- "Go!" - SFGTP5 - 11th & 12th July 2009. Date Confirmed. Who's in?

When should 五 - "Go!" - SFGTP5 be held? Select date / dates that suit you best...

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Alrighty then!!!! I'm in, let me know how many Racing RIGG's you need? I also have:
2 LCD monitors 19 inch and 23 inch
2 PS2
2 wheels
1 8 port lan box
1 multi outlet cord
a few lan cords
if need be, two old school 13 inch CRT TV's
Will the RIGGs be able to hold a small-ish monitor each? Or will we need additional tables for monitor above a certain size?
I'm happy to leave my setup intact, as it's secreted in the nook under the stairs, but isn't as fancy as the RIGGs. I can supply a 32" LCD, but that'd have to sit on a table as it's too big for the RIGG platform.
Once I figure out who is definitely going to make it, then we'll know exactly what we need setup. I'm hoping between 8 and 10 stations so everyone can race all the time, but that'll depend on replies, response and equipment levels.
Besides, sometimes, particularly after trying to hold onto Jack or Jerome's bumper for 5 or 6 laps it's nice to get a rest and a beer break! :scared:

bergauk wants to attend, but he's South Bay based and possibly transportless. Anyone that could possibly collect him from Campbell on the way? (there's two things you don't often see used in the same sentence, "Campbell" and "on the way" :P)
Given we're short on time the more definite we can make more things more quickly, the more simple it's going to be to get more things organised and more racing done.
*This sentence brought to you by the power of "MORE"!*
I doubt I will be able to go at this point... This is going to be a pretty busy summer for me. I will likely do a bunch of traveling with friends before I start my career.
I'm In!
Fatty PS2
20" CRT Monitor from last year.
Power surges if needed. I have tons let me know if we need more than one.

I will require the use of a controller if anyone has a spare mine broke last night :(. I do have a wireless but not sure if all will be ok with using it.

I am in SF if anyone is interested in pick up or carpooling from my area (Glen Park) Let me know.
I'm In!
Fatty PS2
20" CRT Monitor from last year.
Power surges if needed. I have tons let me know if we need more than one.

I will require the use of a controller if anyone has a spare mine broke last night :(. I do have a wireless but not sure if all will be ok with using it.

I am in SF if anyone is interested in pick up or carpooling from my area (Glen Park) Let me know.

The wireless controller by Logitech doesn't have the same throttle sensitivity on the buttons.

The wireless controller by Logitech doesn't have the same throttle sensitivity on the buttons.


Cool! We'll give that one to Jack! :P :sly:
No worries on the DS2 controllers really though, I've got 2 that've hardly been used since GT4 arrived except for the odd photomode shoot here & there, which isn't exactly taxing for them!
Will the RIGGs be able to hold a small-ish monitor each? Or will we need additional tables for monitor above a certain size?
I'm happy to leave my setup intact, as it's secreted in the nook under the stairs, but isn't as fancy as the RIGGs. I can supply a 32" LCD, but that'd have to sit on a table as it's too big for the RIGG platform.

I might hold a 32" Just have to bolt a bigger shelf on the wheel platform we'll see. If you need an extra folding table I have one too.
Didn't Kevin bring a big LCD the past few meetings? May need another small rest for it, but that simple 2 step stool worked great to my surprise 👍 I wonder if Jack will attend again *nudge, nudge*

Alrighty then I'm in for both days. I live in Oakland and have some room for people to sleep if needed- (aka the floor or couch, no actual extra bedroom). I have a PS2, my 27" LCD, mem cards, and 3 wheels: G25, DFGT, and my wireless wheel that I won for 3rd place at Suzuka week 3. I also drive a real Saab and could give rides to virtual only drivers. I could also help with snacks and such as I get a discount at work. Anyways, this sounds like it'll be fun. I look forward to racing y'all.
I'm In!
Fatty PS2
20" CRT Monitor from last year.
Power surges if needed. I have tons let me know if we need more than one.

I will require the use of a controller if anyone has a spare mine broke last night :(. I do have a wireless but not sure if all will be ok with using it.

I am in SF if anyone is interested in pick up or carpooling from my area (Glen Park) Let me know.

No way! Are extensions called power surges in the US? A power surge here involves excess power going down the line and inevitably frying everything connected to that line.
Sorry for my late reply here.

I'm definitely in for both days.

Equipment I can definitely bring -

Silver Slim PS2
Copy of GT4
Memory Card
DS2 Controller
G25 Wheel
37' LCD Flat Screen
Lots of delicious beer - More than we can drink, if last time was any indication :P

Equipment I could possibly bring, as needed -

Fatty PS2
Fatty PS2 LAN Adapter
Old, Worn out DFP Wheel that has had repairs made by EDK and Smallhorses

Looking forward to seeing all of the old faces, and some new ones too. :D

Lots of delicious beer - More than we can drink, if last time was any indication :P

I'll be 'Saabing' while you guys drink that delicious beer w/o me :lol:

:lol: indeed I am, but only when you guys aren't drinking without me. D.Pritchard expressed some interest in coming as well, you guys should have a good turnout I think.

