SFGTP3 - "The Threesome" - Yeah, Baby!

However, it looks like I'll only be making the Saturday event, as the monetary funds aren't currently available to stay the night and w/gas prices what they are, driving back and forth isn't an option as well!
:eek:Uh oh...:nervous: Guess I should open the floor up and ask if anyone would be willing to put up w/me crashing at their place from friday through Sunday night then. Any potential takers? If not, is there a good B&B or hotel nearby that is pretty easy on the wallet?:embarrassed:
Sadly both of our spare beds were spoken for a long time ago by Kyle & Jerome.
We simply don't have space to sleep any more than this. :(

I'm sure if there's more than 1 person in a hotel room here it's reasonably cost-effective, but cheap hotels are difficult to find here except in the sketchier areas of Oakland. :scared:
I'd try hotels.com or lastminute.com to see what you can find too. 👍
$70/night at Berkeley Inn 1 star rating, but it's in a safe enough area, and you'll only need the room for sleeping in between about midnight & 7am!! (Looks like they're 2 bed rooms, so $35 each if you split one!)
Can anyone else help out?
CAM and SRD, you guys should share that room Nick mentioned 💡 Don't worry we wouldn't 'officially' start without you guys :P

I'm figuring another handicap system out to account for that. :mischievous:
Something along the lines of "Those over 6' 4" tall are only allowed to use reverse gear." :sly:

Only kidding! :lol:

I, for one, am looking forward to another learning experience, where I try to hang onto his rear bumper for more than a lap before he buggers off into the distance! :D

OMG! How did I miss this post! I'm at work now and I almost spit out my soda (Cherry Coke) onto my monitor laughing so hard...as I flash back to the days of old when I first attended the first incarnation of SFGTP.

Thus, with that being said, let me say first off, don't worry about implementing any handicap system..not driving/playing for over a year is enough of a handicap to start off with....and with not playing during that time, I'm sure you've set some new lap times yourself, and playing on a pretty regular basis, so I think it will be ME holding onto YOUR bumper before being tossed to the hounds as scrap meat! :-)


PS: I'll reconsider attending both days once I get to that site SmallHorses provided just a few posts above about some cheap, 1-star hotel in a safe area...Hey Nick..is that hotel w/in walking distance by chance?
PPS: Wondering if that post I quoted was even directed to me...or if it was directed to someone else? Jump_Ace, didn't you come down for SFGTP2...and aren't you taller then 6"4'? :-)
/\ LOL yea its a good thing I'm 6'3" without any shoes on...whew! I'll start training for this sometime soon :ouch:

OH! Still needing to know if anyone's planning on brining a Laptop w/them or if there's a PC in the garage? Would love to get webcam footage...but if not, then I'll leave the webcam at home.


I plan on bringing my laptop w/me, :) Dunno who else will.
It was more directed at Jerome, who is not only exceptionally tall (I'm sure more than 6'4"!) but exceptionally quick too! :scared:

That hotel in Berkeley is about 1.5 miles away on San Pablo Ave.
Close enough that someone could feasibly come and collect you in the morning on Sat/Sun (if you and CAMikaze end up splitting the room.)

I'll have my laptop available, but it'll be used for results storage and track generation for the most part, as well as allowing us to remain connected to the world of GT Planet.

Rachel's laptop may be an option as she's probably out all day on Saturday, but I'm not sure if she'll let us load up software on it since it's a corporate one too. alrivers was able to bring his Macbook last time, and we did the webcamming from there, so if he can bring that again it'd be most cool :cool:, however, I've never used a Mac so I'm not sure about compatibility issues....

Only just over a week to go. Got time to clean up the garage a little, stock the fridge with beer, soda & snacks and make final touches to the race lineups.

A couple of reminders.....

Don't forget headphones!

Don't forget to come armed with a prize of some description. 👍

Remember to have a couple of race combos in mind for the Endurance qualifying heats.

(Alright, that's three, it's more than a couple, but this is "The Threesome", right?!!! :sly:)
Thanks for the info SmallHorses..

1.5 miles eah? I could feasibly walk that, but if we could get a 'taxi' (:D) to come pick us up, I guess I could leave my car in the parking lot until Sunday and then attempt to find parking close by so when all is said and done, I could easily load everything up w/out wasting time.

Once RSVP's have been made, I'll drop a line back in this thread.

As for enduro suggestions..I've been out of the loop for so long, I can't even begin to fathom what I would like to try....thus, I'll leave that up to the other 10+ participants to decide.


