job:

Last half of lap 1:

Lap 2:
Managed to upload the videos, taken over Nick's shoulder. Sorry for the shaky camera, it's a handheld job:

Nice hand job...I mean handheld job Dan, you figure it's over 8 minutes to hold it steady for one lap.
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