quattro! - SFGTP4: 1st & 2nd November 2008

Which weekend would suit you best?

  • Weekend of Oct 25/26th

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Uh, I need a favour from someone. I'm gonna need a ride from someone, as my "roommates" are out of town on short notice. I can take the bus Sunday because my gear (including pink chair) will be there.

*puppy dog eyes*
Don't forget to send him the bill.
Uh, I need a favour from someone. I'm gonna need a ride from someone, as my "roommates" are out of town on short notice. I can take the bus Sunday because my gear (including pink chair) will be there.
I'll have my car down there, so I can give you a lift if need be.
From this I concluded a few things:
1) This is an older model DFP since it still has the old style light-blue potentiometers with the little black plastic ball clips to hold them in place.
2) Kevin or the new owner has a pet (probably cat, dog or rabbit) with medium length light grey or white fur!! :lol: (Or has an elderly relative with short grey hair that moults a lot!)
3) Kevin or the new owner enjoys eating potato chips while racing! :sly:

Have now reseated all connectors, removed the fluff and chips and taped the potentiometers and wires in place. Result? Done almost 130 laps of testing tonight on 2 circuits using 10 cars for another Pick'n'Mix selection and the brake pedal has not stuck or showed any signs of flickering at all! :D

So, in return for lending us his wheel, it's new owner gets it back good-as-new! :cool:

Thanks Nick, for the time taken on the fix. 👍

And to answer your questions -

1) Told you it was an old, worn out DFP. :P I bought it when I bought my copy of GT4.

2) No moulting relatives. :sly: But I have a Beagle, a big, fluffy calico cat, and a little orange and white cat. The new owner has one dapple (Black and Grey) dachshund all the time and another part time. So it was definitely doing it's job as a pet hair trap!!

3) If I eat while racing, it's not over the pedals. That must be the new guy. :dopey:

And I'm surprised you did not discover any evidence of beer spillage. :odd:
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Ahahaha, you guys are cracking me up! Tonight is my last night to prep and pack to its all business (until survivor :ouch: so she says, hahaha). Excellent work on the pedals Nick 👍 I sure hope my gift arrives today in the mail, if not I'll improvise.

Yo Nick, I gave you a couple of Old Navy gift cards to be given away as some of the prizes at SFGTP3. I don't know if either or both were given away back then, so I hope they get to awarded this time around. :)
Fate has conspired.....

to make keeping SFGTP4 full of booze much easier! :D
Previously to get a good selection of beers, I'd been driving to the BevMo! store in El Cerrito, or Jack London Square in Oakland both of which are about a >6 mile drive away.
Not really an issue, since Rach & I love our BevMo!s runs, and invariably leave the stores overstocked and excited about something new we've found to try, be it wine, beer or spirit. It's probably a good thing there hasn't been one on our doorstep though....

Until now. :drool:

As if to coincide with the advent of SFGTP4, Emeryville's BevMo! store has it's celebratory grand opening event tomorrow!




David(s) & Jack, please answer your 🤬 phones!!!! You've all got VMs! ;)
Fate has conspired.....

to make keeping SFGTP4 full of booze much easier! :D
Previously to get a good selection of beers, I'd been driving to the BevMo! store in El Cerrito, or Jack London Square in Oakland both of which are about a >6 mile drive away.
Not really an issue, since Rach & I love our BevMo!s runs, and invariably leave the stores overstocked and excited about something new we've found to try, be it wine, beer or spirit. It's probably a good thing there hasn't been one on our doorstep though....

Until now. :drool:

As if to coincide with the advent of SFGTP4, Emeryville's BevMo! store has it's celebratory grand opening event tomorrow!

I made my run to Pleasanton BevMo! tonight on the way home from work, to make sure I could avoid the Halloween crazies tomorrow night. :crazy:

I picked up a cummulative total of 58 bottles and just over 6 gallons of beer. :eek:

And it's all great stuff, I'll be sure to bring a broad sampling for everyone to enjoy. 👍
I like what I'm hearing :drool:

Nick - You can scratch off your list -

Sierra Nevada Celebration (Well, I have 4 of those left now :D)
Widmer Broken Halo IPA
Stone IPA
Full Sail Session Lager
Deschutes Jubelale
Sam Adams Imperial Pilsner
Kona Pipeline Coffee Porter

Those are the multipacks I bought, a nice range from light to dark, some hoppy, some malty.

I also have 12 single bottles that are more specialized, but trying to remember what those are might be tough. :dopey:

Baltika Porter [RU]
Bitburger Pils [DE]
Spaten Optimator [DE]
Stone Ruination IPA [US, CA]
Avery Ale to the Chief [US, CO]
Avery Ten [US, CO]
Allagash Hugh Malone Ale [US, ME]
Allagash (Bourbon Barrel Aged) Curieux [US, ME]
Marin San Quentin Breakout Stout [US, CA]

3 More that I just can't remember at the moment.
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Smalls......Sorry I have been out of touch. This week has just been crazy. I'm still on for tomorrow......PLease call me again when you get the chance :) I have been on the road all week and didnt have your (censored) cell phone number on me :(
Since I'll more than likely forget about this within the next 13 minutes, good luck to all those going to the quattro!
LAN working yet? :)

Have fun everyone!