Actually, the enduro is fixed, it's going to be the Renault Clio Race Car at an as yet undisclosed location....:mischievous:

What we're after is a couple of qualifying races to get an idea of how the drivers rank. We'll run 2 combinations, (car/track/tyres) drawn at random from a selection of suggestions by all the participants, in time trial mode. Combining everyone's best time from 5 laps on combo 1 with their best from combo 2, we'll come up with a list of drivers from fastest to slowest (no sandbagging!!! :P) and the drivers will then be paired off in teams to run the 50 lap enduro, changing drivers at each pitstop! 💡

As far as parking goes, I'm going to try and snag 3 of the 4 guest spots around the complex here, and parking on Doyle St. is usually pretty easy on Saturday and Sunday mornings too. 👍
I don't have every car in the game (yet!) and refuse to allow B-spec to earn them for me. That said, I'm up to 600+ cars, and as yet the Lotus Motorsport Elise is still in the 108 cars remaining to be bought...
However, the gamesave I'll be using to create the day 1 & day 2 favourites lists for SFGTP3 will be a replica of my usual gamesave from a few days before the event, which'll have a garage of about 620 cars and around 14,000,000 credits, so buying something for a particular combo shouldn't be an issue. :D
The combos will be in Arcade/Time Trial mode too, so it won't be essential to have the car available on the 30 car favourites list that has to be used for LAN racing. 👍
Thus, anything goes! (Except Daihatsu Midget '63/Nurb' combos! :P)
I don't have every car in the game (yet!) and refuse to allow B-spec to earn them for me. That said, I'm up to 600+ cars, and as yet the Lotus Motorsport Elise is still in the 108 cars remaining to be bought...
However, the gamesave I'll be using to create the day 1 & day 2 favourites lists for SFGTP3 will be a replica of my usual gamesave from a few days before the event, which'll have a garage of about 620 cars and around 14,000,000 credits, so buying something for a particular combo shouldn't be an issue. :D
The combos will be in Arcade/Time Trial mode too, so it won't be essential to have the car available on the 30 car favourites list that has to be used for LAN racing. 👍
Thus, anything goes! (Except Daihatsu Midget '63/Nurb' combos! :P)

I have a full gameshark save, though I only use a few cars, if I'm able to go I'd be happy to lend my save in order to allow us to have lots of fun.
That's cool, I have all the cars we'll be needing for this meeting's events, and the means to buy anything that's not present for the purposes of qualifiers. :)

I like to pre-prepare a save, with the favourites list stocked for each day, so that we can quickly clone 5 more mem-cards and begin racing a.s.a.p!

Let me know as soon as you can if you'll be attending or not, so I can shoot you a PM with my contact details and address. 👍

T minus 9 days and counting....:scared:
I don't have every car in the game (yet!) and refuse to allow B-spec to earn them for me. That said, I'm up to 600+ cars, and as yet the Lotus Motorsport Elise is still in the 108 cars remaining to be bought...

How many of them are 4,500,000 LMP monsters!? :scared:


Don't worry, I'll try not to accidentaly install Ukrainian malware on it. :dopey:

T minus 9 days and counting....:scared:

[KeanuReeves] Whoa. [/KeanuReeves]
How many of them are 4,500,000 LMP monsters!? :scared:

Only 4, surprisingly! :mischievous:
2 x Pescarolos, The BMW V12 LMP and the way, way, way overvalued Panoz Esperante!
Have about 16,000,000Cr in the bank and the value of the 108 cars I've yet to collect is just over 47,000,000Cr. It'll take a while to earn, but I've yet to repeat the Nurb' 24hr for a full 200 A-spec points, which'll probably be done in a car costing 500,000Cr, and net me 1,200,000 prize money, plus another million for the prize car, so there's plenty of scope for doing it. Just not before next weekend! :scared:

Had my first experiences of GT5:P and online tonight over at cmpinberkeley's place! Pretty cool! He races as GTP_DarthDrift and I won my first online event (on his behalf) in a tuned Clio at High Speed Ring. Lots of fun. 👍 Experienced the punters at Suzuka too. :grumpy:
Sweet! A little trickier to get used to than GT4, but certainly more realistic!
Still going to finish GT4 properly (and join 100,000 A-spec club) before I think about GT5 though! :P
Apropos of nothing, ceiling_fan's current avatar is one I created for GT3Times...
Those 'punters' are why I'm not going to race online anymore until they get private rooms. Great game tho indeed! Can't wait for the threesome either Kyle-wait a minute.......lol.

SmallHorses: Still trying to figure out a way to keep my ECCI pedals from moving all over the place on your concrete floor..in the event that I can't "MacGyver" a solution together, I hope you can make room over against your garage wall? :-)

Thanks! :D

Been looking at the hotels.com recommendations at the link that Smallhorses gave me, and I've narrowed it down to the Berkeley Inn and the La Quinta Inn Berkeley. The latter is closer to the Berkley train station, so it might factor into where I plan on staying.

Anyone else here besides me still looking for a place to stay for SFGTP3 weekend? Respond in this thread or PM me ASAP for I would like to reserve my room soon.
I don't know if I can make it or not. I had an experience with my parents last night and I have decided that they're unreliable. Went to a party last night for one of my friends and almost got stuck in Santa Cruz for a night. They didn't want to answer their phones..
I'll see what I can do and see if my parents wish to be more reliable.