Items I plan on bringing:
ancient fatty PS2 (sans network adapter)
memory card
2 DS2 controllers
copy of GT4
4 folding wooden chairs (these proved useful last year)

Items I can bring if needed, but would rather not (car is small):
13" monitor
DFP wheel
classic playseat
Going, can bring Slim PS2, 2 DS2s, 2 memory cards, 1 GT4, 1 GREEN chair, a surge protector, and fake ID :P
Still don't know if I can come. If I can come I might be transporting myself via public transit and if that happens I'll most likely only be able to bring a few things. If theres any generous souls out there that would like to take me to the event I'd be truly happy.
Alrighty then. Here's the deal.
I'm going to cap this event at 10 - 12 people MAX.
I'm meeting with Radracing (Ramon) next weekend to figure the logistics of slotting a dual-LAN setup into my garage, with either 2 x 5-way or 2 x 6-way LANs depending on space and what's comfortable and able to be powered sensibly by the outlets available.
I've amended post #1 to include the definites and the maybes for now.
If you're on the maybe list then you may not make the cut.
Sorry, supply, demand, blah, blah, blah.
I've included those that've been definite from the beginning, and then those that've been along before, those that've responded later on and then those that're still yet to decide...
Please don't be too disappointed if you're not included this time round but there's a limit to how many people can be comfortably accommodated and still leave me with a few degrees of sanity left over.
There's a possibility that a few folks may only make one day rather than 2, so there's the option of people filling in for a day. Things will become clearer soon...
As I've said from the start I'm holding final power of veto on the lineups as it's my place and I'm the one doing the organising. :P
After discussions today, there's a distinct possibility of another November-ish meeting, assuming we're not all caught off-guard by an actual release of GT5 by then! :rolleyes:

Going, can bring Slim PS2, 2 DS2s, 2 memory cards, 1 GT4, 1 GREEN chair, a surge protector, and fake ID :P
Monitor perhaps? 💡
If there's 1 thing stopping us getting the 6-way in, it's the size of the monitors available. 20" is ideal, any larger and we start to have trouble with overlapping displays if we cram too many stations onto 1 side of the garage or the other. I'm going to try an negotiate a deal with our demolab manager about the possibility of borrowing some from our training facility, although I'm expecting that proposal to be welcomed like bacon-wrapped pork-sausages at a Passover feast, so don't hold your breath.
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If there's 1 thing stopping us getting the 6-way in, it's the size of the monitors available. 20" is ideal, any larger and we start to have trouble with overlapping displays if we cram too many stations onto 1 side of the garage or the other. I'm going to try an negotiate a deal with our demolab manager about the possibility of borrowing some from our training facility, although I'm expecting that proposal to be welcomed like bacon-wrapped pork-sausages at a Passover feast, so don't hold your breath.

LMAO! You've always had a way with words Smallhorses! Hope this turns out to be a great event...sadly, due to personal reasons, I'll not be able to attend this event, but if all goes well, and if it actually happens, I should make the Nov 09' meeting!


I'm not sure if I can bring the monitor, I gave it to my parents when I got my new TV.

Trade your parents for a few days!!! (Not literally.)
I mean offer them use of the mega-TV in place of the monitor, not trade your parents for something else. :P

Anyone know if regular 15 - 17" PC monitors with the usual blue 15-way D-type fitting can be adapted to use with PS2? What sort of wiring is required?
Rachel might be able to borrow a few monitors from work, but would like to know what to look for, input-wise. (No dirty jokes please.)
Do they usually have a composite A/V input too, or is that too much to ask for? I'm guessing the likelyhood of a generic corporate monitor having component A/V inputs is unlikely.
Any HDTV monitor should work, or a monitor that has composite inputs. Those typically adjust the resolution automatically and have enough luminance/brightness to display the image properly on the screen so the image isn't either really small or 'blocky'. Perhaps we can possibly, maybe, slightly postpone the November meeting for a post GT5 launch????
hey smallhorses, i hope this is what you meant about posting in the right place. i am new to this threading stuff and have only used GTPlanet for tuning help until radracing (ramon?) turned me onto this event. so here is the stuff i can bring, got a 72 VW bus to cram it in so room is not a prob. also have a 3/4 ton truck and 5 ton dump trailer if more room is needed. jk could also pick someone up if their on the way for me. realize that i will probably be an alternate for now, but that's ok.

i have:
1 homemade seat with wheel DFP
1 PS2
1 GT4 disc
1 extra wheel with TV (folding) table
1 26" tv (smallest i have, from the shop)
2 extra folding (tv) tables one to be used for my Screen
1 " " with cut legs on one side, for extra wheel
eathernet cable? not sure how this whole LAN thing works
I busted out the Excel-nerdiness again, and came up with this for trip planning. If I drive the speed limit, the drive will take 11 hours, 14 minutes. If I drive 5 mph over the limit, it will take 10 hours, 27 minutes....10 over will be 9 hours, 46 minutes...driving at top speed will take 6 hours, 22 minutes :lol:. Buying a faster car and driving at top speed....4 hours, 51 minutes. Flying? Nah, forget flying...that's not as much fun :P.
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