Ok, here's the latest scoop:
It's going to be a dual 5-way LAN
, and the event is capped at 12 people.
I've updated the "Participants" & "Maybes" lists in post #1 to reflect who is currently on what list.
I've done some crazy calculations and it works if we've got 10 or 12 people, so the more the merrier (although odd-numbers make a total hash of everything!)
We've had a great response but sometimes it's difficult to accommodate everyone.
Unfortunately as
bergauk cannot guarantee getting here it's very difficult for me sacrifice a place that can be filled by a participant that can definitely get here. Sorry,
but that's the way it has to be, perhaps this will provide even more motivation to get your licence in time for November?
I do have contact details for almost everyone, and I'm seeking to keep an accurate list of everyone's up-to-date info (including those of you that've been before but aren't going to make this one.) so that future planning is easy for another GT4 LAN and eventually GT5 meetings!
Please can
Prosthetic &
SimRaceDriver send me a PM with your daytime or mobile number and a valid e-mail address? (I'm assuming your cell # is no longer valid, Ray, since you've moved a couple of times?)
Please can
Vaxen and
jmgyro send me a PM with your e-mail address? I think I have correct phone #s for you all, but it won't hurt to confirm them either.
Got to do some calculations based on the equipment lists everyone has provided, but basically we need 10 networkable PS2s, 10 GT4 discs, 10 wheels, 10 controllers, 10 mem-cards, 10 monitors and 10 sets of headphones.
Don't worry about bringing race seats, as we have 10 of those covered by
RadRacing but we will need a few more TV stands or tables.
The more ethernet cables, power strips and extension cords you can provide, the better too. 👍
It's better to be way over-equipped than missing 1 teeny-weeny thing that halts proceedings for a while.
Kylehnat &
jmgyro are the lucky winners of the "coming from furthest away and therefore most entitled to a bed
chez Smallhorses" awards.
I'll be posting up a list of what's covered and what's required shortly, so stay tuned...
One more thing...
Don't Forget To Bring Your Headphones!