Got the first day out of the way. We were at lunch when you sent this, having just spent 3 hours or so cussing at SUV's. :ouch:

Also ran the Clio endurance, and then ran some of the cars we submitted but had not used for the qualifier for the Clio Endurance qualifier.

Today will start in a couple hours or so, and we'll be running some pick and mixes.

Also talk of finishing off with an opposite controller event. Wheel drivers use DS2 and DS2 drivers use wheels. :nervous:
Just got home, really great timing when we left I called Becky, hung up boarded and landed smoothly :) It was the best LAN event yet, "With all due respect SFGTP2/3..you don't compare." I too will be moving on from GT4 now to be a race admin along with Kevin and Dan that were at the event too. We now (or so I believe) have the record of most current moderators at a LAN event and even what Super Moderator, whatever that is ;)
We eagerly await the results - thread. :sly:
Just a quick post to say a huge thank you to everyone that attended. :bowdown:
Without you guys there'd be no SFGTP events, just a sad guy running hotlaps & AI races in his garage! :( (Oh, wait. That's every other weekend!!! :dopey:)

Will be back with more later, and eventually a results thread but I'll leave you with this......

I like to think that I've done my bit for the environment. ;)
Running an SUV handicap has now thoroughly convinced at least 11 people that these gas-guzzling "tanks" really don't belong on the roads, nevermind in the game! :D
Many Many thanks to smallhorses for hosting such a great event (although maybe not so many SUV's next time huh?

But even more thanks to itgirlxx for letting 10 GT obssessives take over her home for 2 days :)

And thank you to everybody there for being so kind to a newbie. I learnt a hell of a lot just from watching you guys. I have lots of fun new tricks to try out now so that next time I can maybe give a few more of you a run for your money.
Thank you so much to Smallhorses and itgirlxx for being great hosts!!! :bowdown:

It was finally great to put faces to names! The whole weekend was a lot of fun including the SUV series :ill:
Great choices on all the races, really looking forward to meeting yall again!!!

GREAT Racing!!!
Sorry I had to leave in a rush guys I would have like to stay and shoot the 'S' with you all, o well we did get to finish tho so that is more important. How about those results Nick, I'm sure if Famine was running it HE'D have the results up by now :lol: j/k.

It was great to see you all again and glad everyone enjoyed themselves. I shall be hiding the Playstation from Nick in an effort to help him complete his expense reports & FSR's. ;)
Made it home safely! It rained the whole entire way. I didn't know that was possible. On the plus side, 750 miles of driving through rain is the equivalent of a crappy car wash :D. Methinks driving is for spring/summer SFGTPs only ;).

I had a super-duper time at the Quattro, racing against you yahoos, and taking insults from the peanut gallery assembled near the garage door :). Thanks, as always, go to Nick and Rachel for letting us in the door, and hosting the weariest of weary travelers! Next time though, make it sunnier, kthxbai :dopey:.
Glad to hear your mammoth drive went well Kyle! 👍
I've spent all of this evening catching up on my expense reports which I'd neglected since the beginning of September. :guilty:

I'll be back in here tomorrow with a more fulfilling post, but just a a quick aside:

I returned SFGTP3's lost property to it's rightful owners this time around, but I appear to have gained a couple of extra items again.

I now have:
1 extra Fatty PS2 power cord (Maybe Jack or Ricardo's?)
1 Standard PS2 TV/Monitor cable (Suspect this is Josh's)
1 1/2 bottle of Jameson's Irish Whiskey (Definitely Ricardo's!)

Let me know if you're missing any / all of these items and I'll make the necessary arrangements to get them back to you.
(Unless of course you're under-21 and claiming the Whiskey! :sly: :lol:)
Thanks to Nick and Rachel for allowing us in your home and hosting a fantastic event. :cheers:

(In no particular order) It was nice to see Jerome, Kyle, Josh, ceiling_fan David and Alex again. Also nice to meet some new folks, namely Dan, Jack, David and Ricardo. And if I've forgotten anyone, I'll blame the beer. :sly:

Thanks to all of the participants for putting up with my occasional moaning about this, that, or the other thing. :guilty:

Some great, tight battles all weekend long. And I'll be sure to do some write ups once the results begin to show up in here and refresh my memory. :dopey:

...but I appear to have gained a couple of extra items again.

I now have:
1 extra Fatty PS2 power cord (Maybe Jack or Ricardo's?) Not mine
1 Standard PS2 TV/Monitor cable (Suspect this is Josh's)
1 1/2 bottle of Jameson's Irish Whiskey (Definitely Ricardo's!) all yours now :D

Let me know if you're missing any / all of these items and I'll make the necessary arrangements to get them back to you.
(Unless of course you're under-21 and claiming the Whiskey! :sly: :lol:)

... I remember EDK saying something about doing shots...or did I missed them :dopey:
all i remember hearing is "excuse me!" "sorry!" "oh, no!" "THANKS!:grumpy:" "CRAP CRAP $&*%" and...."I'm in Baghdad :ouch:"
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